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We got a call saying an interview had been set up for us in the next city we'd be playing in. Apparently, we'd be traveling all the way to Montreal, Quebec in Canada. I was happy for the distraction. We were set to work that day, packing everything up and getting ready to head out. We had to be there by the next day and that would be a long trip.

I was around the back of the bus, scouting for anything we might've left outside. It was starting to get late and the light was slowly fading, so it was becoming harder and harder to see. I fumbled around for a while, untangling a strap from the wheel well and picking up a few towels.

I put them away and headed back around to inspect more. When I couldn't find anything outside the bus, I inwardly prayed that the boys had done a fair job cleaning inside.

I sighed and found myself closing my eyes and trying to zone out. I was letting myself get too stressed. Just... relax. Life will go on as it does. It's okay. You're going to be


I heard my name and my thoughts dissolved. My head seized as I came back to conscious thoughts and I looked around for the source. Will appeared, sauntering around the corner. "Hey."

I leaned back into the bus. "Hey, Will. What's up?" I said. "I'll be in soon, don't worry."

He nodded absentmindedly. "Yeah, that's okay. Listen, I just wanted to talk. That okay?"

I sighed and folded my arms. I was getting tired of the drama my stupid feelings seemed to have brought up. Can't we just forget about it already? "Fine with me. What do we need to talk about?"

Will stepped over to lean beside me. "So Woody said he managed to talk to you too. Kinda worked something out, right?"

As he started, I felt my stomach tighten. Woody... I tried not to let myself get negative toward him—after all, he hadn't really done anything wrong. It was just me. But I found myself getting more and more wound up as he continued talking.

"How are you feeling? I mean, have you got a handle on this thing now? Woody said you're going to skirt around Kyle and... try new things out?" He coughed uncomfortably. "I guess... Well, he said—"

"Hey Will?" I interrupted him, bristling. His gaze snapped over to mine. I pursed my lips. "How come Woody talked to me? Why did he know?" He opened his mouth in confusion and couldn't quite answer. I leaned away from the bus and squared off, facing him. "Why did you tell him?"

Will blinked at me, obviously processing my questions. "I-I... You never said I couldn't tell Woody. You said to keep it from Kyle. I thought Woody could help."

"But I told you. You. Not Woody."

He narrowed his eyes and stood up straight. "Yeah, but you didn't say I couldn't."

I threw my arms down, fuming. "Well aren't you just great? Isn't this whole thing just great? I really regret telling you this. I regret telling you anything at all, William."

Will gaped at me and gritted his teeth. "You know what, Dan? I wish you hadn't told me either. Keep your shit to yourself and get a grip on your own damn life." He stomped away and I let out the breath I had apparently been holding, watching the water vapor swirl around and dissipate in the air. It grew steadily colder as I stood there.

I finally snapped myself out of the daze and buried my fingers in my hair, tucking my chin to my chest in a sort of conceded way. "That was stupid, Dan," I said quietly. Well, my subconscious butted in, he was acting pretty inimical. I bit my lip and rolled the thought around in my head. "No..." I breathed after a while. "No, that was me. I was being inimical. Goddammit. I'm destroying this band's foundation with this insanity."

I groaned and hit the back of my head on the bus. Not band. Family.

Someone must have forgotten I was out there—or Will hadn't told anyone—and been surprised at the thump of my head. I heard my name again, but the voice made me freeze. Any response felt physically lodged in my throat and I remained in choked silence. My ears tingled as the footsteps grew closer until he turned the corner.

"Dan?" Kyle's familiar, beautiful face was pinched in concern as he looked at me. "What are you...?"

I forced myself to swallow and managed a quiet, "Hey... Kyle... I was just—"

"What are you doing?" he cut me off. "It's freaking cold out here, and it's late. Let's go back in." He started to grab my arm and pull me toward the door. I tried my best to take my arm back without it seeming like I was running for my life. I took a step or two back and stared at the ground.

"I'm sorry. Really. I just need a while... left to my own th—"

"Devices?" Kyle interjected. My head jerked up and I saw a brilliant grin under his moustache. I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Sure," I replied, already feeling lighter. He didn't say anything more, so I tried to finish my earlier thought. "I'm a little overwhelmed again. I just needed to be left alone, to my own thoughts," I stressed, smiling, "but I'll be in soon. I promise."

Kyle pursed his lips. "Okay, Dan..." He placed a hand on my shoulder and we locked gazes. My breath stopped for what felt like centuries and I could've sworn his did as well. Then he slid it off and turned around, starting to go back.

He paused right before turning the corner. "Hey. Will came in looking pretty pissed. Do you know anything about that?"

I felt myself begin to look away, but a loud voice spoke up inside me. Buck up, Daniel, and face your problems for once. I took a breath and shrugged, daring to look Kyle in the eyes again. "Y-Yeah... We kind of argued earlier. We'll probably have it smoothed out by tomorrow night, though, don't worry."

"Oh, that's good." Kyle nodded in approval. "See you inside, then."

I returned the nod, watching him turn the corner. It suddenly felt so much colder than I'd realized and I shivered, rubbing my shoulders. Without warning, the sound of the door opening sliced through the quiet air and seemed to bounce violently around my head. It was like an alarm going off, telling me to go.

Go. Go. Go. Go, go, go.

I started running and rounded the corner, nearly tripping, and blindly reached out. My hand grasped a wrist and I looked up, catching my breath.

"What...? Dan?"

"Kyle, I..." I righted myself, but didn't let go of his wrist. Slowly he let go of the door and it closed. He faced me, still confused. I gulped.

"I think we need to talk."

Sepia Makes Everybody Cry With a Dyle FanficWhere stories live. Discover now