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Days went by and Lora was slowly but surely getting more accustomed to her new lifestyle

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Days went by and Lora was slowly but surely getting more accustomed to her new lifestyle. The wand didn't feel as foreign as before, although she still couldn't get the full hang of it, mostly because she didn't quite understand it's importance or value. In her opinion, though she decided not to share it with anyone, any spell cast with a wand could be just as easily recreated without one. Besides, Lora couldn't shake the feeling of restriction whenever she would cast a spell with a wand, like her magic was dialed down and suppressed by the wooden tool. When she would only use her mind, guiding the power with soft, moderate movements of her hands, she felt like she was releasing her gift, setting it free.

She was starting to be able to distinguish the awfully similar and somewhat dreary stone corridors, making it easier for her not to get lost. Of course not even the students who have been attending Hogwarts since they were eleven knew every in and out of the vast castle, Lora was sure it was next to impossible to fully memorize every twist and turn around the intricate school, but now she more or less knew her way around it.

The girl even managed to make some acquaintances who she couldn't call friends quite yet. Carol's friends were extremely welcoming, helping Lorelei with her schedule and some homework, but she still tried to keep everyone around her at a distance, not fully sure who she could trust yet. 

There were some things that irritated her, for example she despised the uniform every student was meant to wear. Lora didn't enjoy how the skirt made her constantly aware of the way she was sitting or standing, she would much rather settle for a pair of nice trousers. She also found the unprovoked hatred of the houses towards each other quite annoying. The constant quarreling of Griffindor students with the Slytherins about mundane things got on her nerves more than she expected it to.

But the overall homey feeling she was starting to develop towards the wondrous castle gave her an unexplainable sense of faith she didn't possess when she first walked through its massive doors. And even though her parents taught her all too well not to get attached to things and people, it was getting rather difficult for Lora to restrain herself from enveloping her mind in thoughts that a common student would have.

She quickly got bored of spying after the boy that caused her to feel uneasiness on her first day, Tom Riddle seemed like a regular student, maybe a dash more intelligent than the others, but he spent a lot of time reading and studying, hung out with his so called friends, even though something about him still didn't sit quite right with the girl. Perhaps it was his haughty demeanor, or the way his enticingly sinister eyes told Lora that he knew something she or for that matter anyone else didn't, but the intriguing allure seemed to always follow Riddle wherever he went.

He never laughed. Not once had she caught him laugh, or even genuinely smile. Lora really shouldn't be the one judging people on how much they smile, she wasn't famous for her cheery nature, but she hasn't seen this boy smile even once. That set an discomposing feeling about him deep into her mind, making her long to pick him apart and figure out what was causing him to be just like her.

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