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~*Time skip*~

Marv and Charlie had been living together for a few months now and finally things are becoming more normal, as normal as they can be. Life still isn't perfect, thought it never was. Homophobes don't just grow up overnight so they are still an annoyance that doesn't go away, but the boys learnt how to deal with them and the excitement has died down so their physical violence is not as frequent. The boys have officially become a part of Jamie's friend group and happily join them on group outings. They Marv found it really hard to adjust since he has never had a nice group of friends but these guys just wanted to have genuine teenage fun, not just commit petty crimes, drink, and do drugs every weekend. They don't attend parties or hang around in sketchy parks waiting for trouble to come along. These guys just enjoyed the time that they have before they have to grow up. Charlie immediately fit in, like they were his calling all along. He found his people and was happy. He still smokes, and Marv gave up trying to get him to stop. It is not like he can judge anyway; he still drinks more than the usual person but everyone just dies anyway, why doe it matter whether it's in fifty years time or two, either way it is inevitable. 

"Ahh~" Charlie moaned as Marv trailed kisses down his neck. This had become part of their morning routine to get them... 'pumped' for the day.  The doorbell had gone a couple moments prior, but the boys payed it no notice and carried on their previous engagement. 

"Charlie!" Marv's mum shouted from the bottom of the stairs. "Your mum is here."

"Shit!" Charlie said, pushing Marv off him. He started grabbing the stuff he needed for their outing. Ever since Charlie started living with Marv, his mum has been visiting and taking him to brunch to catch up and make sure he is doing alright. He did not know if his father knew or not, but he appreciated the simple gesture and understood that she didn't want this just as much as Charlie did. 


"How is Marv?" She asked.

"He's good. We have become a lot more confident and comfortable at school now and we have realised that the majority of people accept us, we were just so hung up on the people that didn't. Also, Marv learnt what bisexual meant so now, he is less confused 'cos he realised that he can like both genders without him being gay. He loves to educate people on it. It's honestly hilarious." Charlie blushed. 

"That's great Charlie. Look... I have some very important things to discuss with you, and don't feel the need to make up your mind now, but I would like to know at some point.  It's your dad."

"Is he dying?" Charlie asked, displaying zero emotions. 

"No- He wants you to come back. He misses you. Lola misses you. He regrets what he did, it was just a big shock to him."

"That doesn't excuse what he did. If he thinks that I am going to forgive him for giving me up as soon as he found out that I am attracted to guys then he is severely mistaken. I had been hiding this part of me for so long because I knew how he would react. I was not ready for him to find out and the school is shit for telling him about the rumors. I knew he suspected me, but that was his confirmation."

"Charlie, mind your language! I know you are upset-"

"Upset?! I am more than 'upset'. This is my family, the man who raised me and taught me how to play football and did my maths homework with me. And suddenly, without any hesitation he just ended it. I do not care how 'sorry ' he is. If it took him this long to figure out that his actions were wrong and then sends you to apologise for him then I do not want him as my father anymore. Eventually, I will get over it and he still has Lola, as long as she doesn't end up liking girls. At least he had practice on me, right?"

Charlie x Marv ~ When the Doors are ClosedWhere stories live. Discover now