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How does one notice an unauthorized invasion of one's privacy? I'll tell you how Lora did

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How does one notice an unauthorized invasion of one's privacy? I'll tell you how Lora did. When she came back to her dorm the day after her chat with Riddle, she couldn't help but pay attention to the way her nightstand books have been arranged. She distinctively remembered stacking them in a certain order, but when she came back, the pile was lacking said order.

She was sure it wasn't her who had misplaced the books, but all of her roommates didn't seem like the kind of people to be lurking around her stuff for the kicks of it. That left her with two options, either someone had sneaked into her dorm and searched her stuff for an unknown reason, or her roommates weren't as innocent as they appeared to be from her perspective. Lora leaned strongly towards the first option, which still left her with the question of who that someone was.

It didn't bother her as much as would be considered normal in a situation like this, she didn't even know why. She did have things to hide, but Lora checked and said things appeared to be untouched. So she just brushed it off onto her roommate Debby or her amazingly irritating Hufflepuff boyfriend.

"Oh, hey! I was looking for you actually, any chance you're willing to help me with a potions thing?" Lora's other roommate Izadora asked, storming through the wooden door into the room. Izadora was slowly becoming one of the people Lora didn't mind hanging around, even though the girl seemed to be the exact type of person Lora would find annoying.

Izy was always cheery, always smiling or being unnecessarily loud, talking just a tad too much. Lora had no idea how she got into Slytherin if she was honest, her heart was to pure for it to be corrupted by the profane minds of those around her. But nevertheless, Izy seemed to always bring light into any room, offer kindness to those who were in need of it while still remaining witty and ambitious. Everyone loved her, no matter the house or the social status, no one was indifferent to the brunette girl. Even the most repellent and undisciplined people fell under her charm, the infamous Curtis Nott was rumored to fancy her for quite a while now.

"Yeah, sure, c'mon." Lora replied, a distant smile finding its way onto her features at the sight of her newly found friend. She closed the book she had been reading and tossed it onto her bed as she got up.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" As soon as Lora agreed, Izy's face lit up, a bright grin plastered onto it as she squeaked out of excitement and fist bumped the air.

Izadora might have been a glowing ray of sunshine, but unfortunately she wasn't very intellectually gifted. Especially when things came to potions. So Lora did everything in her power to help the girl pass, just because of how filled with light and warmth her aura was. Helping Izy was one of the first things Lora had ever done without asking for something in return. The joy on her brunette friend's face when she finally understood an equation was better than anything Lora could've possibly asked for.

"The library?" Lora mumbled, not really waiting for a response as she pushed the heavy wooden door open and gestured for Izy to follow her out.


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