Episode 6

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"Louis! What the hell have you done to my pot?"

"Sorry! I'll buy you a new one! I tried to make popcorn." Louis shouted back from the living room.

Harry emerged from the kitchen with a pot in his hand and waved it in the air.
"It's ruined! That's why I buy you microwave popcorn!"

"Well, it tastes better made in a pot." Louis replied.

Harry turned the pot towards the camera. It was black inside.
"Yeah? Did you enjoy your popcorn?"

"Obviously I didn't eat them." Louis muttered.

"Let's make a deal. I will buy you a freaking store full of cheap pots and pans you can destroy and stay away from my very expensive handpicked ones?" Harry said.

"It's just a fucking pot, Harry. Geez, lighten up, will you? I can't believe you're pissed off over a god damn pot!" Louis argued.

"Stop ruining them!" Harry growled.

Louis rolled his eyes at him and grabbed his phone.
"What's the brand?"

"Amoretti brothers." Harry informed him.

Louis googled it and gasped.
"2000 pounds? That's crazy!"

"It's a set of four." Harry replied and put a hand on his hip.

"It's a fucking pot! Is it made of gold? Why the hell would you even buy pans for 2000 pounds?" Louis questioned.

"Says the guy who bought the leg braces from Forrest Gump." Harry snorted.

Louis looked offended.
"Those are cool! They're from the actual movie!"

"Well, my pots are cool too! You don't see me breaking your braces, do you?" Harry replied fiercely.

Louis stared at him angrily. Then he looked down at his phone and typed. He shoved the phone in Harry's face.
"There! I ordered you new fucking pots. Happy?"

Harry took a deep breath and relaxed.
"I'm sorry, Lou. This is a stupid fight."

"Yeah, well, I'm sorry too for destroying your precious pot." Louis muttered.

Harry put the pot on the coffee table and climbed into Louis' lap and hugged him. Louis wrapped his arms around him. After a while, he burst out in a fit of giggles.
"We really had a fight over kitchen wear in front of the camera."

Harry started to laugh and pulled away. He pressed their lips together, still laughing.
"We sure did. Let's get out of here. We've been locked inside this house for days."

"Yeah, yeah. Alright. Where are we going?" Louis asked.

"I didn't know. Let's do something fun. I love you." Harry replied.

"I love you too and your obsession over your pots and pans." Louis chuckled and gave him one last kiss before he stood up, taking Harry with him. He carried him to the hallway before he let him down so they could put their shoes and coats on.

"So what are we gonna do?" Harry wondered as they stepped outside and locked the door behind them.

"I have an idea but then we have to call a cab and probably some security." Louis smiled.

"Just call security then. They can drive us." Harry smiled and then he added, "what are we doing?"

"It's a surprise." Louis smiled as he picked up his phone and called their security team that was always on standby.

"What? I don't even know if I'm correctly dressed." Harry protested.

"Please, you look like you just stepped out of a fashion magazine. You look lovely. Don't worry." Louis calmed him.

They had to wait for ten minutes before they were picked up. Louis took the driver aside and quietly told him where they were going before they got in the back of the car. Harry was almost jumping up and down on his seat from excitement. He stared out the window and tried to figure out where they were going. His eyes grew wide when the Themes came in view and they stopped next to the Embankment Pier.
"We're going on a boat?" He asked and turned to face Louis.

"Yeah, a dinner cruise at the Thames. Sounds alright?" Louis asked.

"It sounds amazing, Lou." Harry beamed.

They got out of the car and Louis bought them tickets, making sure that their bodyguards and the cameraman would get something to eat as well. He went for the platinum packages. They boarded the cruise ship and were welcomed with apéritifs. They toasted and tried the drinks.
"Lovely." Harry smiled.

As the sun set the boat took off and headed down the river. They were shown to their seats, sitting by themselves at one table while their bodyguards and cameraman sat close by. A jazz band took the stage and Harry showed off his dimples smiling.
They opened their menus and had a look.
"A five-course dinner? I'm gonna roll out of here." Harry chuckled.

"Don't worry sweetie, I'll push you. I just use my football skills." Louis smirked.

"Oh, so you're gonna kick me? You're so helpful." Harry laughed, eyes glittering with humor.

"Well, you know me. I'm a pretty helpful guy." Louis shrugged teasingly.

Harry turned to the camera.
"He's a menace, I tell you that."

Louis burst out in a loud cackle, making people turn around to look at them.
"Anyhow, what do you want for starters? I have no idea what amuse-bouche is, but apparently, we're getting that first." He looked up as a waiter approached them with a tray in hand. "Oh hi. So that's the amuse-bouche?"

"Yes." The waiter confirmed and put a small plate in front of them.

Louis looked down at a spoon filled with some caviar and stuff.
"Alright then. Thank you."

Harry tried to suppress a giggle.
"Thank you. We'll need some time to look through the menu if that's okay?"

"Of course." The waiter said and walked away.

Louis was still staring at the dish in front of him. He looked skeptical.
"Caviar isn't really my thing."

"Just try it." Harry smiled and picked up his spoon and ate the small portion at once without as much as a blink.

Louis tasted half of it and grimaced. He emptied his glass of water.
"Still disgusting." He stated.

Harry laughed. The waiter returned and took their orders. Harry chose the Beetroot cured salmon andceleriac remoulade for starters while Louis who wasn't much for fish took the Jerusalem artichoke velouté, truffle oil, and crispy sage instead. They chose a bottle of champagne to go with both their dishes. As for the main course, Harry picked the Seabass fillet, dill, and radish beurre blanc with new potatoes, making it a seafood theme altogether. Louis went for the Braised lamb shank, gratin dauphinois, maple glazed parsnip, and red wine jus. They ordered both red and white wine for that. They chose different desserts as well, Toffee pudding with caramel sauce and Rhubarb crumble with vanilla custard. The five-meal course also offered a cheese board at the end.

They ate, drank and listened to the skilled musicians while they slowly cruised the Thames, having a great evening in each other's company.

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