Dr. Dimension's Debut

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Meanwhile, on an unknown planet in a desolate galaxy, a flying mechanical castle looms over in a fearful presence....

There inside the castle, is a technological labyrinth and this labyrinth acts as a living being, whose main purpose is to reveal a person's true fears about what they fear the most.

And there in the middle of the laboratory, there is a silhouette of glistening purple skin with hair that burned with the white light of a neutron star and his eyes are like the entire galaxy in them and his true face is hidden behind a mask and connected by tubes to rejuvenate himself and there in full body stands Dr. Dimension and while he was rejuvenating, the zenomorph commander came in to the room to tell him the news of their mission and kneel before him.

The Zenomorph commander said: sir, we have the targets and are waiting for you.

Dr. Dimension said: good, just as planned, I will meet our quests shortly, wait for my orders and I will give the signal if one of our quests misbehaves, wait for me in my throne room with our quests, I will be there soon, that will be all.

And after the commander left, Dr. Dimension disconnected the tubes after rejuvenating himself, he looked out the window and looked at the stars and after that he started to sing while walking out of the rejuvenation room and heading to the throne room:

🎶To be born is a cruel and empty promise.🎶
🎶To wander through the cosmos without a body, heart, or soul and I am nothing but a cold and empty miasma of stardust.🎶
🎶What is joy or love and can it save my being?🎶
🎶Or Am I doomed to walk and die alone? Is there any reason for me to keep living?🎶
🎶I have traveled throughout the worlds to find the answer that will bring me peace and hope.🎶
🎶I have seen the thoughts and emotions with everyone's flawed hearts and minds and all I feel is disgust.🎶
🎶True happiness lives inside all of us and your minds are twisted to believe that we can hate one another and squandered the simple privileges of living beings and I see that everyone doesn't deserve it.🎶
🎶And your failure to mend your mistakes has no end in sight, and so I'll make sure everyone knows how I feel.🎶
🎶To live is a blessing and a curse that should not have been created to take over the dimensions and the worlds.🎶
🎶Maybe my actions will bring peace or not, the choice is mine and mine alone.🎶

And after Dr. Dimension finished singing, he opened the doors to his throne room and saw all the parents from different worlds and dimensions and he sat down on his throne.

Dr. Dimension said: welcome my quests, welcome to my castle, I do hope you enjoy your stay here because you all have something that is crucial to my plan and as for what it is, you will have to wait and see.

And all the parents angerly screamed saying: WHO ARE YOU?! AND WHAT DO YOU WANT WITH US?! TAKE US BACK TO OUR CHILDREN!!!!!

Dr. Dimension said: You will seen your children soon after my plan has been put into motion.

Manny the mammoth said: TAKE US BACK HOME NOW!!!!!!!

And Manny charged right at Dr. Dimension and before Manny could hit him, a wave of psychic energy pushed Manny back to the parents.

Ellie, Manny's wife said: Manny are you okay?

And Manny said: I'll be fine, what was that just pushed me back just now?

Dr. Dimension said: A wave of psychic energy and believe me, that doesn't even come close to a fraction of my abilities.

And then Dr. Dimension said: Guards, take our misbehaving quests to the labyrinth, chain them and lock them in anti magic cages and let them submit to fears.

The Zenomorph army said: Yes sir!

And taken the parents to the labyrinth and the parents screamed: LET US GO!!!!!!!

And as they did, Dr. Dimension let out an evil laugh: MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Dr. Dimension said: There will be no one who can stop my plans, NO ONE!!!!!

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