'All I need is a reason.'

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April 13
"That was the best night's sleep I've had in a while."Anthony got up and stretched out his limbs. Hearing a satisfying crack.
"I have to agree with you there." They avoided the others' gaze and walked out of the room to the small kitchen.
"So what's for breakfast?"
"It is currently 13:23. You've missed breakfast." Both men ignored the AI. Just because they missed the morning doesn't mean they missed breakfast.
"I'm craving grilled cheese. Or maybe cereal."
"I can make us some." Loki smiled and sat down while Anthony got everything out and ready. "I'm guessing you'll want four or five."
"You know me too well. Even though I'm not in my body I still eat and inordinate amount of food.Which you know you might want to try."
"Should I?"
"Yes. My body is looking terribly thin."
Anthony rolled his eyes. In reality he had been. Just not in front of people. Loki would find that out sooner or later "Do you think the paint is done drying?"
"We set up two big ass fans in that room. If it's not, we can just use magic to dry the rest."
"I suppose you're right. Should we build the bookshelf next?"
"Yeah that makes sense."
"Guess we'll need to order you more books. We can start with that book Bucky was telling you about last night."
"That's nice of you but I can get it myself."
Anthony turned around to look at him. "With what money?"
"I have some leftover change. Deadpool and I aren't THAT broke."
"Yeah sure. I've been meaning to ask you, will you really stay here after everything is over?"
He shrugged. "Maybe. Sometimes. I like living with Wade. It's fun. But we do sometimes need our space. Sometimes."
'All I need is a reason.' He thought.
"I like spending time with you too. So of course, I'll be here often." The smile they shared was soft and sweet. It crushed the small building bitterness in Anthony's heart.
"On a completely different note, what are we going to do about Bruce and Thor? Neither have slowed in trying to get our attention."
Anthony sighed as he flipped the grilled cheese. "I'm not sure. I can't ignore him forever. He is my best friend. I guess I'll talk to him. But on my own terms. What about Thor?"
"There's a lot to unpack. I don't think we'll ever have a good relationship, there's too much pain. But it wouldn't hurt to talk."
"Look at us being mature. Our younger selves would be surprised to death."
Loki chuckled then sighed. "The thing with Thor is he can never shut up long enough to get the point across. I'll probably stab him before I get to the point."
"Let's hope that doesn't happen."
"Mhm. This conversation should happen when I'm back in my own body. So I should have plenty of time to think it over."
"Our talk can wait too." No they weren't nervous....Okay, yes! They were stalling. But only because the topics were so important.
After they finished eating they headed to Loki's room. "It really was a good idea to put fans in here."
"Yeah. Step out for a second and I'll bring back the stuff from the basement."
"Just the bookshelf. I feel like it'll take up a lot of space." He nodded and turned back to the empty room. Lifted his hands and began doing the same hand movements from the first time. When the package was in front of them and the big ass hole in the floor was closed Anthony stepped beside him.
"How do you do that?"
"Magic?" He nodded. "It's a part of me. I can't not do it. It's literally in my blood."
"Can humans learn it?" Loki arched his brow.
"Interested in learning my craft, Anthony?"
"So it's possible." He weakly dodged the question.
"No. It's not. But it is possible to learn the type of magic Stephen uses."
"Mhm. You'd let me learn that knock off magic."Anthony said clearly feeling insulted.Not as much as Stephen would have been had he heard. He turned away from him and toward the giant box on the floor. "Is it safe to assume you've never built something like this?"
"Great, this is a first for me too. Guess we can mess up together?"
"You made a fucking arc reactor. I doubt this will be hard for you."
He laughed. "You'll be surprised. Grab the scissors." They sat down on the ground and pried the box open.
"Why does it even need that much tape?"
"They have to make sure it gets here intact. Don't want anyone calling it in and getting they money back."
"Suppose that makes sense. But still that was overkill." Together they dragged out the pieces and laid them on the ground. "Have you seen the instructions?"
"No. I assumed you had them."
"You mean to tell me we have to build this without a fucking guide?" Loki being so upset was honestly peak entertainment for Anthony. It made him giggle. But quickly stamped it down when he saw him glaring.
"It can't be that hard."
5 hours later they were still struggling with the fucking bookshelf. Yes they were half way done but it had been 5 hours! In that amount of time they should have been finished.
Loki threw the screw driver he was using against the wall. It made a dent. Anthony shook his head but understood his friend's feelings. "We can cover that up with a painting or something."
"Sounds good." Loki huffed.
"Definitely. We need dinner."
"Wanna air fry some chicken patties?"
"Are they spicy?"
"You think I would have the regular ones? I'm insulted." They got up off the floor and headed to Anthony's room.
"Do you want fries?"
"Are they waffle or crinkle cut?"
"Waffle, duh."
"As long as you season them."
"Of course. What do you take me for?"
"Do you really want me to answer that question?"
Anthony spun around to face him. "I always season my food, thank you very much." Loki put up his hands in surrender. With one final glare Anthony continued walking to his room.
Loki sat down at the island like he had done earlier while Anthony walked over to the fridge to get out the chicken patties and fries. "Please tell me you have chick-fa-la sauce."
"Of course. I'm not crazy."
"We'll leave that to Wade." They smiled.
They looked down at the unfinished bookshelf. "I'm debating on leaving this here and picking back up tomorrow."
"It does sound good."
"Why do I hear a 'but' coming?"
"But we have to finish it. We're half way done. We can do it."
Loki groaned.  "Don't make me."
Anthony laughed at his dramatics and passed him the screwdriver he threw against the wall. "We should stand it up now, if we wait till the end we'll need help."
Loki walked to the other end of the shelf and grabbed the edge. "Ready?"
"On three."
"Three!" They both grunted as the wood dug into their hands. "Maybe we should have asked for help." Loki admits.
"Nah, we got this. I'm an engineer and you have magic. Asking for help would be asking for trouble." He exhaled heavily. "Jesus christ that was hard."
"Back to screwing."
Anthony looked over with a sly grin. "Oh? I didn't realise-"
"Shut up and build."
Three more hours passed before they were finished. (It's now 22:00.) But there was a small problem. "Fuck me in the ass and call me Hades!" Loki threw the screwdriver at the wall again. It made another dent.
Anthony rolled his eyes. "Is he real?" Loki didn't acknowledge the question and went on.
"We're gonna have to move it against the wall. You know, the wall on the other side of the room."
Loki's face paled as Anthony came to the realisation. "Fuck me." He groaned loudly and shot a glare toward Loki who was already giving him a suggestive stare.
"What the hell are we going to do?" Loki then stretched his body's worn limbs. "Lets try to move it together. You push it at the bottom, I'll take the top." Anthony looked up to him like he had changed shape. "Cant hurt to try."
"Yes in the hell it can. I am 40 some years old. That back aint made for this shit anymore." Loki rolled his eyes at the man and moved to grip the bookshelf.
    "Hurry up, Anthony." Grumbling about how he was gonna be cripple when he moved back to his body he positioned himself to push the shelf.
.......It stayed still. The shelf did not move an inch.Loki snapped his fingers. "Winter, Spider-Man, and Deadpool." They've all got super strength."
"Great! So what now? Sleep?"
"Now we go make smoothies as a reward."  Minutes later they found themselves sitting on Loki's room floor admiring what work they had finished. Loki closed his eyes as he tuned his ears into the low hum of the arc reactor. A soothing sound it had become. A fascinating invention indeed, and to think a mere human made it. A talented, snarky, rich, playboy, philanthropist made it. Truly a one in a million type of person Anthony Stark is. 
A weight pressing against his shoulder brought him out of his thoughts. He looked over to see the genius slumped uncomfortably by his side. His half finished smoothie about to drip onto the floor. Loki reached over and grabbed it before any could fall onto the floor. The put his attention back on the man beside him. It was still weird(and extremely uncomfortable) to see himself in his jotun form everyday. The striking blue and the runes that ran along his body. Not to mention those magma red eyes. Underneath his eyelids, those eyes were darting around frantically.
"So not asleep. Wonder what memory you're seeing now. No doubt you'll tell me all about it when you wake."
As soon as the blurring went away and he could see clearly, Anthony screamed. "I am far too tired to deal with this shit! Get me out of here! NOW!" To no avail. He huffed and decided to at least see where the magic had sent him this time. It was the same hall as always but this time there was some type of witness podium high enough to meet the judges eye but still low enough for them to look down on the other person. The room was filled to the brim with people. All wearing clothing that looked fit for a royal. But then looking closer, a lot of them looked like commoners.
All eyes, including his own, shot to the floor to ceiling doors. In walked Loki in all his regalia. His hand flew over his mouth as he looked at him. A chain wrapped around his neck connected to hands keeping the close, feet chained so close together he took steps so small it didn't look like he was moving. And to piece it all together, a black metal muzzle covered half his face. But even with it on, Loki never stopped grinning.
The whispering grew till Odin, the fucker he is, couldn't stand it. "Quiet! Loki is still your Prince despite his crimes. You will not disrespect him!"
Anthony's face scrunched up in disgust. He pushed past the commoners and made his way up to the Allfather. "Your actions speak louder. That's fucking bullshit! This entire trial is bullshit. Get bent." He seethed.
Behind him, Loki was walking up the stair of the podium. He would stumble but handled it with grace and dignity. He turned to face him. That shit eating grin still burning. The glint in his eyes spoke a number of tragedies.
"Stop smiling you idiot!" Anthony yelled. It was said in painfully fond way. It hurt him to see him like this. He felt the tears well up in his eyes. Loki becoming more and more blurred. How ironic.
"For you crimes on Midgard and Jotunheim you are hereby sentenced to life in the dungeons. There you shall have time to reflect and repent."
The smirk fell slightly at that. But Loki held it together. "If I may," The crowd gasped as he spoke. Prompting a new series of whispers. The muzzle disappeared from his mouth in a smoke of green. Odin stood from his chair with unease. "I only did it for you, Father." Disdain dripping in his tone. The crowd quited upon Loki speaking. Wanting to hear everything he said. "I did it because of prejudice, and pride. I bet you regret tricking me all those millennia ago." Anthony could see the fire that blazed in Loki. His eyes never wavered once. He took his punishment with stride.
He watched as the murmurs grew into full on yelling. Everyone arguing over each other. Some questioned Odin for a mere moment before reminding themselves that "Loki was a bonafide liar by nature." To which Anthony rolled his eyes. "Silence!" Everybody shut up with quickness. Turning and giving Odin their full attention. "Guards, take him to his cell. May you repent for eternity." The glare that Odin sent to Loki was so cruel it sent shivers down his spine. A father should have never sent a look like that to their child. Not if they actually cared.
    He watched with tears in his eyes as Loki was dragged away. Silently he seethed. Cursing the rest of the royals and commoners in the room. Cursing Loki for not doing more. Saying more. He sent one more glare toward the "King" before running after Loki. Loki was dragged harshly down numerous corridors. Anthony kicked at the guards. They purposely tugged him along to make him stumble then would drag him until he found his footing again. Loki was quiet the entire time.
"I know you have the power to stop this. You fuckin' idiot." It took them passing ten criminals for Loki to finally say something.
"Mind telling me where we are going?"
"To your cell, your majesty." Loki looked up. For a second Anthony thought he was looking at him.
"Mhm, is this 'cell' underground?"
Guard 1 rolled his eyes. "How observant of you."
"What are you so worried about?" Loki's face paled. Or rather a little bit of blue started to show. "You have magic, get outta here now!" Anthony groaned and continued to walk with them.
Guard 2 stopped in front of small hole. "You know, I got to give it to the Allfather. I never would have thought of this."
"Let's hurry and get back. I heard there was going to be a feast after." Guard 1 then pushed Loki violently to the ground. "Crawl." Loki glared and did as told. Next the two guards. "If i get muddy I'll slap him senseless." When Anthony got through the hole, one there was no mud on him, which he already knew. Two the hole was just barely big enough for them all.
The only thing in the cave was a rock and a snake. It hissed widely at them, unable to come any closer because of the small chain tied to it. Loki and Anthony each arched a brow. "A pet to keep me company, how nice of the King."
Guard 1 chuckled. "Something like that."At his chuckle the boys looked even more uneased. Sweat began to show on Loki's brow.
"Scared of a little snake, your highness?" Loki didn't reply.
"Come on lets chainhim down and leave." Guard 2 yanked Loki by his wrist and pulled him toward the boulder that was right in front of the snake.
"Grab his legs." He ordered. Loki began to fight them. Kicking his feet as much as he could. His magic lit the entire hole as he fought the guards. It took a lot of time, strength, and energy to subdue Loki. He was bent over the boulder his head touching the ground. Eyes locked with the serpent.
It hissed profanities at the frost giant. Fangs bared, its thin tongue taunting him. It slithered toward him, stopping about 5 inches in front of him. Anthony watched with bated breath for something to happen. For Loki to leave. Kill the guards. Move positions. Anything. He just wanted something to happen.
"How exactly isn't this a pet?"
They chuckled. "You'll see." It was hard to feel intimidated by them when they were all crouched uncomfortably in the small hole. They left and Loki and Anthony were left in silence.
That's when Loki started frantically looking around. Struggling against the restraints that bound him. His magic once again wildly flailing around. Bright green flames enveloped him, but did nothing to the chains.
Anthony watched in horror as Loki fought the chains. The insanity of the flames burning away the glamour that hid his brilliant blue skin and ruby eyes. "You'll hurt yourself. But all you want is to be free, you don't care if you get hurt along the path of freedom." A single tear rolled down his face as he watched his struggle continue. "I fucking hate this. Even though I know you needed to be punished what you did. It wasn't you! So why did you get punished" More tears fell.
The snake that sat in front of him slithered away in fear. It hissed menacingly. Fangs on full display. Before either of them could notice what was happening, the snake slithered forward, mouth hung open. It stopped 5 inches in front of Loki. But it was still plenty close. It's venom fell onto Loki. Right into his eyes. The flames engulfing him ceased instantly as the pain began to set in.
Anthony's eyes widened in horror again. Loki's screams were brutal. So filled with pain. He wanted to look away. He wanted to run away. But he couldn't. It felt wrong to leave him here. Even if he was a memory. Anthony didn't like the thought of leaving him alone.
Again the snake dropped venom into his eyes. Eyes that were usually so beautiful and vibrant now looked aged and withered. "What kind of snake had venom THAT toxic?"  It continued to spit into Loki's eyes. And he continued to scream until his voice was hoarse.
"I've seen enough. Please take me back." Anthony asked quietly.The magic listened to him for once. When he opened his eyes he saw that he was still on Loki's room floor. In seconds he bolted to the bathroom. He glared at the face in front of him.
"It could have healed or he's hiding it. It's probably that." He walked back out of the bathroom toward Loki. "Wake up!" He flinched violently and pulled a dagger out of thin air. He almost killed himself and Anthony. The dagger was mere inches from the pulse in his neck.
"Dangerous little dude, aren't you?" Anthony nervously giggled.
"Sorry. You startled me."
"Don't worry 'bout it. I was just waking you so we could go to bed. We don't have to talk about what I saw."
Loki almost frowned. It's not like he WANTED to talk about it. It just felt nice to have someone ask. "Okay. Let's go."

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