Tawnypelt x fem!Reader ☁️

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You were so sad when Tawnypelt dissapeared, Blackstar did nothing to try and even get her back. Tallpoppy appeared behind you, her kits trailing behind. "(Y/W/N)... are you alright?" she mewed softly.

Your tail twitched, "yea, i'm fine it's just- I miss Tawnypelt..." you mumbled, your (Y/F/C) fur was dull and your once bright (Y/E/C) eyes were dark. "I'm sure she will come around soon." the queen meowed, whiskers twitching.

"Yea um-" you were cut off by cats yowling and gasps of surprise and happiness. You whipped your head around as fast as a WindClan warrior could run, your eyes brightened and dashed towards the tortoiseshell she-cat known as Tawnypelt.

"Tawnypelt!" You yowled, "(Y/W/N)!" she called. She put her head above your (Y/F/C) one. She purred and you returned the kind noise. "I'm so glad your home..." you purred. "I am too, (Y/W/N), I am too."

"It's been moons... where were you?" You mewed. "You'll know when I settle back in." She mewed. You nodded.

"I missed you, everything is gonna be alright now."

(Yee it was short but I enjoyed writing it!)

[FINISHED] Warrior Cats X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now