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A week into the X-factor they were in love. It was new and exciting and fragile. They didn't tell anyone at first but their bandmates caught up in week two. Niall was the one who asked.
"So are you guys like a thing?"

Louis looked at Harry and smiled.
"We're definitely a thing."

Harry blushed and smiled his dimpled smile.
"Yeah, definitely. I hope you're okay with that?" He looked around at the boys, a little worried about their reaction. Louis took his hand.

Zayn shrugged his shoulders.
"Fine by me."

Niall jumped up and down on the sofa.

Liam was the one who had concerns.
"I don't have a problem with it as long as it doesn't affect the band. I mean, if you break up..."

"We're not gonna break up, Payno!" Louis huffed.

"Harry, you're sixteen." Liam pointed out, sounding way older than he actually was.

"So? That doesn't mean that I can't be in a long-term relationship. I'm not a child Liam!" Harry protested.

"I didn't say that you are. Just..." Liam tried to defend himself but Louis cut him off.

"Back off!"

They kept their relationship to themselves during the X-factor. As much as two teenagers in love could. They told their family and friends and they were supportive.

After a third place in the competition, they were offered a record deal with Simon. Before they signed it he asked to talk to them alone. They took a seat and Simon looked at them.
"I need to ask you something without you getting offended."

Harry and Louis gulped nervously.

"First of all I want to make it perfectly clear that I don't have a problem with it if that would be the case, we just have to do some planning. Are you boys in a relationship with each other?" Simon asked and looked between them.

"Yes." Harry and Louis admitted at the same time.

"Alright. How would you like to handle it? Do you want to make it public right away?" Simon asked.

"I don't think we're quite ready for that yet." Louis answered and looked at Harry for confirmation. He agreed.

"Okay. Let me know when you are and in the meantime, I'll talk to your management about how to ease your fans into the idea of you two as a couple." Simon said.

"That went so much better than I could ever have imagined." Harry said as soon as they left the office.

"Yeah. I thought he would be against it and force us to stay in the closet." Louis said, sounding relieved.

They signed as a band and recorded their first album and then they went on tour. A year later Harry and Louis were ready to come out. They informed their management and discussed the best way of doing it. They went with a cute announcement on One Direction's official homepage. Harry and Louis both tweeted about their relationship and they shot a short video of them coming out. The response was overwhelmingly positive. Their team worked hard to remove any hate comments they received.

It didn't take long until they were everyone's favorite celebrity couple. As a band, they became famous overnight and it was hard enough to try and deal with that. As a couple, that put even more pressure on them. Every paper wanted an interview. Every radio and tv station as well. They were too young to handle it and they broke up a year later. They didn't announce it and they managed to find their way back to each other.

When they got married their whole wedding was broadcast all over the world live. Millions of viewers watched them say yes to each other.

They got to go on a short and private honeymoon after that, just sharing a few photos with the fans online.

They all worked nonstop and decided to go on a hiatus after five years together as a band. They needed a break desperately.

A network contacted Harry and Louis and asked if they would be interested to do a reality show.
"Why? Who would be interested in watching us bicker over laundry?" Louis questioned.

"I think it could be kind of fun and be honest Lou, it would help our solo careers. Maybe reach out to a broader audience." Harry said.

Louis agreed but they decided that one episode every month would be enough.

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