chapter nine

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chapter nine.

Reid stared at Gwen in open mouth shock. This wasn't actually happening to him. Was it? Any second and he was going to wake up from this nightmare of a morning. Unfortunately, the fates were against him again. He had just run into Gwen at the exact same moment he thought about asking her out. Literally. Reid sputtered as he looked at his coffee soaked shirt and pants.

Gwen dropped her now empty coffee cup into a nearby trash can. She shook the excess coffee from her hand and wiped her arms off as she continued to pull her sticky shirt from her stomach. "Spencer, I'm so sorry!" she exclaimed. "I wasn't paying attention, and now you're covered in hot coffee. I-"

"It's my fault," Reid interrupted quickly. Stuff like this was always his fault. Now he had to walk to the BAU like this. Not only was it embarrassing, it was extremely uncomfortable. How was he going to explain this to the team?

Gwen mentally scolded herself. Great job, Gwenevere. Spill your latte on Spencer. It's not like he has to work at the FBI or anyplace that's important. She let out a deep sigh. "Come up to my place. You can clean up there. I don't suppose there's someone you can call to bring you extra clothes," she suggested timidly as she thought about her brother and two teenagers passed out.

Reid had to be at the BAU in a half hour for a briefing. He had hoped to come in early to clear some things off his desk before they left for another case. The BAU was actually supposed to have the weekend off, but an urgent case came in and this time they were going to Idaho.

Reid needed new clothes, but he was at a loss at who to call. Morgan would tease him non-stop if he found out how Reid managed to cover himself in coffee. Garcia wouldn't be much better. Reid nodded after a moment and pulled his phone out and dialed Hotch. Gwen pulled the door to Espresso Shot! open and the two of them moved inside.

"Hotch," Reid began. "I- I was wondering if you could. . . bring my go bag to me," he finally forced out.

"Why?" Hotch asked slowly as he tried to come up with some reason Reid would need his go-bag brought to him.

"I'm covered in coffee and need to change," Reid admitted reluctantly.

Reid heard Hotch sigh over the line. "Where are you?" Hotch asked.

Gwen pushed Reid behind the counter and looked helplessly at Jenny. Jenny gave her thumbs up before winking. Gwen responded by sticking her tongue out at the blond barista. "I'm at Espresso Shot!," Reid said. "Do you know where it is?"

"Yes, I do," Hotch answered.

Gwen made her way to the back of the kitchen and opened a heavy metal door that revealed a flight of stairs to the condo. She ran up the stairs as she pulled her house keys from her pocket. Reid awkwardly made his way up the stairs grimacing every time his wet clothes stuck to him. He looked at Gwen as she pushed her front door open.

Reid took the entrance in as he stood at the door. The small foyer opened into the kitchen and living room. Gwen walked into the kitchen. She turned on the sink and started washing the sticky coffee off her hands and arms. She looked over at Reid and tilted her head to the right. "When your clothes show up, you can change in the main bathroom. It's the first door on your left."

Reid nodded and looked around some more. He saw a laptop open on the coffee table next to a spiral notebook. "Were you working on something?" he asked.

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