Episode 22

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"Hi! So, I've been home in Donny for a couple of weeks. Hanging out with friends and family. Just relaxing, you know what I mean? It has been really great. Just what I needed. I miss me better half though. I haven't seen Harry in over two weeks and call me an old sap but I miss me boy. He's flying home from Japan and we're gonna make up for our time apart by spending ten days together. He has a break from touring. I'm actually on me way to pick him up from the airport. Madly excited. Look, I even bought him some flowers." Louis said and pointed at the bouquet on the passenger seat.

He parked the car, grabbed the flowers, and headed inside Heathrow airport, looking for Harry. A wide, happy grin spread over his face when he spotted his husband. Harry saw him. He dropped his bags and came running up to him, jumping up and wrapped his legs around his waist. Louis stumbled, dropped the flowers, but caught him. Harry smashed their lips together and kissed him.

People gathered around them and as they broke free Harry glanced over Louis' shoulder and burst out in a fit of giggles.

"Hi! I'm happy to see you too but be honest, you just wanted to reenact your favorite scene in Love actually." Louis chuckled in amusement as he put his husband down.

"Maybe." Harry grinned. He looked very pleased with himself.

Louis picked up the bouquet of flowers and handed them over.
"Thanks, Lou!" Harry beamed.

Louis helped him carry his luggage and they headed toward the car. They got seated and Louis waited to turn on the engine.
"I missed you like crazy. I wanna know everything about the last shows."

"I missed you too. It's not the same without you there." Harry sighed and ruffled his hair. The cameras the team had installed in the car caught their interaction.

Louis turned on the engine and backed out of the parking lot.
"Yeah, but we have to learn how to be apart from each other from time to time even if we don't really want to."

"I know." Harry sighed. He stayed quiet for a moment before he mumbled "It's not the same as it was."

Louis glanced at him.
"What do you mean by that?"

"Just, things have changed so much. It was easier when we were in the band." Harry tried to explain.

Louis looked worried.

Harry looked over at his husband and saw the look on his face.
"No, Louis. I still love you just the same. That won't change. It's the fact that we have to spend time away from each other now. We didn't have to deal with that when we were in the band."

"Don't fucking scare me like that. I almost had a heart attack!" Louis whined and put a hand on his chest before he reached for Harry's hand instead.

"I'm sorry." Harry pouted.

"It's alright. We're gonna be fine, H. I just know it." Louis smiled.

They arrived at their house and Harry hurried to get out of the car.
"Finally! It's so good to be home!"

Louis helped him carry his bags and dropped them as soon as he entered the house.
"Netflix and chill?" He suggested.

"Absolutely. Just give me ten minutes. I need a shower." Harry said.

While Harry disappeared upstairs Louis went to the kitchen to make them some tea.
"I'm so happy that Harry is back home. This house is just a house without him. It might sound silly but remember that we were constantly on tour for five years. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying that from the age of 16 and 18 we lived in hotel rooms and busses so home for me isn't a house, it's a person. Harry, if you haven't figured that out, and I know he sees it like that as well, me being his home."

Harry walked up behind him and wrapped his arms around him, kissing his neck.
"You are my home."

"You heard that, huh?" Louis chuckled, slightly embarrassed to get caught while he was having a deep moment.

"Sorry for eavesdropping." Harry replied.

"It's alright, love." Louis assured him.

He poured hot water into the cups and they carried them to the living room and agreed on a film. Five minutes later they were making out and the camera crew fled the scene, leaving them to it.

They emerged two days later and took a trip to Holmes Chapel to see Harry's family. His mother and sister were excited to see them. The cameraman that went with them captured the moment perfectly. Harry and his sister Gemma were teasing each other. His mother Anne was worried about how tired he looked. They sat down in the kitchen and their focus fell on Louis.
"And how about you sweetie, how have you been?" Anne asked while she served them tea.

"I'm fine Anne. Spent some time in Donny. Me mum sends her love." Louis smiled.

"It has been too long since we saw each other. I'm gonna give her a call later and see if she wants to meet up. Maybe a spa day?" Anne said.

"That would be great! She could really need that. My treat." Louis beamed.

"You don't have to pay for it, Louis." Anne laughed.

"But I want to. Me mum has her hands full with all the kids. She needs to relax a little. Let me spoil her. Both of you." Louis said and drank his coffee.

"Okay." Anne agreed, knowing how much it meant to him.

"Should we send them to Switzerland? There are some great spa resorts there. Or Japan?" Harry suggested excitedly.

"Woah! Stop that thought immediately. We're going to the spa in Doncaster. End of discussion. Japan? I swear to God Harry..." Anne protested.

Harry just smiled at her, showing off his dimples. They stayed the night and headed back to London the day after, leaving the film crew out of their personal life. They wanted to spend some quality time alone before Harry had to continue his tour.

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