Chapter 35. An Actual Good Morning

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Akali POV

After Eve and Kai came back from their trips with the.... I just realized these guys don't have a team name. Well, whatever they call themselves, once those two came back it was time for sleep. When I woke up, I actually felt pretty refreshed unlike the past few nights where I was restless. Once I slipped into something nicer, I did the usual morning routine. After that, I almost debating on whether or not I'd wait for breakfast. I opt out to go get some myself.

Honey Nut Cheerio's here I come!

What I didn't realize until a little bit after stepping out of our room, I had a skip in my step. I really hope the others weren't awake enough to see I did that. I would never hear the end of it. On the way to the cafeteria, I see a lot of the people here heading that way as well. I wonder where they get all this food. Actually, I shouldn't really dwell on those types of questions. I'm technically a special guest but I'm not really in on their operations.

The bits and pieces I have been given shows they trust me enough, but I wouldn't push that trust. When I enter the mess hall, it was packed and filled with plenty of conversations. Seeing at that I had no other choice, I got in line with the rest of them. I get some friendly hellos and good mornings like I usually do which felt pretty refreshing too hear. Despite what we do, we're relatable in more ways than the surface level would tell you.

I guess I've come to appreciate this place's atmosphere and its people. While I waited to grab my cereal, I decided to do some peoplewatching. The first thing that caught my eye was the trio in the center. Zachariah, Treyvon and Sonya. Honestly, looking at them reminds me of the band so much. Friends that were inseparable. Because I looked too long in their direction, Sonya sees me staring and waves. The other two who weren't facing my direction looked back and waved. I waved back before noticing I was holding up the line. 

I move along and grab my second favorite breakfast too have. The first being ramen of course. With bowl of cereal and spoon in hand, I go over and sit with the trio.

Akali: Morning y'all.

Sonya: Morning. Sleep well?

Akali: Like a baby. How bout you?

Sonya: Well, my leg didn't really ruin it for me, so I'd say it was well.

Zachariah: I had a dream I was skiing down a volcano.

Akali: Isn't that dream a little extreme for a 16-year-old?

Sonya looks to Zach with a told you so face. He sneers at her before going back too eating his bacon egg sandwich.

Treyvon: I had a pretty decent night. Ms. Kai'sa was quite nice before I hit the hay though.

Akali: So that's where she was.

Treyvon: She always that quick too become flustered?

Akali: Wait, what did she do?

Treyvon: I had just gotten out of the shower, so she saw me shirtless.

Sonya: She did that too?

I don't know how I should feel about that, but I probably would've reacted the same way if Treyvon was that attractive. Sonya is defiantly attractive but I'm not into women. I only did that thing with Eve one time cause of.... curiosity... Actually, I'm pretty sure we've all had a session with Eve cause we were curious. The things we let her get away with sometimes. Speaking of sessions...

Akali: So, each of us has spent time with one of you three now.

Zachariah: Yeah, now that you mentioned it. We have. I like it though.

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