Something New (idek what this is)

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A/n: Hey guys, I wanted to do something different. I got a book of writing prompts, but I hate making mistakes and not being able to revise them, so I'm writing it here instead. But I want to make it kind of personal. So, cast list:

She: You (The she remains nameless for a reason. I feel that a pronoun without a name makes it easier to see yourself in the character)
Alex: your crush/bf/gf/so
Marge: one of your friends (you aren't super close yet, but your crush/bf/gf/so kinda brings you together, bc she's supporting you in liking him/her/them, even though they already know what is going to happen and want to be there for you)
George: your crush's/bf's/gf's/so's second best friend (the silly one who's kind to you)
Audrey: your second best friend who is kinda distant from you
Teacher: Your favorite teacher/mentor

Perhaps it was dream, she thought. Perhaps if she pinched herself, she would wake up. But she didn't want to. She wanted to stay in this dream world where...

up was down, left was right, magic existed, and her problems didn't. She was carefree, happy, and everything was perfect. No parents fighting and complaining to her about the other. No fake friends that only talked to her when they wanted something from her. No social media to tell her what she could and couldn't be. No standards, no norms, no expectations. Just her, the music, and the magic.

She dashed along the path, lungs burning, feet slapping the ground beneath them, in tune with her racing heart. She didn't have a care in the world about anything, not family, not school, not grades, not anything. She let everything fall free, leaving her feeling unweighted. Everything was irrelevant, not having any meaning to her anymore. The words people said to her, the way they looked at her, the way they treated her. It all fell away along with the music.

Nothing mattered anymore. Only the magic swirling in the air around her in the air, the song it was writing with the melody in her heart. A beautiful, simple, clear melody, with a complicated harmony, weaving layers into the song of her life that was being written as everything sprung free.

The music was familiar, but at the same time, very foreign, seeming like it was a song she had known since birth, but forgotten the words to. But there were no words too it, at least not one understandable to humans. It was simply what this world called her life song: The notes of what had happened in her life, strung together to give you the complete picture.

And picture indeed there was. As she continued running, she came across a clearing where a holograph of some sorts was playing the memories that went along with the song. The key turned minor, and the memory on the wall was her sister's death, when she was ten years old, flitted across the screen. Seeing happening all over again brought her to her knees, her eyes fresh with tears. She watched as the screen showed the crash, the ambulance arriving, pulling her out of the car, her soundless screaming for her sister as the music reached a dramatic crescendo, a beautifully painful chord. No longer able to hold herself together, she broke down in tears, sobbing in a way she never could have back home. She had to be the one holding her family together, the one with her head on her shoulders.

It was almost painful, watching the rest of the animation with the music still playing in time with the animation in the background. She saw herself growing up, throwing fake smiles every which way. She saw herself crushing on Alex, a cute guy in her eighth grade class all the way through junior year. She saw herself becoming best friends with Marge, his best friend's girlfriend, and one of his other friends George. She saw the way that Alex had asked her out, the way that they had been so happy together. For about a month.

She saw the way he started sneaking behind her back with Audrey, one of her other friends. She saw things that she hadn't known were happening until it was too late. She was already in too deep. She had fallen in love, and there was nothing she could have done to stop the inevitable heartbreak. She got to relive the moment where she found them kissing behind the school, after he so blatantly told her a lie. She got to see the look on his face again: surprise, annoyance at being caught, but not a single shred of remorse or shame.

She saw through blurry vision the way that for the first time ever, she came to class in tears. She wasn't about to skip class, but after confronting Alex and Audrey, she didn't have the strength not to cry. Thankfully, her teacher was understanding, and gave her permission to leave class to collect herself. She watched herself walk out, thankful that being a teacher's pet had it's advantages. She watched as she walked to a fairly hidden corner of the school, her special spot, and began to cry again.

She watched as tears streamed down her cheeks and she wondered why she wasn't good enough, why no one ever wanted her, why she was always in second place. She was never someone's first choice, and she was wondering what she did wrong. Everything came flooding back full force, and she let out a wail and began crying along with her past self, but not being afraid to let herself scream and shout, while her past self cried silently, afraid to let anyone else know that she was hurting.

But yet, someone did. She felt arms wrap around her, and she breathed in the familiar scent of apples and muddy dogs. Not a combination you would think would work well, together, but it did for him, and it always calmed her down.

"It's okay, I'm here. I've got you." George whispered in her ear. She leaned into his touch, his comforting strong arms, bringing her closer to him. She turned to face him better and wrapped her arms around his lean torso, feeling secure. He pulled her up into his lap and they just sat there together. He was simply with her now, as he was when she was going through all the crap Brady put her through.

But with that thought, she lifted her head off of his shoulder and pulled back a little bit. Wiping the tears away from her eyes, she blinked to clear her vision. Indeed, it was Levi sitting before her, in his usual long sleeved shirt and jeans. But it was the George she knew now, not the George from her memories. She looked back the the screen to see that her past self and past Levi were doing something much like her present self and present George was. But...

"How? You're... here. But... this is a dream?" She asked the Levi sitting before her. As the animation began coming to and end, with the things that happened just before she was transported here. And then her traveling through the dream world, and George coming up behind her after her scream, she saw it all again.

"It's not a dream, it's really me." George said quietly. He reached up to brush a stray curl out of her face, tucking it behind her ear, his thumb coming to rest on her cheekbone. He drew her back to him, and she just relished in the feeling of being held by someone who actually cared, not someone who was pretending for a fake relationship that felt real, but was only one sided. Not someone who was supposed to love her unconditionally, but only made her feel like a burden. Not someone who threw fake smiles and acted like they cared about her, just so they could show her off.

"What happened? Why were you screaming?" George asked softly, as if almost afraid that she would explode in tears or anger at him. But she did neither. She simply shook her head and snuggled farther into him, not wanting to talk, fearing it would make her do things she would regret. She just held him, and he held her, and that's all they did in that dream world that wasn't a dream.

"This is nice. We should do this more often." She said, a smirk playing upon her lips. She kept her head pressed against his chest, which made it so much easier to feel him tensing up when she said that. However brief it was, he still tensed, and that thought made her giddy.

"We should. It's calming in a way. It makes me feel more connected to you." Levi replied, his voice low and calming in her ear. It sent warmth up her spine, and it made her just want to stay here forever. But she knew he would eventually want some answers, and she had questions of her own. She sat up, backed off of his lap, and sat cross-legged in front of him. She looked into his eyes, crowded with questions and concern. For her.

Yeah idk where I was going with this. I'mma stop it here.

Anyways, I hoped you guys enjoyed. See you in another world gladers, demigods, fairykind and shadow charmers, dragons, mermaids, Storm Runners, Pandava brothers and sisters, Cahills (all branches welcome), time travelers, book scavengers, adventurers, survivors, and those who will live a thousand lives before they die.

Signing off,

Eva Carter

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