Well...They are the Avengers

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As soon as the sun was in the sky Matt Murdock, with a sleepy spider, was knocking at the New York sanctum's door. It was a 'good day to help a friend' he said when he went to get the teen. Peter, being too sleep deprived to say anything, only nodded and got dressed.

"Matt? Peter? What are you two doing here?" Wong asked followed by a yawn. He stepped out of the way to let them.

"Business with Strange. Where is he?" Straight to the point. Like always.

"It's Saturday, right? Can we go back home?" He spared a glance to his partner.

"Riiight. Stephen?"

"Probably in his room. It's-" Before Wong could give them directions they were walking off. "Mr.Murdock, I'm tired. I had to do patrol all by myself last night." Peter whined.

"You don't have to go out every night. We've all told you this before. Until you learn that that's why we formed this group you can bet we don't care how tired you are. I say this with love, young one." Peter huffed out a breath.

"Besides we can bother Stephan to lighten your mood." Peter smiled nervously as Matt knocked on Dr.Strange's door. When there was no response he knocked again..and again.. and again. After still getting no response the duo started hammering on the door. They were knocking for about 5 minutes before they were thrown against the wall by an invisible force. Neither had enough time to defend themselves.

"Wong what could-" The sorcerer stopped mid sentence at seeing his partners stuck against the wall. Lifting the spell he changed his sentence. "I don't understand why we had to wake up so early. Loki and Wade can handle themselves for a few more hours."

Matt rolled his eyes at his friends' attitudes. It wasn't that early. It was probably half past 9. Which sounds like a reasonable time. A lot of civis start work at that time. Kids wake up even earlier than that for school.

"We need to get to Stark tower. The sooner we talk to the Avengers the sooner we get this problem over before it can get worse.

"It's actually not a tower anymore. We're all based at the Compound." The adults turned to stare at the young man. "What do you mean?" Stephen asked, leading the other two inside. They sat on the medium sized couches in his room.

"Mr. Stark built the Avengers Compound a little after Ultron and at the end of Civil War."

"So Peter will just take us to the compound."

"Peter can't but Spider-Man can. Remember the Avengers don't know my secret identity. And wouldn't it be sus if I walked in with the Sorcerer Supreme and Daredevil." The two adults nodded in understanding.

"Either way the plan works. Should we go now?"

"No. We need to go see Loki." Dr.Strange adjusted his sling ring before creating a portal to Deadpool and Loki's apartment.

Wade and Loki were sprawled out on the couch together mindlessly watching The Golden Girls. Wade still hadn't told Loki that he had texted the team. He was a little scared to be honest. But also not. After all, Loki knew this was bound to happen at one point. So when the familiar golden circle appeared Loki just barely glared at Wade.

"Loki? Are you okay? Did they hurt you? What did they do? Who all was there? How did they find you? Are you okay?" Loki promptly pushed the spider child away from his face.

"I'm fine. If only a little annoyed." Which was true. As soon as he woke up and all the things that had happened the day before came rushing back he cursed himself. His reaction at the time was mild if anything. He thought that he should have fought more. But also knew why he didn't.

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