Chapter 37. The Drums of War

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My three walked into the meeting room where I and Jarold awaited.

Y/N: I take that everyone's morning was alright?

Zachariah: Chipper as usual boss.

Sonya: My leg could be better, but it could be worse.

Treyvon: Ready to get down to business Boss.

I nod and gesture them to take their seats. As they do, Jarold tosses a couple of images across the table for us to see.

Jarold: In the past 13 hours, we've been seeing signs of the remaining gangs attacking minor areas on the surface. Namely the Pit Fighters. Points of recent attacks are at the smaller Marketing areas. The Radio Station and of course... 

He puts his finger on the picture of the Old Ionian District.

Jarold: They've completely taken over the district. ISF is still reeling from our attack on them, so Sett is getting bold.

Sonya: He wouldn't harm those people, would he?

That is a question that needs answering. I wouldn't drag bystanders into my battles, but Sett and I are different people so it's hard to tell. What really bothers me is how inactive ISF will actually be. I know for a fact that base we struck was just a front. Something the people could look too. I don't know where their main base is, and we may not have time to discover it. Sett may have unknowingly walked into their setup.

Y/N: We need to think about our next move very carefully. Any report on Bane and his group?

Jarold: There was some ruckus heard around Leh'we. Probably stirring up trouble as a response to what Sett is doing. He may not have the largest gang, but he has the heaviest hitters.

Treyvon: Then there's the Zaunites.

Jarold: My boys weren't able to get an idea of their location. I got a hunch that says they're above ground.

Y/N: Bold move. One I suspect they've taken.

Zachariah: But where would they be? If they know about ISF then staying above ground for too long is a serious risk.

Weh'le is a large place. Zaunites have a keen instinct on hiding in plain sight. Hiding in hidden areas is too easy but in the open.

Y/N: They know where to hide and when to come out. Out in the open. Obvious things are always harder to find than hidden things.

Treyvon: How obvious is the question.

I glance over to Jarold, and he nods. Zaunites have a few features not find on the Ionians here. Steampunk styled tattoos. Accents and even hairstyle. Most importantly though is skin tone. They're much paler either due to lack of exposure to the sun or through the serums that pass through there. Shimmer I believe their main product is called. I don't know its effects, but I know that it isn't anything healthy for the mind.

Y/N: For now, it's best we stay quiet and monitor the situation. That way we-

Sonya slams her hands on the table, spooking Zach and gaining everyone's attention.

Sonya: We can't just sit here and watch! There are innocent people out there, scared and dying and you want to sit here and watch from afar!?

Y/N: Calm down Sonya. You sho-

Sonya: I will not calm down! We are capable of helping them! Why not go and fight!?

Y/N: Remember your place Sonya Barret!

She flinches at my tone before slowly sitting back down.

The room was cold now.

Y/N: We've barely taken the time to recover from the ISF assault we pulled. We'd be giving them a massive advantage. Not everyone has fully recovered, and those children still need to be shipped to Noxus. We do not have the resources for constant battles. Not now.

Standing up from my seat, I walk towards the door but not before stopping right next to her.

Y/N: I will not endanger my people in pointless battles. Not when the real enemy still over our heads. We take risks when we know we can guarantee a good outcome for us. You'd do well to remember that.

I then exit the room, leaving them to soak up my words. A sigh escapes my lips as I rub my temples. I understand that she wants to protect the innocent and prevent unnecessary bloodshed but there isn't much we can do. Those kids are in need of proper care. Care that we cannot afford. As I proceed down the hall to my office, I watch my people go about their current daily lives. Most were content while others struggled but we are there for one another.

These people are honestly what keeps me going. Fiercely determined to see a better world. Yet, I doubt any of them will be alive to see that better world, myself included. That is a sacrifice we must be willing to make though. I wish I could look them in the eyes and tell them that it will be worth it, but I honestly can't. Leadership has not been easy on me. Balancing the safety and health of my people, saving those who need saving and preventing the spread of corruption is greatly taxing on my mind.

And those three... Sonya... Treyvon... Zachariah...

You've become good friends with them. They trust you. Understand you. That could never be replicated with me. Not with my burden. The succubus wishes to understand and though she could, she would not like what she sees. Perhaps that is what motivates her to keep pushing towards me. When I arrive at my office, I immediately began brewing some tea to calm my nerves.

I do not wish to grow angry with any of them. Not while things continue to grow worse by the minute. Anger won't win these battles. Merely create mistakes. Once the tea was done, I downed the whole cup in just a few gulps, then made more. For some reason though, I stop halfway through. Hovering my hand over my chest where my heart beats, I feel that its pattern is off. I don't know what this feeling really is. Love? Pain? Am I worried for those above? Am I fearful of what may happen to these people who remain loyal to me even in the face of death?

Yes, I am.

But there is more.

Something I don't think I've felt in quite a long time. It's almost comforting. But it won't help me. It will only create more pain. More sacrifice.

How much more can I give before I have nothing left?

As I was about to continue making my tea, I felt a shift in the room. It was only for a moment, but I felt it regardless. My eyes immediately dart towards the door. I knew what exactly just happened.

I knew she had just disobeyed me.

But why?

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