chapter four

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chapter four.

Reid was coming back from a guest lecture at Georgetown when he saw Gwen leaving Hotch's office. It had only been a couple days since she had taken down an Unsub with a skillet. He knew she had to come in and make an official statement. He was just hoping that she would finish before he got back. She still weirded him out, and this wasn't a feeling he was comfortable with.

As he took his seat, he watched Gwen shake Hotch's hand. Morgan laughed quietly as Reid quickly started on a file. The former Chicago cop found the young genius's reactions to Gwen to be really interesting. He wasn't sure what she had done to Reid before, but now he really wanted to know. It seemed like every time someone mentioned her, Dr. Reid's ears would turn pink and he would look at the ground.

Hotch and Gwen were walking towards the elevators when the woman spotted Reid. "Give me a moment?" she asked the senior agent. She smiled apologetically before walking over to Reid. "Excuse me, Dr. Reid?" she spoke quietly.

Reid looked up. "Y-yes," he stuttered.

Gwen let out a small laugh. "I just wanted to thank you for backing me up at the theater. Validation rom two people are better than one. It distracted Casting, and I was able to help my niece," she held out her hand. "I can't tell you how much it means to me."

Reid stared at her hand for a second before taking it in his. Her thin fingers wrapped around his palm. Reid smiled at how soft her hands were. "How is she? You're niece I mean."

"She was freaked out, and hasn't gone to school since then, but Jenny took her to a spa. I'd be with them, but I needed to settle some things with Agent Hotchner, and then I have to get back to work on the mountain of cases I have," Gwen laughed slightly.

"That's good. Spas are great for relaxing after a traumatic event such as the one your niece went through," Reid babbled.

Reid liked this Gwen. She wasn't out there, and her eyes didn't hold mischief. Instead they were gentle and genuine. This Gwen didn't keep the doctor on the tips of his toes. This one made him relax and feel comfortable as they talked.

Gwen turned to leave and smiled over her shoulder. "Have a good day Dr. Reid."

Reid watched the woman leave as Morgan leaned forward in his seat. "If you keep staring at her, then people will begin to think you like her."

Reid blushed and quickly started to work on his files once more.


That night when Spencer entered his home, he thumbed through his mail and pulled a handwritten addressed envelope. The post mark gave New Orleans, LA as its origin. This would be the rehearsal dinner invitation to Ethan's wedding.

Ethan's request had come as a surprise only a couple months ago. Reid had gotten a phone call from Ethan saying he was in D.C. So, the two grabbed an early Saturday lunch.

Spencer and Ethan sat in a diner and quietly at their meals. In college they had been rivals, but after the BAU's case in the French Quarter, the two of them had started talking again. They talked on the phone twice a month, and since they were no longer in competition, their friendship was a simple one where they discussed interesting things in their lives, and currents events.

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