Chapter 1- Wrong number

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91 572 983: 

Umm, hey?


So, I was wondering if you could do me a favour... its a prank 😁

491 572 983: 

Oooo, I'm interested😏


Well, it's for my gf, you know. 

After she stole one of my mum's cookies, I've been seeking revenge...

And since you're my cousin, and a girl like her. I was wondering if you could get close to her and drop, just a little something for me. 😈

It's small and black and just a toy of course, I wouldn't want to risk my ... ahem... your... life!

491 572 983:

Woah, whoa, whoa!

I'm just going to stop you right there

 I mean I would love to help you but I don't even know who you are, so ... 


Hahaha, very funny, Thals 

If this is your way of saying no, then it's too late bc your doing it

Whether you like it or not!😁

491 572 983:

Thals? 🤔

I'm not Thals, a girl or your cousin.

At least not my knowledge! 😅 

Sorry mate! 


Wait, so your seriously not Thals? 

491 572 983:



Oh, whoops

Well at least don't tell my gf... 

I might be in trouble if you do😅

491 572 983:

Don't worry, my lips are sealed 🤐


Great, thx!

491 572 983:

No problemo!

Anyways, what's your name?


Uhh, I would tell you but my mum recently lectured be abt cyber-bulling and stuff like that 🥱

And I'm not really looking forward to having to listen to that again, sooo

call me Jack 😎

491 572 983:

Cool, well hi Jack!

My name is... 



yeah, Andrew😎


Well nice to meet you Andrew😁

Soo, you said that you like pranks huh?

Stranger that goes by the name of Andrew:

It's my life 😉


Great! I've a feeling we'll get along just fine 😈

Stranger that goes by the name of Andrew:

Me too, me too 😈 



Stranger that goes by the name of Andrew:



Oh no!

Umm, I gtg

Stranger that goes by the name of Andrew:

Wait what?! 



Aww ok😢 


Sos bye Andrew 👋

Stranger that goes by the name of Andrew:

Bye 👋

Percy's POV:

I put the phone back in my pocket. I know I have to get back soon. It's the last day of school and the day before I finally get to go back to camp! So I'm still staying at my mum's house. After school, I decided to go to the park to avoid bringing monsters closer to home. I also decided to use one of Leo's new invention, it was a monster-proof phone. The 7, Nico, Thalia and Calypso were the only ones that got to "test" the invention. But I think Leo was just to lazy to make enough for the whole of camp. The phone itself was made to not attract monsters but apparently I still stink, because while I was texting this random stranger, I realized that a hellhound appeared behind me. I quickly slashed at it, and avoided thinking about Mrs O'Leary, it always makes me sad if I don't. I got up from the bench I was sitting on, and started walking home. "I can't believe, I accidentally texted the wrong person!" I thought out loud. I was sure this was the number that Thalia gave to me. Hmmm, oh well, this person seems fun and he has the same interests as me! Pranks😁 I've been planning revenge since Annabeth stole one of my mum's blue cookies and I finally cooked some thing good up! Oh well, I'll have to ask Thalia when I get back to camp tomorrow.

A/N: Hey Booklovers! 

This is my first chapter in this story! I'm so excited about this book, don't worry it will definitely speed up and be funnier the more it goes on. I hoped you liked! 

Please vote and comment below!

Also what do you think Percy wanted Thalia to do to Annabeth? 😉

Bye guys, have a great day!


P.S. Booklovers is my nickname to you guys! 😁

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