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"The only real heroes I see are Thirteen and Eraser Head.Perplexing. According to the schedule we retrieved from UA, All Might should be here as well." Said a mysterious figure with purple flame. 

"Where is he?I went through the trouble of bringing so many friends who're eager to meet him. They want All Might. The great Symbol of Peace. I can't believe he's not here. Maybe if I kill a few kids, Maybe then he'll come out to play." Said a man with many hands.

"What? Real villains? No way. How could so many of 'em get into a UA facility this secure?" Kirishima questioned.

"They might be fools but they aint dumb, they must have found away to block the communications" Todoroki theorised.  

"Thirteen, get them outta here and alert the main campus." Aizawa jumped down to fight the fodder Villains coming out of the portal.

"Mr Aizawa your going to fight them? i don't want to be rude Mr Aizawa but your quirk isn't suited for combat" Uraraka was questioning if Aizawa could.

"You can't be a pro if your only a one trick pony, that's what some people don't understand about heroism. I'll leave it to you, Thirteen." Aizawa responded and left to fight the fodder villains.

Although Uraraka was right about Eraserhead's quirk it doesn't mean he's completely useless as he has his strong tape and is well knowledge in close courter combat. 

The Class was making there way towards the exit but a man with purple flames for a face had appeared infront of them telling them there plan to eliminate the number one hero and then teleported all the students around the USJ with Uraraka left with Thirteen, Mina Ashido, Tenya Iida, Hanta Sero, Rikido Sato and Mezou Shouji.

"Everyone's scattered, but they're all still in the building" Shouji said.

Then Thirteen turned to Iida. 

"Class rep!" Thirteen told Iida.

"Yes?" Iida responded.

"I have a job for you.Run to the school and tell the faculty what's going on here." Thirteen told IIda.

"Yes, but Thirteen It would be disgraceful for me to leave you all behind!" Iida said.

"Use your Quirk to save others. Be a real hero!" Thirteen motivated Iida. 

"Go on Class rep! We all have trust in you ill help you just like in the cafeteria right Iida?" Uraraka said to Iida accompanied by a thumbs up. 

Iida looked at her and Thirteen with new found motivation, Iida looked up to Uraraka as the perfect example of a U.A. student she went to save her and others life's without a second thought in the entrance exam, fought Bakugo to a stalemate who was considered to be the strongest in the class and helped calm down the entire School with her quirk allowing Iida to stop everyone's panic but most importantly she was his friend. 

"Are there really idiots who talk about their plans in front of the enemy" Kurogiri mocked before releasing his dark aura onto them.

"We did it because it doesn't matter if we're found out!" Thirteen said before activating her quirk "Black hole!" Thirteens quirk sucked in Kurogiri but unfortunately for Thirteen Kurogiri created a portal that used her own quirk against herself tearing Thirteens backpack off in a instant.

"Iida! Run and hurry!" Sato told Iida which Iida used the distraction to blitz through the exit and seek for help but Kurogiri then appeared infront of Iida ready to stop him but thanks to a Shoujis strength he was able to hold him back for a moment. 

But Kurogiri wasn't one to give up and broke free nearly devouring Iida in a purple storm. 

But at the last moment Uraraka levitated Kurogiri off Iida.

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