Take it like a man

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Once Marv had dropped Lotta back her house, he arrived back home. He threw himself down on his bed and smiled. He was happy like this, but soon he would start to overthink things and believe he was in the wrong.
He took a deep breath, inhaling Charlie's scent that was still on his jumper. It help wash away his thoughts. He had realised that he only had them when he wasn't with Charlie. Did that mean that he was gay? But he still liked girls, well not more than Charlie, but if you like someone, could you like someone else anyway? But he didn't love Rhonda.
"Argh!" He cupped his face in his hands. He then stripped, down to his undies, and put Charlie's hoodie back on.
'I should probably just sleep.' He thought to himself whilst yawing. That days activities had really worn him out. He was so happy that Charlie and him weren't fighting anymore, but they never disclosed their issue in the first place. Charlie might not even remember anything about what happened. Marv had never seen or experienced the effects of ecstasy. I guess today was a first for a couple of things.
"Marvin Lowe!" His mother shouted from down the stairs. It startled him to be woken up like this. Usually his mother was a calm and caring person.
Ever since his father left them, she has been raising him and his two brothers alone, but she was always so composed, no one could have guessed how hard she found it. Despite this, she was a brilliant mother. She always picked them up after school on time when they were younger, and she still picks up Morten everyday without fail. Marty left for college last year, and he barely ever sees them since he works a lot and lives quite far away.
He stretched his arms, and called down . "Yeah?"
"Come here right now! I need you to explain something." She shouted.
What had he done now. He was always getting into trouble, but his mum was never super strict about it. He might get his phone taken away, or get grounded for a couple of days, but nothing major.
He pulled on some pj bottoms and tromped down the stairs.
"Yeah?" He asked, rubbing the sleep form his eyes.
To his horror, his mother held up a bag, contains two red pills.
'Shit!' He thought to himself. He forgot to get rid off those before he got home.
"Care to explain why there are drugs in my house?!" She shouted at him.
"Mum, l-"
"Imagine if the dog got ahold of these, or even worse, Morten! But never mind that. Whose are they? Are they yours? Do you have any ideas of what could happen to you on drugs? You are out of your mind! People could take advantage of you. You could wake up somewhere and have no idea how to get home. You could get hooked. You could have died!"
"Mum, I-"
"These aren't your jeans. Where are your clothes?"
"They are at Charlie's..."
"Why are you clothes at Charlie's house?!" She looked less angry and more concerned now. This was not going how Marv had expected it would go if his mum ever found drugs on him.
"They got dirty, so I put the, in the wash. I was planning on picking them up today..," he started, expecting what was coming.
"You are Not leaving this house. On Monday you will go to school and come straight home. I will be asking the school to keep a close eye on you. If you skip at all, or are late to even a single lesson, I will... I will... You will never be allowed to see Charlie again."
Marv's heart sunk. Charlie had been by his side since before he could remember.
"Now I am going to ask you one more time Marvin. Are these your drugs or are they Charlie's?" She asked sternly. Marv's heart thumped loudly in his chest, threatening to burst out of it.
"If they are Charlie's, what are you going to do?" He asked nervously.
"I will tell his parents, and you will be banned from speaking to him until they have sorted him out."
He couldn't say they were Charlie's. If his dad found out, they would kill him, and he could not live without him. He could hardly even survive one day. Imagine weeks, months, possibly even years! He had to protect Charlie.
"They are mine." He said. "A lady offered them to me, so I took them, but I didn't take them, but.." he hoped he sounded believable. His mother was good at seeing through him, but she didn't give him any hints of what she was thinking. She sat, pokerfaced, looking at him.
"I want your phone. I also want your Xbox and your laptop."
"What about school work?" He asked.
"You can use mine, in the kitchen. And I have a flip phone you can take to school with you in case of emergencies."
"Is that all?" He could feel himself beginning to crumble, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could hold it.
"Your room needs to be spotless when I come to check on you. Make your own breakfast." She then got up and stormed up the stairs to get his devices.
All Marv could think about was about how Charlie was doing. He just wanted to help him get over his low. Tears started to fall down his face.
"Charlie, please. Give me a sign that you are ok." He curled himself up into a ball amongst the laundry. and just hoped that he would die there.

Charlie x Marv ~ When the Doors are ClosedWhere stories live. Discover now