Simply Insane(=゚ω゚)ノ

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Oi, this is a preview of chapter 1 to my story Love is simply Insane. Now this is only half of chapter one. If you wanna continue reading it go to my profile and check it out!! It's Reituki.
Now in Science I had to make a story about a scientist taking over the world and his assistant trying to stop him. So I used Ruki and Akira. After I turned it in I rewrote it into a yaoi story.

Description-ReitaxRuki--Ruki's always had a rough life. The main problems are his research and his love life. But being left alone has began to eat at his mind; being abnormally smart isn't helping either. Ruki wants to take over Japan and destroy the people who've hurt him. But realizing he needs an assistant he finally posts an add. With that add his life change greatly.
Akira found the add. Seemed simple enough. Just to fetch things. But then he met the person who would become his boss. Akira gains feelings for he scientist and tries to pry his way into the older male's world. How far will he get? Will a certain man or certain group ruin Akira's attempt at being in a relationship with the slowly maddening man?

Chapter One

Ruki pushed his glasses into place and continued to walk around his small lab. He stared into the vile of liquid. It was slightly bubbling and small amounts of steam were seeping up into the air. The acid was slowly eating away at the vile. The glass was becoming weaker by the minute. It would soon be eating through ghee table if the doesn't pour it into a new vile. He grabbed an empty wile and poured the liquid into it. He added a few drops of water so the acids wasn't quite as strong.
The laboratory had been abandoned until he and the other scientists bought it and set up the lab. After the first year, the others abandoned Ruki to finish his research alone. The others called him crazy so they left. He had the lab to himself now. Ruki had spent the past few months mixing acids together until he got this very one in the glass. It was so strong it could melt glass, given the time. He had proven that glass wasn't as acid-resistant as other scientists had thought. He had proven that new acids could be created.
Ruki could no longer remember what specific acids he had used. His notebook with all his notes and research had been destroyed. The acid had dripped on the notebook, destroying it along with all the work within. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't remember all the acids anymore. He glanced at the vile, the acid wasn't bubbling as much thanks to the small amount of water. He would have to find something better to keep the acid in. When he's able to control it, only then would he be able to go with his plan.
Ruki sighed and went to his desk. He sat in his chair and leaned back, watching the vile on the other side of the room. Maybe a thicker vile would work. Ruki thought about all the possible containers. He couldn't tell which would or wouldn't work. Ruki began to search through the papers on his desk, reading each note. What were the acids that made this one so powerful? Could he use this in his plan. His plan, it was to take over Tokyo. The. He would eventually be able to take over Earth. But, he needed to find out the correct formula.
Ruki stood and walked to the large window, looking out over the city of Tokyo. He smiled, just thinking of how he could take over the brightly lite city. Using the different acids his lab provided he could easily overtake any obstacle. The stars in the sky shine bright, the large moon high in the sky.
Ruki ran a hand through his bleached blonde hair and sighed. He needed an assistant. Someone who wouldn't ask many questions. Someone who would just do as told. He knew he was asking for a lot but he couldn't help it. He knew his plan wouldn't work with just himself. But, who on earth would just obediently take his orders.
Ruki walked back to his desk and sat down. He went through his address book. No one he knew would be on his side at this point. After all, everyone called him an evil genius or just plain crazy. He couldn't help if his reasoning didn't spark their interest. He couldn't help it that he was horrifically smart. He slammed to address book closed and turned on his laptop. He created a sign that said 'Help Wanted. Science Assistant.' He printed the sign and put his work number at the bottom.
Ruki stood and grabbed his coat, pulling it on. He went down the stairs and went to the main exit. He locked the door behind him and walked the short distance to Main Street. Ruki tapped the sign on a window to a café that got quite a lot of business. He made sure the sign was secure then entered the café.
Akira watched the blonde across the street, tapping a paper to the café window. Once the blonde went inside had jogged across the street. He grabbed the paper and read it over. "Science assistant?" Akira mumbled under his breath and entered the café, searching for the shorter male. Once he found the blonde standing in line he walked towards him and tapped on his shoulder.
The aroma of chemicals and coconut wafted through the air. 'Yeah, this guy is definitely a mad scientist.' Akira thought to himself. "Well, what do you want?" The blonde snapped his fingers, interrupting Akira's train of thought. He handed the blonde the paper. "I'll take the job...if it's ok." Akira said and the blonde shrugged his shoulder.
"My name is Ruki. Now, if you take this job you will be dealing with various acids, deadly and non-deadly. You can't ask to many stupid questions either. Just do as I say and you have the job." Ruki said and Akira nodded. "Alright. I'll try."
"Great I will see you at 6am tomorrow morning. The old laboratory down the road from here." Ruki replied and Akira finally realized who this scientist was. The crazy hermit that hid away all day of everyday, trying to create new acids. The one who was abandoned because he surely was crazy. The blonde turned around, facing the counter and ordering his coffee the exiting the shop. Akira was just given the job, he couldn't back out now. He wasn't even sure if he would be paid, but he didn't care about that anymore. He just needed to find a way to end this partnership.
When it was time to meet up at the laboratory Akira was nervous. He had no clue how the day was going to go through. He didn't know if there would be an accident or if Ruki will have one of his famous meltdowns the other scientists talked about in interviews. Ruki was said the be impatient and would just throw the acids or flip the tables if he ever got angry. Thinking about that made Akira terrified to go, but he had said he'd be there, so there's still no going back.
Akira entered the lab to find Ruki mixing acids together. "Your three minutes late, Akira." The blonde scientist called out and set the chemicals down. "What are you doing? Isn't that dangerous?" Akira asked as a lab coat and goggles was thrown at him.
"Safety, Akira. Remember your safety. But, the acids, yes it's dangerous, but research does not come to you by playing with it like a child." Ruki replied and walked towards his acids that was yet again, eating away at its glass container. He poured a little more water into he container and poured it into a glass beaker. He set the beaker down and turned to look at Akira. "Go down the hall to the first door on the right. There will be a library. There's a large blue book, it's very big, very heavy. Can you fetch it?" Ruki asked and Akira nodded.
Akira walked out of the room and slowly walked down the hallway. The floors creaked and he could hear various noises. The air unit blowing air, the sound of mice racing through the walls along with the creaking of the floor and ceiling. Akira didn't know how Ruki managed to keep the mice from the acids, but he did. He looked at the wall, noticing a small, nearly faded sign with the word library.
The door creaked as it opened. Akira walked into the room and felt for a light switch. He pressed a button and the lights began to come on. The book was sitting on a dusty table, opened. He walked towards it and looked at the page. It was about acids. Different kinds and how they possibly react with others. He noticed a slip of paper and grabbed it. He unfolded it, careful not to tear it. He read over the neat handwriting and realized the scheme behind Ruki's research.
Akira was shocked that someone could ever have plans like this. He always thought no one but a cartoon would ever try to take over the world. But, he saw that he was clearly wrong. Akira folded the paper up and put it back in its place. He took the book and to Ruki and kept quiet, just following the little instructions Ruki gave ever so often.
Akira could feel a strange feeling deep within his stomach. It was gnawing at him. He couldn't tell if he was beginning to like the mad scientist or if a feeling of hate was arising. It was all to confusing, considering Akira had never actually fallen in love with someone. The feeling was new...and scary. Akira wasn't sure of anything anymore. Getting a new job as soon as he saw the sign? That was ridiculous! When he read the job description he should have known it was to help a mad man. But how could he refuse? Ruki was just Maybe it was the scent of the chemicals messing with his head. Or maybe, he was just interested in the midget.
"Akira, are you listening?" Ruki was snapping his fingers in front of Akira's face, trying to get his attention. "Oh, uh...sorry, Ruki. Daydreaming." Akira shrugged and Ruki sighed. "Your so brain dead. Are the chemicals affecting you?" Ruki asked and headed towards his desk, opening a drawer and searching through it. "Do you need to take any form of medicine?"
"No. I was just thinking about...never mind." Akira stopped himself. He had almost confessed feelings he was unsure of. It had caught Ruki's full attention too. The older male was staring now, studying Akira intensely, searching for any form of explanation on Akira's face. "What were you thinking about?" Ruki had closed the drawer and was standing up straight now, he seemed slightly taller, his arms crossed over his chest and he was becoming more intimidating by the second.
Akira looked over Ruki, examining his petite body. He could easily dominate the midget. Having the midget under his control would be interesting. Akira mentally bitchslapped himself. He barely knew Ruki, how could he already be thinking about something like that. "Akira?" Ruki called his name, very demanding in its serious tone. "Tell me what you were thinking."
"Really, it was nothing. Just eh...what your plan is." Akira lied, but Ruki didn't believe him. Ruki placed his hands against his waist and glared at Akira. "What were you really thinking?" Ruki demanded the answer. He was beginning to lose his patience. "Why do you want to know?" Akira demanded and Ruki scoffed. "You were staring at me." Ruki seemed slightly vulnerable at this point, seeming to be questioning his own securities. Akira couldn't understand what was bothering the scientist. Yeah, Ruki had the looks and the brains. What would ever make him so insecure about himself. Was his deteriorating sanity the thing causing the self doubt?

Authors Note
I hope you enjoyed the little preview. Also THIS is the 60th thing I have written in the little book. Isn't that nice. 60 oneshots or previews. Heh heh. I'm so happy :3

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