Girl meets Chemistry

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Lucas was back. But he looked different. Almost confused about something. But no one noticed. Except Maya.
"Hey huckleberry you're back. What happened did you fell off Judy the sheep again in Texas."
"Hey it was a one time thing ok and no it's Pappy Joe."
"What?! Is he okay?"
"Yes it's not that, it's just something he said to me."
"Well what did he say?"
Before Lucas could answer Riley walked towards them. "Hey Riley how're you?"
"I'm good how's Pappy Joe?"
"He's much better."
Suddenly the bell rings. They have chemistry class.
*Lucas flashback*
"Hey Pappy Joe! Heard you weren't taking your meds on time ? Being rebellious now are you?"
" Haha no my boy just forgot to get some doses but I'll be fine. So tell me how're your friends?"
"They're great! They told me to tell you get well soon."
"That's sweet. What about the girl?"
"Which girl?"
"The one who got hyped about you riding tombstone."
Lucas was confused.
"She's fine why do you ask?"
"Well last time it seemed like you two had a thing."
"Oh no we're good friends I'm actually dating Riley"
"Oh the pretty brunette!"
"Well that's nice."
"Wait Pappy Joe did that thing was so obvious back then?"
"Very much. I've never seen someone get so worried about you. In fact it reminded me of your grandmother."
"Yes, she always let me do my thing and she knew I was tough but everytime I did something dangerous she used to get all worked up and try hard to stop me. She used to say that trying to convince me was one of her failures." Pappy Joe laughed.
"Wow I didn't know so much about you two."
" There's a lot of things you don't know. And it wasn't just that I saw the way you looked at her when she came looking like a Texas princess."
"Hahaha princess and Maya? Never ! But she did look beautiful that day. Wait what do you mean the way I looked?"
"Don't be naive!"
"What do you think it was Pappy Joe?"
"Well my boy that's called chemistry and I thought I felt that with you two but I guess it wasn't."

"Lucas! Lucas! What the hell Lucas!!!" Maya shouted as he didn't listen.
Lucas finally came out of his thoughts and realised he has been zoned out for 15 minutes. Maya was pissed because they were given an assignment in lab and Lucas didn't do anything.
"Huckleberry what is wrong with you ! You know if I start doing this I might blast the room so can you please start the assignment!!" She yelled.
"Sorry I was lost."
"I know you've missed Riley but can you get lost in her thoughts some other time!"
"No I wasn't.."
She cut him off and told him to focus. The day went by and Riley didn't get a chance to speak to Lucas. Farkle sensed something was bothering Riley so he asked.
"Riley what's wrong?"
"Nothing, I wanna talk to Lucas but I haven't got a chance yet."
"Don't worry you can talk to him when we meet at Topanga's."

*At Topanga's*

Lucas seemed worried. Riley decided to have that conversation later.
"Lucas are you ok ?"
"Yeah I am fine. Can I ask you something Riley?"
"Do you think we have chemistry?"
"What do you mean?"
"Like your mom and dad they seem to be so obvious and even Maya's mom and dad."
Riley understood and realised that they both felt same about this relationship.
"I don't know Lucas I just know you're amazing and I like being around you."
" Yeah I feel same about you but that's something we had even as friends. What do you think your mom and dad were like in initial days of their relationship?"
" Well I know dad used to make fun of mom when they were kids but soon they felt something that was different. I don't exactly know what but sometimes I think we lack that."
"You feel that too ?"
"Yeah and we've been together for a while now it shouldn't be this way right?"
"You're right Riley."
"So what do we do now?"
"I don't know."

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