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The gloomy stone corridor, only lit by few dying torches echoed with rapid clicks of a girl's hurried footsteps as she stormed trough them, her delicate frame dimly illuminated by the warm light

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The gloomy stone corridor, only lit by few dying torches echoed with rapid clicks of a girl's hurried footsteps as she stormed trough them, her delicate frame dimly illuminated by the warm light. Her shadow moved quickly past numerous windows, the light from the full moon and the glowing stars that were scattered around the unusually clear night sky falling carelessly on her sharp features.

Her unsteady breaths and speedy heartbeat were resonating in her ears as she approached the enormous doors of the Great Hall. Her face carried an unbothered expression, no emotion present on her features, only a somber Mona Lisa smile lacing her lips. The calmness of her complexion was almost frightening.

She could already hear the noisy undying chattering and laughing behind the massive doors in front of her. She took a deep breath, preparing herself for the amount of stares that were about to fall onto her figure. Composedly running her pale fingers through the inky hair, she fixed up her slightly disheveled appearance, not a drop of fright evident behind her abnormally grey eyes.

With a wave of her newly purchased wand that she still fully didn't know how to operate, she opened one of the doors in front of her. Bright, festive lights vitalized the mighty room with an enchanted ceiling and four tables occupied by kids of different ages in front of her. Their heads swiftly turned to face the newcomer almost at once as she made her way inside.

Silence fell upon the room recently filled to the brim with conversations of every kind. Her face didn't gain any look of anxiety as she wordlessly made her way towards the front of the room, indifferent to the numerous gazes that stayed on her frame as she walked, not meeting one of them and holding her head up.

"Ah! Lorelei! How nice of you to join us!" The words of a tall man who stood in the middle of the fifth table located in the back of the room boomed through the room laced with perceptible derision, silencing the hushed curious whispers that started filling it a few moments after the girl walked in.

Lorelei did not respond, she didn't even change her expression to one of shame or guilt, just continued gracefully gliding down the hall, eyes fixated on the man who dared speak to her. The only sound filling the room was the mild clicking of her shoes against the hard stone floor.

She stopped in front of Headmaster Dippet, nodding her head in greeting at him. Her hooded eyes carried a look of light exhaust, boredom even. Gentle features showed no sign of fright or worry, only pure confidence. She wasn't cowering under the countless stares stuck to her frame, only bathed in the attention she was receiving simply for her presence.

Armando Dipped responded with a similar nod of acknowledgment, motioning for her to stand next to him with a wave of his hand. Lorelei obliged, walking up the few steps with the same elegance and turned to face the prying children.

"Students! It is my great honor to introduce Lorelei Persefoni to you all." The girl's lips stretched into a wider smirk as she glanced over the various faces in front of her. "She has traveled many miles to attend our modest school, I trust you will welcome her with respect and kindness." The headmaster finished, putting a comforting hand on Lorelei's shoulder. The room erupted with confused whispers yet again, only to be silenced by Dippet simply raising an open hand.

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