Chapter 43

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Much to your dismay, you're sitting in a shuttle ship with some of your closest former friends (you're still coming up with a better title) headed toward the Supremacy.

The First Order had sent over the coordinates three days prior, and once scout teams investigated to make sure we weren't entering a trap, you were sent out.

You had managed to convince Leia to keep Rey behind, you didn't want to subject her to whatever the hell is about to unfold.

And, the small possessive part of you didn't want Kylo to see her power in the force. Not that anyone can really be more powerful than the two of you, especially combined, but nevertheless.

The thought of Kylo taking time to train Rey in the dark side of the force is enough to make you see red.

Finn is sitting across from you looking anxious as ever.

Your heart burns to see him being so stressed, especially when he has nothing to worry about.

"Hey," You call out to him softly.

He glances up toward you without raising his head and your heart breaks even further.

"It's going to be okay, you know that right?"

He looks back down towards the floor and half-heartedly nods his head.

"It takes a lot of guts to return somewhere that treated you so terribly, I know it probably doesn't mean that much but I'm really proud of you, Finn," You tell him earnestly.

His cheeks flush an adorable shade of pink before he looks back up toward you, "It means the world to me, Y/N."

You smile at him before scowling quickly.

"Don't tell anyone I said that, I can't have the locals knowing I can feel," You tease and he cracks a small smile.

"Right, my lips are sealed," He responds sarcastically before standing up and crossing the ship to sit beside you.

He takes your clammy palm into his own and squeezes tightly while looking at you seriously.

"I can't take away the pain that they have caused you, and I can't promise to understand everything, but I'm here for you, Y/N," Finn states with sincerity.

His dark eyes watch you, and everything about his presence brings a feeling of calmness and hope, sensations you've been searching for desperately.

You simply lean your head on his shoulder in response and you take the opportunity to close your eyes for a moment, seeping in the serenity before everything hits the fan.

Moments later, the ship lurches as it emerges from hyperspace.

Poe gasps from the pilots seat and you raise from your seat with your stomach in knots.

The Supremacy lurks in the distance and you have to consciously fight the smile brewing across your face.

"Well boys, there's still time to back out," You tease as you slide into the co-pilots seat and start working in tandem with Poe to bring the ship in.

They both chuckle nervously as the expanse of the Supremacy begins to usurp the horizon.

Your chest beings to swell in anticipation, Kylo's energy starts to permeate across your being.

Eventually, and too slowly, the shuttle lands in the expansive hangar.

Waiting below the ship are Kylo, Phasma, and a few other officers that you never bothered to learn the names of.

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