Ochako Uraraka: Origin

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Hi Ochako Uraraka I'm a 14 year old girl attending middle school and hope to become a pro hero someday so I can make my parents proud of me, you see my parents are going through some financial troubles and I promised my parents all those years ago that I will become a hero and make them proud! This is my journey to become the next symbol of peace and it starts on this one faithful day!

Uraraka had just finished her first day as a 3rd year at her Middle school ready to go home like usual, it had been an interesting day for everyone that was until she saw a crowd of heroes surrounding an area what caught her intrigue, coming closer to the action to see a sludge monster and it has someone hostage! but why isn't anyone doing anything he is going to die! and non of the heroes are doing nothing about it

For some reason Uraraka body felt like it was moving on its own almost like it was telling her to save that boy

"WHAT THE? WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" the blonde boy yelled at her as she attempted to free the boy

"I don't know my legs just started moving and im just- trying to help" Uraraka said with a bit of exhaustion in her voice

meanwhile a thin blonde male witnessed this display of heroism and was filled with determination

"i have to do something...no matter the cost! just a little longer" the blonde man said

"IM DONE PLAYING WITH YOU KIDS" the sludge villain said Cleary broken after what happened to today 

"Save the girl, this thing will kill her!" A pro hero said but suddenly a large explosions blinded them, Uraraka guarded herself from it but nothing hit her instead it was...oh my god it was ALL MIGHT

"I really am pathetic, everyone is always testing themselves throwing themselves into danger for the greater good AS THAT IS THE SIGN OF A TRUE HERO



All Might screamed at the top of his lungs using his signature attack that was so powerful it changed the weather entirely and let a gust of wind engulfing everything in the local area with pro heroes needing to help civilians

Afterwards the blonde boy and Uraraka met eachother when making there way back home and Uraraka felt bad for getting in the way of All Might maybe she can apologise through All Might's website although she doubts he ever checks it since he is busy being the number 1 hero and all

"ROUND FACE! just because your helped save me doesn't mean your better then me got that?" Bakugou yelled running up to her and quickly going back in the other direction clearly upset and humiliated at the sludge villains incident

'When did i ever say that to him also round face? what is up with this guy?' Uraraka thought

"What was that..?" was the only thing Uraraka could think of as a reply before the blonde teen left, this day couldn't get any weirder

"I AM HERE" All might appeared out of nowhere

"Ahhhhhhhhh, All might where did you come from and get rid of all the reporters?" Uraraka screamed

"HA HA HA I stand for justice not sound bites! because i am All mi-" before All might could finish the sentence he....turned into a skinny skeleton dude and coughed up blood....

"what the- your not all might you must be an- an imposter!" Uraraka tried to theorise what the hell just happened in the last 2 seconds 

"no i am All might, 5 years ago i was critically injured in a fight against a villain called Toxic chainsaw what costed me damaging my vital organs i can only hold my form for 3 hours now Pretty gross, right?" All Might or at least what she believes is All might said showing off his stomach with a red crack on the right side of his belly, Ochako was baffled at what she just seen and heard 

"Why are you telling me this..i only got in the way of your work and i apologise." Uraraka apologised

"no its not about that quite the opposite actually....seeing you rush in to save that kid it showed me you have the heart of a true hero" All might said with Ochako caught off guard by the praise 

"Every hero has one thing in common, there bodies moved before they had a chance to think almost on there own that's what happened to you today" All Might told Uraraka what it meant to be hero 

After All Might speech Uraraka thought of her promise to her Mother and Father 


"Yeah when i get big ill help you and mommy!" said a young Ochako full of emotion in her voice told her parents 


Tears went down Uraraka's face trying to hide it from All might she was tearful yes but she was also filled with determination needed to become a hero for not just her parents but for everyone!

"Young women, you too can become a Hero"

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