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"Dear Lorelei,

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"Dear Lorelei,

It seems that your father and I might have underestimated the significance of the accusations that have been laid upon us.
We're devastated to inform you that the trial might not go the way we initially expected it to.
I do not know when we'll be able to contact you again, so I must instruct you on some crucial matters.
Nether of us can say with certainty what the outcome of this trial will be, things might take a bad turn at any given moment.
This might be the last time you are going to hear from us in a very long time, so I must prepare you for the worst and just hope for the best.
In case me and your father won't be able to come home after tomorrow's process, we have rewrote the ownership of the manor and all of our family's belongings to your name.
We do not wish for you to be sent away to a shelter of any kind, so our lawyer has given us all the necessary forms to sign. You will have complete control over your life, no one will be able to take you away.
Do not be frightened, the sentence isn't final just yet, but it will all be decided tomorrow. However, if the jury finalizes the charges we're being accused of, we'll be sent away to Azkaban for no less than seven years.
Know that me and your father have sent a letter to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, requesting your immediate enrollment if things don't go as planned for us. The Headmaster owes us a favor, so you shall get the acceptance letter in the nearest future. We believe that it would be best for you to get the education we'll no longer be able to provide for you.
The lawyer will send you all the documents and other details regarding your new possessions along with other requests from us I wasn't able to write to you about.

Remember, prepare for the worst, hope for the best. We long to see the both of you as soon as possible.

May we meet again.

We love you, Mom and Dad."

A quiet chilly breeze fiddled with the top right corner of the thick, yellowing sheet of paper, as if the wind itself craved to know what was scribbled onto it. A deep sigh, not one of shock or sorrow, but rather one of acceptance and distant exhaustion, so personal and intimate, but noble at the same time escaped a girl's mouth.

Lorelei's face wasn't laced with anger or worry upon reading the letter. She knew it was the end, she knew her parents weren't coming back even though they tried their best to make it seem like they were. She knew that merely because of the last line. Her parents never told her they loved her, only when things were bad. Very bad.

She kept running her eyes over the letter, as if she was rereading a book and hoping that the ending would be different this time. But alas, no matter how many times the she scanned the paper, the words written on it were still the same.

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