Girl meets Texas again

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Lucas was shaken when he heard from Riley that she wants to date this other guy.
"If she likes me why is she doing this!"
"I don't know but I need to respect her decision."
Suddenly an idea hit Lucas.

*Lucas's POV*
Maya's been stubborn now. Why can't she accept she likes me? Is something scaring her?
I know what I need to do. I can't take her to rooftop that's where we got to know Riley likes me. Topanga's is literally the last option. Wait ! Texas. I call Pappy Joe and explain everything to him. He agreed to my plan. I can't tell anyone about this. Riley might not agree on lying so I'll keep this to myself.
I ask Mr Matthews if on the weekend we all could go to Texas. After some persuasion he finally agreed.

I finally see my gang in the hallway and set my plan in action.
"Hey guys what's up?"
"Nothing Ranger Rick just chilling before the class."
Oh these names. Hmm Ranger Rick used after so long. I couldn't help but smile.
"So heard about your date have a great date."
She looks awkwardly.
"Yeah thanks."
I see that guy approaching Maya and says " Hey ready for our date ?"
"Yeah" she says dryly but with a small smile.
Oh please she doesn't want to be with this guy. She was more cheerful when she asked me even though it was to push me to ask out Riley but still.

"Guys I have to tell you something."
"What is is Lucas?"
"Pappy Joe is not keeping well and he misses you guys. He keeps saying he wants to meet you guys."
"Wait is he ok ? It's nothing serious right?" Maya asks concerned.
"It might be." I lie. I've told Pappy Joe already so it's gonna be fine.
Everyone's looking at me shocked.
"Fine let's go this weekend we'll meet him and he's gonna be ok." Maya says. I know she's reassuring me and even though I don't need it, it's nice to know she cares.
"Yes definitely I'll ask dad and we all can go." Riley says.
"Oh don't worry I've asked him. He has no problem."
"Umm when did you... " Riley gets interrupted by Farkle " guys I've my science fair this Saturday morning so I'll join you guys in the evening Lucas is it ok?"
"Yeah buddy you don't worry."
Zay gives me a weird look. Oh damn I have to tell him.
And probably Farkle so he doesn't feel guilty about joining late.
I tell both of them and Farkle was impressed with the idea but didn't like using Pappy Joe's name.
"I already told him and if I didn't use an excuse Maya wouldn't ditch a date for me."
"Oh yeah about that sorry bro he's a friend and I had no idea he liked Maya."
"No it's ok. Though I wanna punch him in the face it's ok."
"Wow you got it pretty bad. They're not even on a date yet."
"I know Farkle it's just different this time. It was different last time but we got caught up in the triangle so much and I had to give Riley and me a chance. But anyways let's go now."

*Maya's POV*
Lucas told me about Pappy Joe and I have to go. Actually it'll be nice to meet him I kinda miss him.
I'll have to cancel my date. I go and talk to Justin and tell him I can't make it today.

We finally arrive in Texas. Oh boy the last time we were here some weird things happened. I shudder those thoughts as soon as I can.
"Hey kids it's so good to see you." He said happily. Wait isn't he sick?
"Hey Pappy Joe how're you feeling now?"
"After seeing you guys much better."
"Good to know."
He and Lucas talk for a while and we made ourselves comfortable.
"Pappy Joe is fine now the doctor checked him an hour ago so he says we can go out and have some fun."
Hmm Ranger Rick is confusing me but I wanna have fun so I go along.
"Hey Maya..." Lucas grabs me by my hand and takes me to a corner.
"Sorry for your date I know wanted to go."
"No problem huckleberry but you're being weird. You're not planning on riding tombstone again are you?"
"No no I know how much scared you got last time."
Did he just say that?!
"Umm yeah you're my friend why wouldn't I be scared of you dying?"
"Nah you were way too scared admit it."
He won't let this go.
"Fine I was now can we go."
We roam around a little bit and Lucas goes to Zay and Riley and I have no idea what he said but now these two wanna leave me alone with huckleberry. Damn it. Is this some sort of plan?

"Hey Maya let's go." Lucas says.
"Um ok."
We go that fire place where umm something happened last time.
"Why did you bring me here Lucas?"
"Oh we're back to Lucas ! No name calling?"
"Ok fine I wanted to remind you of that moment where we both something special and because I don't want you to date that guy whoever he is."
"But why?"
"Because I like you Maya. I haven't said it but I do. More than just friends and I hope you give me another chance."
"Lucas you're really nice and I do remember that moment but I can't let myself believe because you're Riley's ex and it shouldn't be like this. I.. I.." I'm on the verge of crying and I panic so I go full Maya on him.
"Look Ranger Rick I just want things to be normal I wanna call you names wanna be able to talk to you without this weird energy and if you ruin that I swear you'll be the mutton for tombstone."
As soon as I finish the sentence Lucas grabs my face to stop me from saying more but this time he doesn't stop there. He kisses me.
"Why did you do that?"
"I'm not sorry Maya. I like you."
"Well Lucas I don't anymore. So please don't do that again."
"Wait really? I thought you liked me too. Riley said it."
"Well she doesn't know me inside out so please if you're doing this for Riley then don't."
"Maya that's not what I meant."
"It doesn't matter Lucas. We're done."

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