Chapter 38

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The scent of bacon prickles at your nose and wakes you from a comfortable slumber.

Black, silk sheets wrap around you in a cocoon you wish to never break out of, if only Kylo were by your side in this moment.

It takes a lot of mental energy to persuade yourself to move from the bed, your legs aching with every movement.

Kylo's shirt is thrown back on, you wobble a bit from the unfamiliar ache permeating from your lower region, and you walk out calmly towards the kitchen.

The man of the hour stands peacefully in the kitchen, humming a tune you barely recognize as he ponders over a skillet.

His eyes find yours and his face uncharacteristically lights up into a large grin.

"Good morning beautiful," He chirps.

You saunter towards him, wrapping your hands around his toned abdomen as you lean against his back.

"Someone's in a good mood," You mumble and he chuckles softly.

You pepper his bare skin with meager kisses to exemplify your affection.

"I haven't slept that well in years," He chimes and moves to place food on two plates.

"I wonder why," You state quietly. "Look at you, making breakfast and everything."

He looks at your with an awkward gaze before returning his sight to the food in front of him.

"I actually ordered this from the kitchen, I tried to cook stuff for real but I accidentally burned it..." He admits quietly.

Your heart burns with adoration as you step aside and watch him as he continues to pace around the kitchen.

What a dork.

Moments later, you're sitting next to each other eating eggs, bacon, toast, and sugared meilooruns.

"What's up with you and meilooruns?" You ask him in between bites.

He smiles as he chews his food, "They remind me of you."

An unreasonably searing blush sprinkles across your face.

"Why?" You question timidly.

He sighs and puts his utensils down on the plate.

"Because they're unique... Tangy... Delicious..." He drawls calmly as he latches his hand underneath your chair and pulls you directly next to him. "And surprisingly soft."

Butterflies ricochet throughout your chest cavity, fluttering against each rib bone and pounding on your heart.

"Thanks, I use lotion," You respond.

Almost instantly, you slap your hand to your forehead and cringe into your palm.

Kriff, why did you say that?

Kylo sits plainly, and blinks with surprise and mild discomfort before cracking a smile.

"I'm sorry, I totally ruined that moment," You admit weakly.

He delicately tucks a piece of loose hair behind your ear and lightly peels your hand away from your face.

His eyes never leave yours as he brings your hand towards his mouth and leaves a gentle kiss against your goosebump-littered skin.

You could dive into the pools of amber in his eyes and drown with a smile on your face.

"Tell me about the idea you had last night," He suggests, changing the subject whilst never releasing your hand.

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