Chapter 5- The little cute mechanical owl

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Leo's Pov:  

Phew! That was a close one! I didn't realize that spamming could distract me so much. I didn't want Annabeth to see what I was doing; messaging a complete stranger was already going to annoy her but then spamming them so hard, that will tick her off. She lectured me recently about being polite to people and not to talk to strangers after an incident that I would rather not think about. Obviously, I wasn't really listening and it went in one ear and out the other, but I did catch somethings, particularly that she doesn't want me to do it again but, oh well! I'm Mr Mc-Shizzle bad boy supreme! I'm responsible and I can take care of myself! Well... a bit... there was a time where- you know what? Nevermind. 

I look down at my phone in my hand. I wonder who Jack is, he seems like a pretty cool dude but he seems remotely familiar...  oh well, I have to go and tell Festus about the quest and ask him if he want to help us. We don't want an uncollaborative dragon when we're about to leave! I stand up from my seat and open the cabin's door. A strong gust of wind blows in my face "Wow, nice to see you too Eurus" I mumble mostly to myself. Eurus is the Greek god of the East wind and sometimes is a little grumpy in the afternoons.

I find Festus in the forest, "Hey, big guy!" I say smiling to the dragon. He speaks in his unique language "Yeah, I know what you mean, they never listen!" I reply "Oh! I've been meaning to ask you if you could come along with me, Annabeth and Percy on quest. I don't how long it will take but I'm a bit bored here and I think your too so what do you say?" I ask. Festus click and clacks in reply. "Great! Thanks buddy! I knew I could count on you, we'll meet you at Half-blood hill in the afternoon. 'kay?" Festus nods. I grin and head back to my cabin to do the most boring thing in the whole wide world! Including Olympus and the Underworld.


Ugh! Why does it even have exist?! I wish there was way to just snap your fingers and everything you need is already packed in a bag. That would be great...

"Oh well, I better start" I sigh. I quickly dump everything I need in a small bag and I set out to go to Bunker 9. It a great place for me to relax, think and build random stuff.

I open the Bunker's door. "Ah!" I exclaim as I smell the familiar room. The smell has to be one of my favorite smell, well apart from beautiful Jasmine smell that Calypso has. This smell however resembles blueprints (kind of a papery smell), different kinds of metals and the forge smell and really any kind of material smell! I love it.

I collect some wires and bits and pieces and sit down near a table. My hands start to move on their own and create anything that my mind thinks up. As I do this, I think about the quest. I wonder where Apollo could have lost his notebook, I doubt it would be very far away like China or somewhere, but I also think it would be too easy if it was in America. I keep thinking of the most random stuff until I realize that I made something.

 I look down and I see that in my hands I have a little mechanical owl, with a beautiful fragile looking Moonlace branch in his beak. I have to admit that the owl's pretty cute. His head turns around nearly a 360° taking in his whereabouts. He turns back to me and flaps his wings. I smile "Hey, little guy. I doubt you can fly, you weren't made to- what?! How?" I exclaim as he quickly flies up to my face and looks at me straight in the eyes. He hoots a tiny little hoot almost as way of saying 'Really? You think that just because I wasn't made to do something, I can't?! Who do you think you are, human?' I chuckle, "Your pretty cute, even though I have no idea how you did that. Come on, I want to show you someone special" 

He perches on my shoulder and we go looking for Calypso. I find her training with some campers. "Hey Calypso!" I yell across the arena. She turns around and sees me. She jogs towards us. "Hey repair boy, what's up?" "Nothing much, I just wanted to give you something... well more of a someone" I smile cheekily and grab the little owl from my shoulder and hand it to her. "Aw, he's so sweet. Did you make him for me?" "Yep! From yours sincerely!" I grin. "Aw, thank you Leo. Look! He even has a branch of Moonlace in his beak! It seems so similar from the ones from Ogygia!" she smiles and gives me a kiss on the cheek. 

"I'll miss you, when you'll leave tomorrow" she whispers near my ear. "Oh don't worry, I'll be back before you know it. And plus what's that I hear! The great Calypso said she'll miss me? Am I dreaming?!" I joke. "Haha, very funny. Valdez" she says in a bored voice, but I know she's finding it hard not to smile. "Come on, let's go on a walk" I say as I offer my arm to her. She nods in reply. 


There we go guys! I finally updated!! To be honest, I'm pretty proud of this chapter even if I procrastinated a lot to get it done! 😂😅

Thank you guys for voting for my story in the competition that I talked about in the last "chapter" and for those of you that haven't yet, please vote for me if you like this story so far! 

I think I have an idea of where this story is going and very soon there will be more action!!! 

Also... BOOM *mind blown!* 🤯 It was our very own Mr Mc-Shizzle bad boy supreme, behind the screen all along! Who would have thought?! Now that we all know who Jack and Andrew is. I wonder who long it will take for both of them to realize 🤔😏😁

Don't forget to vote and comment! And be amaZhang! 😊


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