"I have to confess something."

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April 16


It had been two days since Anthony had watched another of Loki's tumultuous memories and they still had yet to talk about. Now it wasn't like Loki was in a rush to talk about it, but the look that had crossed his features that night shook his very core. It had really did a number on the scientist. Loki wasn't blind. He saw the way Anthony would look at his reflection like he was searching for something. Like the answer to everything was laid out, written somewhere on his face.

Now they sat in his mostly finished room. Loki had yet to get books to fill the giant bookshelf on the other wall. He wanted to book shop with the scientist but couldnt get his mind off the most recent memory he had watched. It was starting to annoy him. So when Anthony moved to get up and leave, Loki grabbed his hand.

"We need to talk."

"We've been sitting here for like an hour and now you want to talk." It wasn't a question more of a statement. Either way he sat back down on the bed.

Never one to draw something out, Loki went right for it. "What did you see?"

He knew this was coming at some point. He sighed and turned away from him. "Your punishment." Thats all he had to say. Loki immediately understood. When Loki said nothing he continued to speak. "Why didn't you ever say anything?"

Loki laughed dryly. "What was I to say? That I was tortured relentlessly pray pity me. It was unbecoming, yes, but not undeserved."

Tony whirled around at that. He thought for a moment. How best could he get his feelings across without sounding rude. "You know how Bucky was brainwashed by HYDRA and was forced to do all those crimes and they let him walk free. Thats basically what happened to you. Only difference is that you're not human and got punished severely on both worlds for a crime you wanted no part of." Loki could only stare as the statement began to make more sense the longer he thought about it.

"I've seen so many of your memories each almost worst than last. You've had every reason to become the villain people think you are and you haven't. That alone should be enough to trust you."

Loki sighed. Anthony had made multiple good points. There was no way Loki could argue against him. "You're right. There have been times when I've deeply considered it. But that would mean giving up the things that make me happy. I'd be giving up my team, my time and the little peace of mind I have left." He finally looked up to meet the others eyes. "I can't make myself believe that telling them would make them change their minds. They've had it out for me since they found me. I don't see that changing anytime soon."

Anthony stiffened at the thought that they would never get along. That they would never get it through their fuckin heads that there wasn't an enemy in this house. That nobody wanted a fight. "We can at least try. When we switch back I don't want a fight in the middle of the living room. I want us to all laugh at the absurdity of it all." He fell into the seat beside Loki. "I don't want a fight." He said more sadly.

"Then we should talk to them now rather than later." Loki pushed up from his seat. "I don't want a fight either Anthony. I'm sick and exhausted of fighting for my name. So lets get this shit over with." Anthony got back and nodded his agreement.

"J, can you tell everyone to meet us in the living room? Make sure they know its important."

"Spider-Man and Deadpool are already there the others are making their way now."

"Thanks J." They set out to join everyone in the communal room. Hoping to all hell that the following conversation would go well.

When the walked into the room it wasn't tense but it wasn't not. Understandable seeing as to how they had told them it was super important and wanted the entire house there. Visibly seeing the unease on his friends face Deadpool wanted to alleviate some of it. "You look like you could use a taco." Deadpool pushed one of his tacos in Loki's direction. Loki gladly accepted the dish.

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