Say You Won't Let Go (Percabeth #1)

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Based on Say You Won't Let Go by James Arthur.

Video Credit above goes to therespiper on YouTube.

Shoutout to picklebitch03 for getting the trivia correct. again. 

Modern Day (Pre Covid) High School Percabeth AU.


"Absolutely not. No way, not happening." Annabeth said, leaning back against the back of Piper's sofa. She swung her legs up underneath her again and reopened Paper Towns.

"Oh come on Annabeth." Piper complained, drawing out the on. She turned away from her mirror to give her friend a condemning look. "It's just one party. Teachers aren't giving assignments because finals are next week, and I know that you've studied plenty because you're reading a book, and you went to the library yesterday, so there is no way that book is due and you have to finish it. Plus, your parents said that it was fine, so they aren't going to get mad at you. They know I'm hosting a party for my birthday." She turned back to face the mirror and continued straightening her hair.

"They also think you're this perfect girl who does no wrong, and that it's like an elementary slumber party. No boys allowed." Annabeth countered, not taking her eyes off her book.

"Oh no, there will definitely be boys. They have a tendency to keep the drama at bay because the girls don't want to appear whiny in front of the hot ones. Percy, Frank, Jason." Piper finished with a dreamy voice.

"Okay Piper, I get it, you have a giant crush on Jason Grace. I'm pretty sure half the school knows." Piper blushed, and Annabeth noticed that she didn't deny it.

"Well, tonight is not about me. Tonight is about you." Piper declared.

"Piper, tonight is your birthday celebration. I'm not gonna be the star tonight." She sighed, sighed, knowing it was already a losing battle. Once Piper set her mind on something, she followed through with it.

"Yes you are, because I will be the sun and you will be reflecting my light." Piper said smugly.

"Piper, that's the moon."

"Well, whatever it is, you're gonna look amazing. Soooo-" Piper delved into the depths of her walk-in closet and came out with something in a seductive red.

"Nope. Whatever it is, nope. I refuse. Especially knowing you, it's not gonna fit me and it's gonna be too short." Annabeth said, but she closed her book and set it down next to her, being somewhat curious about how the dress would look on her.

"Just take it to the bathroom and try it on! Look, there is even a bra built into it it. It's like they were thinking of you." Piper said, pushing me towards the bathroom.

"Okay fine, jeez, I'll try it on, but I'm not wearing it tonight!" She walked to the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She held up the dress. It was a halter top dress that came down to around her mid thigh, and seemed like it wouldn't be that tight. Maybe.

It was... snug. It may have been loose on Piper, but there was no way it was loose on Annabeth. She attempted to stretch out the fabric in her chest and hips, but it didn't work. She huffed and walked out of the bathroom, hoping to show Piper that it didn't fit

Piper took one look at her best friend in the short, snug, seductive piece, grinned, and said, "Oh, you are so wearing that tonight." She zipped up the dress, which only served to make things worse in regard to tightness, and sat Annabeth down in front of her vanity and began taming her curls. Grabbing a thick hairtie off the vanity, she tossed her friend's hair up, leaving some hairs down to frame her face.

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