Girl meets junior year

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It's the first day of junior year and Riley couldn't be more excited. She got ready for school and as she waited for Maya to come, a realisation dawned upon her. Her dad wasn't going to teach them anymore.
"Dad, why can't you just teach us anymore?"
"Because Riley that's not how the world works. I can't be your teacher forever. And we've covered almost everything honey and if you need me you know I'll always be there. And besides what fun it will be teaching your class when farkle won't be asking about Belgium 1831! "

Riley giggled. He was right. Since middle school all farkle asked about was Belgium 1831 and they finally learned about that last year. 'Maybe it's for the best that I learn to grow alone now' Riley thought.
*The bell rings*
"It's Maya"
"C'mon up"
"Coming right away!"
As soon as Riley and Maya saw each other they instantly knew how excited they were. " WE'RE IN JUNIOR YEAR!!!!!" They shouted so loud that the whole building could hear them.
"Girls let's go you don't wanna be late on your first day and I'm dropping you guys off" Cory and Topanga said.

*At School*
Riley and Maya had the biggest smiles on their faces since the day they learned that Riley won't be leaving. Everything has been great since then. Except for one thing. Josh had a girlfriend and Riley knew about it but she couldn't ruin their first day of junior year and Josh told her that he would tell Maya himself because she deserves to hear it from him. And so Riley kept quiet.

Lucas, Riley, Farkle, Maya and Zay met in the hallway and discussed about their classes.
Maya's face dropped.
"Hey peaches what's the matter ?" Riley asked.
"Riley we're together only in two of our classes, how are we going to survive junior year"!! Maya exclaimed.
The whole gang had history and English together whereas Lucas and Riley had no other classes together. They both didn't like it but it wasn't as devastating as Maya and Riley not being together in every class. Everyone could feel their disappointment. Maya and Lucas , Farkle and Riley had chemistry together. Zay was somehow feeling alone because of this.
"Hey Zay you know it's ok, it doesn't matter we'll always hang out in sports you know!" Lucas told him.
"Yeah ! And besides it'll be finally nice to see not all the girls gawking at you in the class " Zay joked.
*History class*
Somehow just like middle school Riley and Maya sat beside each other, Lucas sat behind Maya and Zay behind Lucas. Farkle behind Riley.
"Hey where's Smakle?" Riley asked.
"She's skipping today", Farkle told nervously.
Riley wanted to know more but the teacher arrived.
The whole day went by and the gang finally met at Topanga's.
"So how was your day guys?" Riley asked.
"Well Lucas didn't let me help in chemistry lab so I guess your women revolution of last year was wasted" Maya exclaimed.
"Hey wait that's not fair! You wanted to smog the whole lab and why would I let you do that!!" Lucas defended himself.
"Ok fine! But I had watched that in a movie and wanted to try it!"
"I thought you finally wanted good grades!" Farkle said.
" lYeah but what's the harm in having a little fun in the way!"
"Hey Farkle where's Smakle ?" Zay asked.
"Guys she told me not to say anything but she's moving to another country and I don't know how to deal with it. It's not like I can stop her but I don't know what it means for both of us."
Everyone was shocked.
"Smackle's home right now" Riley commanded.
They went to smackle's home and she told them how her dad had to transfer for his job and that she'll have to complete her last two years of school there.
"We'll miss you Smakle !" Everyone said.
She finally said that she'll miss all of them and Farkle the most and hugged them. The others left both of them alone for sometime. It was know obvious that they had to break up.

*Riley's house*

The gang arrived at Riley's house and saw Shawn standing there waiting for them.
"So how was the first day of junior year!!!?" He asked.
Everyone looked sad.
"Ooh this can't be good" Topanga said.
Riley told them about today and Shawn went to Farkle to talk to him.
Cory just looked at Maya with a 'he knows how farkle feels let them talk' look.

"Maya told me how you faced something similar years back"
Farkle said before Shawn could say anything.
"Yeah I did."
"So how did you deal with it."
"Well I was upset at first but I understood. Hey buddy don't worry it'll get eaiser and if you're as lucky as me you'll find someone great like Katy someday and it'll be worth everything."
"No problem minkus." He winked.
So their first day of Junior High was a big reality check. Things always change. Life happens at every step ahead and now they all knew this.

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