'So whats happening?'

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After Team red left the Avengers were thrown into chaos. Bruce and Hulk who were now in Thor's body were deathly anxious. Thor continued to look worriedly at Bruce. Only offering a small smile and a comforting hand on his back to try and soothe them.
Natasha was arguing with Tony, who was in Loki's body about letting Loki and the others stay with them.  "You cannot be serious Tony.There are so many reasons you shouldn't do this."
Tony rolled his eyes. "Widow, please. Need I remind you that you were an assassin before joining the Avengers. Thor... went on a killing spree that got him sent here," Tony looked a bit confused. 'How do I know that?' He couldn't think about it for too long; he had a case to defend."can't forget that day Steve ignored a person because they were wearing a shirt that said "Out and Proud"." That shut her up. Thor looked a bit surprised and deeply ashamed at being called out.
"I'm heading to the lab," He looked at Bruce then turned his head to look up at the giant that was Thor's body. "You coming?" Bruce looked a little surprised but nodded nonetheless. 
"What are we doin' down here Tony?" Bruce asked once they'd entered their shared safe space.
"Shopping for new clothes. I don't have anything that will fit Loki's body.  And I'm sure you don't want to be stuck in asgardian attire for long." He swung around in his chair to look at him.
"What are you going to do with all the clothes once you're back in your own body?"
"Give it all to Loki?"
At this Bruce sent him a skeptical look. "Tony, you and Loki have completely different styles. He'd burn the clothes while they were on you."
"Mhm. Good point. Guess I'll just buy what he likes."
"You also need to take care of his body. Not just make it look nice like a doll. Which means fixing your sleeping and eating habits." Tony pouted at being called out.
Sighing he replied, "You're right. This also means you'll have to do the same thing plus train that way Thor doesn't lose his muscles. Think you can do that?"
"Weren't we shopping for new clothes?" Bruce's poor attempt at a subject change worked because Tony laughed and opened multiple clothing websites.
Two Days Later
"What took you guys so long?" Tony asked as team red came through a portal.
"We had to convince Loki." Peter, who was still in Deadpool's body said. "Also had to get used to the change."
Tony only nodded. Before getting up from the couch. "I should probably show you where you'll be staying. Follow me."
"Shouldn't you tell the rest of your team we're here?" Loki questioned. Tony shrugged. "They'll find out soon enough."
He led them down several hallways before stopping. "This will be y'all's hall. Pick any room you want." Deadpool, who was in Spider-Man's body, ran excitedly past Tony into the last bedroom and squealed.
Spider-Man walked into the one across from DP's. 'It's okay for now.' But it hit him that there were cameras everywhere. Even in his room. He instantly ran out again bumbling into Deadpool.
"Turn off the cameras in our rooms." They said together.
Tony, who was talking to Stephen turned and looked at the two in confusion. Then it hit him. "J. Turn off all the cameras in this hall. Including the ones in their rooms. Forgot about the secret identity thing, sorry." All of team red sighed heavily with relief.
"Thank you Loki. Er- Tony." Loki rolled his eyes at Stephen. Then went back to studying his room. It just looked like Tony got the most expensive looking things that looked good together and put them in one room. His face scrunched up in disgust. "Our place looks better than this."
"Really?" Loki spared the genius next him a glance before scanning the room again.
"Yes." They then turned to look at each other. Tony took note of the fact that his face looked much more healthy. Loki took note of his skin, it was still blue.  He was tempted to illusion it.
"Do you want me to put an illusion on you?"
Tony's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What do you mean?"
"My skin. I'm sure the others have been staring at you non stop because of it. I can cover it up."
"I'm fine. But it's your body. If you don't want people to see it that's fine. Although I was getting fond of seeing the red eyes."
Loki felt his face flush a tiny bit. "Okay." 
Tony was still confused but walked out when Loki didn't move to cast anything.  "See ya later then. "  He just barely heard Loki mutter maybe.  
"I'm still wondering why you guys are staying here too?" Clint asked from the vent above the living room TV.
"DareDevil and I need to be able to supervise Deadpool and Loki. Those two are currently flight risks. They didn't want to stay here for privacy reasons."  
"Oh." Was all he said and then he was gone. Off to some other part of the compound.
"Daredevil, you don't have to stay if you don't want to. I'm sure they'll understand if you leave." The blind man turned to his partner and shook his head. "I want to stay and support them." The sorcerer supreme sighed but let the conversation drop for now.
"Come on. Let's go to your room then." Instead of opening a portal they walked. Tony and Bruce were a bit surprised by this.Seeing as Strange, at least to them, seemed to go everywhere by portal.
Another 2 Days Later
All of the Avengers and Team red were gathered in the communal kitchen one morning to discuss how the next few weeks were going to work. Steve spoke first, of course.
"Loki,Spider-Man, Deadpool, Strange and daredevil are to be monitored 24/7. None of them are allowed to leave the compound. And No weapons."
Multiple faces were pulled at this.
"Sir. You must not know who you're speaking to. There is no need to watch us all the time because you weren't doing it before. No one has left the compound in 4 days because that's what we all agreed to to keep this all hush hush. And if we aren't allowed weapons neither are y'all."
Deadpool cut in at that moment to put in his two senses."What the hell do we look like leaving ourselves open to the enemy? You must have lost ya damn mind Rogers."  Loki, Bruce, Thor, and Clint nodded along.
Natasha rolled her eyes. "Fine. What about S.H.I.E.L.D?"
"What about them?" Asked Tony and Loki.
"We cant leave them out of the loop forever?"
"We wont have to. You, Clint and Steve are perfectly fine. Which means you can be the face of the Avengers for a while. Loki can make a few appearances as me. And I'm sure Loki can whip up some illusions if we need them."
"That's so stupid it might work Stark." Loki said from his spot against the wall.
"I don't know Tony. Seems a bit risky." Bruce spoke from his spot on the floor. He had taken to sitting crossed legged on the floor.
"It wont be risky if everyone plays their part."
"What about us though?" Spider-Man raised his hand. "People have already noticed my absence. Crime has gone up and my rep has taken more beatings than usual because of it."
"And I'm behind on jobs. People are starting to think I actually died." Deadpool slumped against the counter in boredom.
Tony, Bruce and Loki all pulled thoughtful expressions. It was quiet for a few minutes to give the resident geniuses time to think.
"You both still have your respective powers so why not just make new suits." 
"I thought of that but I'm still not used to being in DP's body. I cant even think of doing half the stunts I usually do. It took me so long to even get that good in my own body!"
"So train." Tony took a sip of the tea Loki had made him before continuing. "We have a huge training facility, just train till you're good enough to jump back into the fray."
Steve sighed "We can all go. Hell, I think we all need it." A murmur of agreement and surprise went around the table.
"Why am I even here? I don't even have powers." Tony groaned to Bruce and Stephen. Which prompted a chuckle from the two.
"That may be the case but this can also be a team building activity." Bruce is always the voice of reason.
Tony only scowled. "Why aren't you two out there?" He gestured toward Thor, Loki, Steve and the others.
"I didn't switch bodies and I'm not a part of this team."
"Hulk is .....apprehensive of switching in this body." The other two nodded before their attention was pulled back to the training heroes. Loki was throwing knives at a target. One had missed it's mark and landed a few inches away from Steve's head. The three on the side lines winced, knowing what was about to happen.
Captain America whirled on Loki. "Watch where you're aiming! What are you blind?!"
"No. My sight is just fine. It's just.. Tony is short." Steve stopped dead in his tracks to stare at the god. Loki was then reminded that the genius was still in the room. "No offense Tony. I didn't mean anything by it." He scrambled over his words attempting to apologize.   
Tony held up his hands to stop him from rambling. "I know. It's fine." Loki visibly relaxed. Steve, who was still a ways away, laughed at the scene before him. "How do you think I feel being in this tall ass body?"
"I imagine you feel better than everyone. Seeing how you can finally actually look down at others." This caused the room to erupt in laughter and Tony to half pouted, half smiled.
"You're not wrong."
Deadpool and Spider-Man walked over to their godly friend. "Why don't you practice something else? Give the knives a break." Peter patted his shoulder.
"I suppose. What should I do though? Knives are my speciality."
"I might have a stupid idea. That may or may not be even more dangerous than his knives." All heads turned to Tony. "You could try on the iron man suit."
"I can't believe I'm about to say this but.....I think you should."
"Steve..." Natasha said with a warning tone.
"I know Widow. But that knife was close."
"JARVIS if you would?"
"As you wish sir." Pieces of the iron suit came flying. Loki had enough sense not to dodge the pieces of metal. Once encased in the metal Loki stood completely still. And no he wasn't afraid to move. Just overly cautious.
"What now?"
Loki was thrown against the training room wall. "Stark, how do you even operate this piece of scrap!?"
Off on the sidelines everyone was snickering while watching the dumpster fire that was Loki and Tony. "First calm the fuck down."
"Language." Yelled Steve and Deadpool. Which caused the latter to look at him curiously.
Tony rolled his eyes. "J. There should be a manual. Can you show it to Loki?"
The AI was quick to respond. "Pulling it up now sir."
Inside the armor Loki was reading the pages. Quickly consuming the midgardian knowledge. He paused when he came across a few flaws and made a mental note to tell Tony.
"Alright everyone back up. I'm about to attempt a repulsor beam." Steve, Bruce, Strange, and Daredevil were the quickest to leave the room and watch from the other side. Clint, Natasha and Tony were the only ones left in the room with the god. The two former shield agents claimed dodging the blasts would be a good exercise.
Inside the suit Loki was sweating bullets. He was extremely wary about this entire thing. But couldn't the adrenaline run he was having. So he fired up the right gauntlet and aimed for one of the targets.
Just like when firing a gun for the first time he was startled and almost lost his balance. The beam completely missed its target and went towards Clint. He skillfully rolled out of the way.
"At least you did it. Try hovering."
'Hovering?' Loki thought. He started to feel dizzy at the thought.
"Mr. Loki's vitals are spiking. Heart rate slowing." FRIDAY urgently. The iron man suit opened up and Loki dropped out. Falling into Natashas arms.
Everyone that was watching outside came rushing in. Team Red and Thor being the most worried. Tony was also fairly worried seeing how Loki was in his body and knew his heart wasn't the most stable.
Loki could barely open his eyes. He could see but it was blurry. Memories that didnt belong to him flooded his mind. He could see Tony Stark's lab. Old equipment that was no longer there. Blueprints scattered around tables and white boards scribbled on. 
"Maybe if I....." Tony mumbled before flying up and hitting his head. "Nope. So recalibrating this should....." He hovered slightly before being jerked in all directions. "Ughhh. Deep breaths Anthony. You can't do anything if you lose it."
Loki jolted up. Looking around frantically. 'What the hell was that?'
"Lokes? You okay?" He turned to Dr. Strange who sat on his side along with Bruce Banner.
"Yes. A bit stressed was all. I'm fine now."
Bruce looked skeptical. "FRIDAY, how's he doin'?"
"His heart rate is back to normal, everything else is standard."
"I told you I was fine, sorcerer." Loki rolled his eyes. Strange just continued to run magic scans over him.
"Tony, when was the last time you calibrated the Iron Man suit?"
"A week or two ago. Why?"
"I think it needs to be calibrated again." Tony's eyebrows furrowed. Either way he walked over to the suit. He was about to get in but remembered it wasn't made for Loki. It was made for Tony Stark.
"You're going to have to do it. The suit only responds to me. I'll walk you through it."
"Brother! Are you sure this is a good idea?" Loki resisted the urge to roll his eyes.
"Thor, I'm fine. Two of the smartest people in the room said so." With that he continued walking over to the suit.
Inside the suit he pulled up the manual again. He reread it a few times before he started recalibrating.
"Sooooo, you don't need my help?"
"No....I think I got it." Tony hoped to hell he wasn't fucking his suit up. While Loki recalibrated the suit the others restarted their training.
"I'm bored as hell. I think I need to build a new suit."
Beside him Bruce looked stunned. "Whatever for?" 
"I can't be Iron Man without the suit. And without it I'm bored 24/7. It's decided. I'm making a new suit."
"And what will you do with it after Loki switches you back?"
Tony shrugged. "Give it to Loki."
Deadpool, who was silently listening into the conversation, scoffed. "Like he would wear red and gold."
"I could make it emerald and black with silver. Just thinking about it is making me jittery."
"Mind if I join you Tony? I need a new Spider-Man suit. I can't move in this leather. How Deadpool does all those crazy stunts, I'll never know."
"Deadpool, do you want a new suit too? We're all in this together so might as well work together."
"Hell yeah. Spidey think about the roleplay we can do after we're back to normal." Deadpool shivered with delight.
"What roleplay? Get your sick head out of the gutter Wilson. Just get back to training." He sighed.
"Sure but only if you train with me." Wade grabbed him by his hand and hauled him away from the others."I have something serious to tell you. Promise me you'll listen carefully."  Deadpool waited for Spider-Man to nod before continuing."Promise me you'll never take off a single piece of clothing in front of the others. They' ve never seen my face after Weapon X and I don't need you to-"
"Wade, I already know all of this." Wade sighed and relaxed tenfold. "You never take off your mask anyway so I know my identity is safe with you. But we really should continue training." Deadpool nodded and shot a few rounds at his partner. Spider-Man dodged them by a hair.
"Reflexes need a lot more work, Spidey."
Spider-Man shot three balls of webs at the mercenary. He watched as Wade was hit and fell to the floor. "So do yours!"
"Try that again, I dare you." Deadpool groaned loudly. 'What the hell could it be now?' He thought. Spider-Man crawled down from the ceiling to stand next to DP and watch the ongoing argument.
"Come on dude. Hulk should train too. And I know I'm not the only one who wants to see what Thor would like hulked out."  Hawkeye currently has an arrow aimed at Bruce.
"You bet not shoot! You shoot that arrow and you'll find the next one up your butt and around the corner." Yelled Loki from a different corner of the room.  No he wasn't trying to hide.
"Please do it!"
"Wade!" Yelled all of team red and the other Avengers. He was not helping the situation.
"We don't really want to switch like this if we don't have to. So don't shoot."
"Would you even be able to? It's not like you brought the gamma radiation to Thors body. Just your mind." Strange began mumbling possibilities.
"You make a good point. Hawkeye, shoot Thor." 
"No. Don't you point that thing at me." Thor summoned his hammer and got ready to fly away. 
"Do it now Hawkass." DP shouted. "You'll shoot the Hulk but not Thor? Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous.
"Thors a freakin' god! Should you shoot him?" Everyone in the room raised and eyebrow at that.
Deadpool raised his gun, aimed, and fired as soon as Thor reached the door. "I'm a mercenary and immortal. I have no fear." Beside him Peter shuddered as a vision flashed through his head.
Strapped to a table. Needles stuck in his skin. Machinery all around him and hands touching his body. Adrenaline running wild with fear and anxiety by its side. 
"Yo! Dude. Were you even listening to me? I'm hurt, Spidey." As he regained his senses he slumped against Deadpool. "Spider-Man? Hey are you okay? Spidey?" He quickly called over Strange.
"What happened?"
"He fainted, I think." Strangers eyebrows furrowed and his thoughts started to race again. He checked over the kids body and everything was alright. 'So what was happening?' He thought.
"He's okay." They watched as Spider-Man regained his senses.  He slowly turned and walked back over to a now hulked out Thor. Who was also throwing a fit.

Write something she says; so something I write *winks* *smirks*
    Fin whores!~ Faith(AKA KingLethals big sister)

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