Choosing the class representative

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Uraraka had woken up after the events of the battle simulation against Bakugo, she was mostly healed and ready to return to class with many questions thrown at her but she noticed that Bakugo was no where to be seen.

"Where's Bakugo?" Uraraka questioned 

They told her that he left early and is probably on his way home

'Whats going on with Bakugo? he basically won our fight, right?' Uraraka thought, mabye she could talk to him about it 

Uraraka catched up to Bakugo who was just leaving U.A. grounds 

"Bakugo wait up! whats wrong" Uraraka yelled out towards Bakugo 

"Have you come to rub your win in my face or something?" Bakugo said in a angry tone

"No im just wondering why you rushed off like that, you won right?" Uraraka questioned 

"You held back against me while i was giving my all and you where still giving me a fight, and when you used your true power against me you completely countered my blast and won..destroying everything i knew up until this pride, my strength and confidence all broken because you held back!" Bakugo said clearly upset at Uraraka who was surprised at the emotion he had in his voice 

"Bakugo the reason i held back is because i couldn't risk breaking my bones this power i have its new to my quirk and body so i need more time to master this power" Uraraka told the angry teen 

"... Fine but remember this round face, im just getting started and i will not lose to you again!" Bakugo said with determination 

Uraraka gave him a smirk


Another day began for Class 1A and today was a very special day for them 

"Okay class today you need to elect a representative. The representative title is a chance for you to gain extra recognition at U.A." Aizawa said  "Do it anyway you like just don't bother me" Aizawa going in his sleeping bag 

"I wanna be representative" 

"Me too!" 

"Ill do it" 

The class erupted into chaos all voting for themselves until Tenya spoke out 

"the class should put it to a vote so its fair for everyone and the person is elected democratically!" Iida said 

The class put it to a vote ending with Ochako Uraraka as representative and Yaoyorozu Momo as deputy 

"What why me?" said a confused Uraraka infront of the class, she was above average in smarts but she was no near as smart as Momo or Tenya 

Later on, Ochako, Yosetsu and Tenya sit together and have lunch in the mess hall, Yosetsu had become more sociable since the battle against Bakugo and Iida mostly due to Ochako's friendly attitude 

"I don't know Iida i don't know if can be the representative of the whole class" Ochako doubts herself 

"Don't doubt yourself Uraraka!" Iida reassured her

"Yeah you'll probably be fine especially with Yaoyorozu and all that" Awase said in a relaxed tone with a slight blush on his face when mentioning Yaoyorozu 

"Wow thanks guys, by the way Iida why are you so formal? are you from a wealthy rich family or something?" Uraraka questions about Iida's family 

"Well, yes im a part of Ida family and I fears it will change how others view me and my brother, Ingenium" Iida shyly admitted

This shocked them both but there interest turned somewhere else as the alarm went off,  this means someone has infiltrated U.A! All students evacuated the mess hall at the same time, creating a major traffic , But Tenya notices it was just the Media while he notices it non of the others did so Iida asked Uraraka to give him a boost onto the emergency exit board before yelling for the students to calm down. 

"Everyone calm down its just the media!" Iida yells trying to get everyone's attention 

everyone calmed down due to Iida's plan 

The students return to class after lunch and Uraraka makes the decision to resign as class representative in favour of Iida being the class representative. she was moved by Iidas heroics 

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