Girl meets broken friendship

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*Riley's POV*
We came back from Texas yesterday and Lucas hasn't said anything till now. And neither has Maya.
Zay, Farkle and I are at Topanga's discussing them.
"Hey guys what happened back there. I got a message from Lucas saying you guys are coming back early so I didn't even get a chance to come there." Farkle is concerned and I wish I had an answer.
"I don't know Farkle. Two of my best friends won't even talk to me about this I don't know what to do."
"Riley if you don't know I don't think both of us should even try to guess" Zay said.
I can't take it anymore. I have to go to Maya's house.
"Maya open up. I'm coming."
"Riley please!!"
"No Maya we have to talk."
She knows I won't give up so she opens up the door.I go to her room.
"Maya what happened? Lucas isn't talking to anybody and neither are you?"
"Lucas kissed me."
Yayyyy they finally accepted their feelings.
"Then why are you guys sad?"
"Because I told him to never do that again. And that he and I are done."
"Wait so you don't wanna be friends with him anymore?"
"I'm sorry Riley but no."
"Maya what happened to you. You aren't like this. How can you say that?"
"Riley don't be mad but I have to tell you something. I'm leaving school."
"What!????? No maya why?!"
"Because I wanna learn art. And not just as an extra lecture but seriously and honestly I can't be around Lucas. I'm sorry but I did keep another secret from you."
My world is shattered.
"So you're not friends with me anymore?"
"What? Riley how can you say that. We'll always stay friends just not in the same school. And it's just one year of school now."
I am crying now. Maya gives me a hug but I don't stop.
"What's the other secret?"
"How do you know there's another secret ?"
"Because I know."
"Fine. When I told Lucas to go to you, it broke my heart. But I knew it'll make you happy. I've always made fun of him because if I didn't I wouldn't know how to be around him because you liked him so much. Anyway I slowly accepted it and thought maybe josh and I would actually end up together so it was okay. But now when josh is gone and you two broke up he likes me again?! I don't wanna run in circles Riley. I don't think I can grow anymore around all this."
I'm just shocked and no words come out of my mouth.

"Peaches don't go." That's all that came out of my mouth.

" Riley don't worry we'll always be the same. Look at your dad and Shawn. They're not always together but are still best friends. We'll be the same nothing is ever gonna change that."

She's crying too now. We both sit and cry next to each other.
"Riley don't tell anyone until I'm gone. I'll come and meet you guys once I'm settled in my new art school."
"Why not?"
"Because I know everyone will try and stop me. Riley please do this for me. Ring power?"
Oh no. She didn't. Whyy maya why!
"Ok. I won't."

*Maya's POV*
It breaks my heart to leave my friends but I have to do this. I can't see Lucas' face. I know I've hurt him and I can't see him like that.
But most of all I hate that I'm leaving Riley. I'll make sure I meet her everyday. The school is different but we can still spend time together.
Unless... Unless she replaces me. No no she won't. What am I thinking? I start my preparation for art school.
Shawn comes in my room and sees me crying.
"Are you sure you wanna do this?"
"Yes. No backing out. It'll be fine. I'm gonna learn art and Lucas will move on hopefully."
"Ok Maya just make sure you don't lose your friends. I know I left this city but I regretted not being with Cory and Topanga every single day."
"I know dad. I'll make sure my friendship remains the same."
"What about Lucas?"
"I don't know maybe with time we'll learn to be friends like before."
"Honestly honey I have to give him credit. He did a lot to make you feel special. And I've never seen someone do that just to be with someone."
"Dad please I can't hear this now."
"Ok I understand."

*One week later.*
*Lucas' POV*

I can't believe I haven't talked to anybody since a week. I've skipped school and I've only talked to Zay and that too just for informing that I won't come the whole week. I couldn't ask him about Maya so I don't know she's doing. How could she say that?! I'm trying not to be Texas Lucas but it's so hard.
I can't believe Maya could affect me this way. I guess she has always been around in every thick and thin that I forget her value and how much happiness she brings to the group.
I always thought it was Riley who kept the group together but it was both Riley and Maya.
Today I can't skip school. I'll have to face Maya. I need to talk to her and understand why she said all those things.

*At school*
I see the whole gang except Maya. Wait is she skipping school like me. Is she hurt too? What happened I don't understand.
"Where's Maya?" I ask and everyone is quiet.
"I asked you guys something! Where is she I have to talk to her."
"Lucas calm down I'll tell you everything but we need to get to our classes and you've skipped the whole week so you need to study."
The classes went by and I couldn't bear it by lunch so I finally asked," Riley please tell me where is Maya and why is she skipping school?"
Everyone is looking silently and kind of weird.
"Lucas she didn't skip school, she's there right now."
I'm so confused.
"She left the school to go to an arts school. Probably to get an arts scholarship for a good college."
"What the hell?! And nobody cared to inform me! Zay what is wrong with you !!!!"
"I'm sorry Lucas she didn't tell us either. She only told Riley and then came to meet us at Topanga's after she transferred so nobody could stop her."
"Well I would have if somebody told me!"
Shit. What is happening! I have to meet her at any cost.

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