Episode 1

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"Hi, guys! We're the Tomlinson's. I'm Harry." Harry said and waved to the camera.

"And I'm Louis, and this is our home." Louis said and waved an arm around aimlessly. Harry giggled.

"Welcome to our show. I don't know if it will be that interesting but we'll give it a try. So, pumpkin, what have we been up to since the hiatus?" Harry asked and turned to his husband with a bright smile.

"Well, personally I've just been chilling in my underwear, watching crap tv, but you've been busy, haven't you darling?" Louis chuckled.

"Well, I've done my fair share of slacking on the couch." Harry chuckled.

"In his nude, I may add." Louis grinned and Harry gasped and shoved him playfully.

"Well, fine but I guess I have to stop that now. Anyway, I have also started my own recording label, Erskins records, something I'm very excited about. I also signed with Colombia records as a solo artist and found a new management." Harry smiled excitedly and ruffled his long hair.

"He's making an album!" Louis shouted excitedly.

"I haven't even started yet." Harry said with a fond look at his husband.

"But you will. We're heading to Jamaica in two days. Harry is gonna write his album and I guess you'll be stuck with me." Louis grinned.

"I'll make time for you and potential viewers as well. Alright, it's date night and Louis here is apparently surprising me so I have to get out of the house. I'm going for a run." Harry smiled and kissed Louis before he got up and disappeared out of view.

Louis waited until Harry had left the house before he turned to the camera.
"Alright, today I have planned something special since I want to celebrate Harry getting signed. I'm so fucking proud of him, you have no idea."

He got up and the cameraman followed him to the kitchen. Louis just stood there looking confused for a second before he headed to the fridge.
"I know you little fuckers like to make fun of me and me lack of cooking skills and I'll take it. I'll take it. It's absolutely true, you know what I mean?" He giggled cheerfully.

He opened the fridge and took a look inside before he grabbed what he needed. He put it on the kitchen counter before he looked up at the camera again.
"I don't spend a lot of time here. This is Harry's domain. Fortunately, he loves to cook and he's really spoiling me guys, I'll tell you that. So tonight I'm bringing back an old classic. Say it with me! Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with some homemade mash. I bet you did the hand motions too? The boys loved to tease me back in the day."

He scratched the back of his head and then he went to find the cookbook.
"It's been a while since I made this. Let's see. Alright, alright. It's coming back to me. Relax, I know what I'm doing. Sort of."

He was mostly talking to himself. The cameraman filmed him as he put the oven on and started to peel potatoes, having trouble working the peeler.

While Louis struggled in the kitchen a second cameraman struggled to keep up with Harry who was out for a brisk jog. The camera was shaking terribly and Harry had trouble keeping a straight face.
"So Louis has been quite secretive in the last couple of days so I know that he's planning something special. We've been together long enough that I know when something is up. He has the worst poker face. I'm excited! Louis is very romantic and has been from the start. He always takes such good care of me. I'm a lucky man."

The cameraman gave up and filmed Harry running away from him. Thirty minutes later Harry returned to the house and went upstairs to take a shower. Louis was swearing in the kitchen. Harry giggled and rolled his eyes at the camera before he closed the bedroom door for some privacy.

The cameraman filming Louis in the kitchen had his hands full.
"Honestly, I don't remember it looking like this but it's the thought that counts, right? For you who don't know, back in the day when we were at the X-factor I cooked Harry this meal to impress him. He did a good job pretending to be at least." Louis chuckled while he tried to mash the potatoes.

He checked on the chicken in the oven before he started to set the table in their dining room. He lit a lot of candles and took a sweeping look at the result.
"It looks alright, yeah?"

Harry cleared his voice behind him.
"Can I join you?"

Louis turned around. The cameraman zoomed in on his face. Louis gave his husband a once over.
"You look great!"

Harry popped his dimples and walked over to him and pulled him in for a hug.
"Thanks, so do you."

"Take a seat. I'm just gonna change into something more suitable. You're all dressed up and fancy. Give me a sec." Louis smiled and rushed out of the room.

Harry looked around in the dining room.
"Cozy. He's really made an effort."

He took a seat and Louis returned and walked over to their wine collection.
"Red or white?"

"Since you've done the cooking you choose." Harry replied.

Louis grabbed a bottle of Chāteau Cheval Blanc from 2010, a 1000-pound bottle. Harry raised an eyebrow.
"We're celebrating!" Louis explained and opened it.

"We are? What are we celebrating?" Harry wondered, seemingly confused.

"You." Louis smiled and poured them some wine. He handed Harry a glass and clinked them together.
"For my amazing husband that I'm endlessly proud of. You're gonna write a killer album and go on tour and I will be right by your side bawling my eyes out from how proud and happy I'm gonna be. I love you babycakes."

"Stop. You're gonna make me cry. I love you too sweet cheeks and I'm proud of you too!" Harry smiled with glossy eyes.

They took a sip of the wine before Louis disappeared into the kitchen. He returned with two plates and grinned.
"Chicken stuffed with mozzarella wrapped in parma ham with homemade mash."

Harry had done the hand movements without even thinking about it.

They ate and talked and when the dinner was over Louis turned to the camera.
"The rest of the night is gonna be adult-rated. We'll see you next time."

"Louis!" Harry giggled.

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