Chapter 1. Crusaders

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Logan: Welcome to the Premier Chapter of my Third K/DA book. A few warnings before we go in. This story isn't about romance. At least 90 or so percent of it anyway. It's dark and honestly, quite sad. I guarantee you guys that this book will ground this author into a place no other has gone. Whether it's a good place or not, we have yet too see. Please don't hate me by the end of this book.

Third Person POV

Ionia had its time in the sun before the modern age came about. Many parts of the old city that was connected to nature were replaced by a new design. Meant to mimic Piltover in a way but with its design still tied to Ionia styling. Not all of that was replaced though. Merely the Weh'le. It had grown to be the largest and most modern city in Ionia. But corruption seeped deep into its veins. The Criminal Underworld had made its home here. Though they mostly operated in secret from the rest of the city, there were some who decided to take a chance at striking the city hall in an attempt to kill the mayor. They were unsuccessful. While they did manage to dodge law enforcement though, they instead found themselves at odds with a rival Crime Lord. The Azure Demon.

Handsome Thug: Come on! They can catch us in the tunnels.

Ripped Thug: And get hit by the Trains? Hell no!

Crime Lord: Hijack one of them then! They're almost on top of us!

???: They wouldn't be the right word for the current situation.

They looked too the rooftop and saw a young white man with soft yellow eyes. He was somewhat skinny though his face had a bit of thickness too it. His hair was short yet untamed and was a light brown/honey colored. He wore ripped jeans and a grey hoodie. The boy drops down with a buzzsaw kick to one of the female thugs, knocking her out flat. The Ripped Thug charges him but the boy let out a wave of water and drenched the guy. The thug chuckled until he was zapped by lightning and fried too a crisp. The Crime Lord looked behind the boy and saw a grown white woman. She had black hair that was up in a neat high ponytail. She wore an eye patch over her left eye and on the flock of hair on the same side was a golden hair extension. Her one green eye bore a whole into the soul of the poor Crime Lord. She wore a black tank top, camo cargo pants and black sports sandals.

Two of the thugs grabbed their boss and made their way into the subway while the others attempted to fight the two. One of the trains had just stopped to drop some people off so everyone was quite shocked too see a bunch of criminals shoot up the place and hop inside. The thugs that stayed behind to fight were made short work. A couple were spared while the others weren't so lucky. The pair were quite thorough on who was kept alive. The train takes off and the three criminals make their way to the front where the train conductor was. One of the thugs stays behind for a moment and aims his gun at the civilians

Right Hand Thug: Any of faggots call the cops, I'mma blow a hole in each of your limbs and skull. Ya hear me!?!

The civilians all nod in fear and he caught up too the other two. What he saw was beyond concerning. His boss had been knocked out and his partner was getting choked out. He then heard the neck snap and was dropped to the floor dead. The one who did the dead was a large, buff black man with man scars on his body, including his face. He wore a red shirt with a blue coat over it. Too go with it, he wore a pair of black jeans. He also wore wrist guards and a mask. His red eyes shot fear into the thug, prompting him to shoot. The big man raised his arm and the skin turned to metal, making the bullet bounce off of him. The man then walked up to him deflecting a barrage of bullets and then grabbed him by the neck. Performing the same thing he did to his partner. He then dropped the body and threw the Crime Lord over his shoulder.

He then turns too the nearby doorway of the train and kicks it open. The train was still moving but he didn't care. He casually hops off of it, barely stumbling and watches as the train goes by. He exhales for a moment before breathing in and walking through the subway too an exit. Or rather, an entrance too the sewer system. Ionia wasn't like Piltover or Zaun and had some nasty sewers. Nope, theirs was pretty well taken care of. They even had a district in them. Provided, it was owned by criminals. Even they needed a place to hangout. The Crime Lord stirred in his sleep and felt the sharp pain in his head. He groans a little before getting dropped onto the floor. He groans again since it wasn't a soft landing. He looks around and sees many armed men and women, a couple of which he recognized.

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