Helping, Duh!

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'Ugh. Where am I? What happened?'
          Loki was more than disoriented when he woke up. 'I remember seeing an iron gauntlet reaching for me. But why was... THOR! That idiot. He shot me!' He looked around the room he was in. It was big and spacious.

           Nothing like his apartment with Deadpool. Loki had met the merc when he was looking for a place to stay. Deadpool offered but only with one condition. He teaches him a few spells. In the end he gave in. Loki taught him defense spells mostly. That and a cantation to shut up the boxes.

           The bed was king sized and the comforter was as soft as clouds. The windows touched the ceiling and there weren't any curtains to minimize the sun's rays. 'Great. I must be in Starks tower.' He stood up on shaky legs and made his way over to the window.
            "Mr. Odinson, Stark has asked that you not break any more windows." 
"You tell Stark that I asked them not to attack me and what did they do?! They attacked me!" He wasn't going to break the window but now it made sense that he would. Should break the window. He really, really wanted to. But he decided it would only cause more problems.  'I am the god of truth and lies. I am just like Thor and him like me but we are treated differently.' He huffed and threw himself on the bed.
"Voice, I would like to talk to Stark."
"Mr.Stark is currently occupied." He breathed in and out slowly.
"I do not care. Tell him I wish to talk." After that it was silent.

       Loki hoped it would end when Tony walked in the room but no one came. So he sat in the room for hours on end. Mind you the room had next to nothing in it. He had no books, just barely knew how to work the TV, there were no clocks in the room(weirdly enough),and when the sun went down and was replaced with the moon he still didn't know the time because he couldn't see the stars.
             On top of that he was starving. What kind of defenders take a prisoner and don't feed them. Loki is a god. He needs tons of food to function. Now it's been 24 hours since he last ate. He could barely move.
"Mr.Odinson, Mr.Stark and the Avenger will be here soon." Hearing the mention of them made his skin crawl. He was not in the mood to deal with them.
"Tell them to bring me food! Or else!" Loki couldn't do anything. At least not in the state he was in. And they probably knew that. Probably why they hadn't fed him. And why the temperature in the room kept rising. 'Are they trying to kill me?'
"Loki!" The door flew open and six avengers came rushing in. "Don't move!"
"Move? Dude I can barely stand! Now did you bring me food? I need sustenance."  No one moved. Not one muscle was moved. Everyone was too busy looking at the god wrapped up in the comforter.
"You can get yourself up and follow us to the interrogation room." That was Tony Stark. Loki knew the man's voice all too well.
"Noooooo. Foooood." The avengers, including Thor, rolled their eyes.
"You're fine. Now come on. Follow the leader." His response was groaning and moaning under the cover.
"Turn down the heat! I'm gonna die if you don't." Thor looked nervously at Tony.
"Sir Tony, he just might. I advise you to turn it down."  Tony mumbled for Jarvis to turn the heat down. It didn't instantly get cold but you could easily feel the change.
"Now will you get up?" Loki groaned again but made no move to get up.
"I still need food. Y'all see how much Thor eats, I'm supposed to eat more than him. Now get me some food!" Loki threw off the covers, sat up and glared at the avengers. He felt a chill run up his back and he sighed. The heat was really affecting him in the worst ways possible.
"Man of Iron, have you not fed my brother?" To this Tony nervously rubbed his neck.
"Why has he not eaten? Is there no food?" Loki rolled his eyes at Thor and his oafishness.
"Dear brother, your friend here has starved me. I haven't eaten all day. And he damn near cooked me in this heat. I should have just broken the window." He smirked as Thor glared darkly at Tony.
"It doesn't matter. We need to go."
"I'm not leaving this room unless I get food. Enough to feed a small army!" Steve groaned in annoyance. "Just get him the food Tony."  Tony rolled his eyes. He then motioned everyone toward the door. The others hesitated, but in the end followed him out.
"What are you doing?" No one answered Loki's question. Not even Thor. "Thor! Don't leave!" With that last sentiment Loki went still. Shocked by his own words. 'Don't leave'. He didn't know why he said it but he did. And that worried him.
Outside the door the avengers stood in silence. Thor was the first to walk away. He desperately wanted to turn around and talk with his brother. Ask him about why he was on earth. Why he hadn't told him.
"Please order his food." He spoke quietly. Thor was super deep in thought. Which threw off the group of heroes. He was usually so upbeat and excitable. Guess seeing Loki stirred up a lot of things.
Mumbling an affirmative Tony pulled out his phone and started ordering food.
"Thor, do you have any idea what he's doing here?" If the glare Sam received didn't answer his question the random thunder did.
"Do shut up." Heads turned to the doorway. Standing by the kitchen counter was Loki.  He was leaning against it with a hand wrapped around his middle.
"How did you get out of the room?" He rolled his eyes at both Steve and Thor. He made his way over to the faucet with a cup he grabbed from the rack. Turned the tap on cold and filled it up. He downed three cups of water. Loki was extremely dehydrated.
"How did you get out of the room?" This time it was Natasha.
"Nice to meet you too, Black Widow." He rolled his eyes and drank more. "Is my food almost here?"
"Can you stop whining like a baby?" Loki's eyes twitched with annoyance.
"I wouldn't be starving if you hadn't attacked me. Like seriously I was going to come with you. Thor, out of everyone here I didn't expect you to attack me." He had moved toward the fridge and began rummaging through it.  Finding nothing to his liking he moved to the cupboards. There he found poptarts.
"Those are mine, brother." He smirked evilly and opened the box. Now that he knew they were Thor's he wanted them even more. He ate about half the box before they were snatched away.
    "Give them back." He would have stunned his brother but was still fairly weak. The Pop tarts only made him more hungry.
"Is my food almost here?" Loki whined.
"Yes it's downstairs." Loki didn't have enough power but for his food he'll push his own limits. Hoping that he didn't fuck up anything he vanished downstairs and took his food from the delivery people. Popping back into the kitchen he almost fell over.
"Shit. I forgot to thank them. Thooorrr. Go downstairs and say thank you. Or Tony just call and tell them." He opened containers after containers. With each one his face lit up.
"Some of that is for us too." Loki looked at Clint in confusion. He then shot the same look to Tony.
"Um, no. This is for me. Not my kidnappers. That's not how this works." He started with the ramen. Shoving it in his mouth. Clint shot him a dirty look.
"Give me some of your food."
"Exactly!" Clint just stared. "It's MY food. Meaning I don't need to share shit!" He moved onto soul food. The gumbo and greens(collard greens) were delicious, the chicken was savory and the macaroni was divine. A moan of content passed through his lips.
               Onto the next container. This one contained Mexican food. Tamales, Tostadas, chilaquiles, carne asada tacos. 'Well that's upsetting. They didn't give me any sauces.' Getting up from his seat he walked back over to the cupboards. He didn't find anything that would taste good on his food.
"Thor, look in the fridge for some salsa or something." Even though he wasn't sure what he was looking for he took out what he thought Loki wanted. 

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