Scourge x Munchkin!Reader

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You were small, very small for a normal cat. About the size of a kitten, you were walking through the twoleg place where your twolegs had abandoned you. You sniffed the air, (Y/F/C) bristled and you shivered as the cold air hit your fur.

The stony path had burned and dug into your paw pads. You winced, until you wandered into a dark ally way, an old, large tip bin sat at the end. You felt a shiver run down your spine.

You were quiet out of your siblings, they would tease and bully you. You felt a presence behind you, you let out a hiss, but before you could even take a peek at who it was, a large paw squashed you underneath it.

You looked up with your big, round (Y/E/C) eyes, you tried rolling around to see your attacker, but the next thing you knew, the world seemed black, and you drifted off into a doze.


'𝒖𝒈𝒉, 𝒘𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒎 𝒊 ? . . . ' you thought, waking up, you looked around, many cats with teeth decorated collars seemed never ending before the lines stopped at the old tip bin. You shook your fur, a cat, small - but bigger than you. Sat at the top of it.

His fur was black, dark red blood latched onto it, he had a purple collar, the most teeth decorated it, he had one white paw, and ice-blue eyes. "Who is this intruder, Bone?" The cat asked, eyeing the cat known as 'Bone.'

Suddenly, it hit you, "Hey! You attacked me! You are gonna pay for that-" You squealed, racing over to the tom and biting his paw with the force of an ant. All the cats around you chuckled or laughed at your pathetic attempt of hurting Bone.

"Silence!" The small black yowled angrily, you turned to face him, and now, he was standing right before you, looking down at you. "And you all thought I was small, look at her." He chuckled darkly.

"What's your name? Kit." He asked, his voice cold and bitter. "First of all I am not a kit! And secondly, I am . . . Uhm . . . I forgot my name . . . " you mewed awkwardly. "Well, let's give you a name. How about . . . (Y/N)?" You looked up at him, surprised by how a scary-looking cat could spare you at this moment. " It's a nice name . . . Sure!"

The cat above you grumbled, "Scourge, sir. This is a kittypet we are dealing with." "I am no kittypet! I was left to die!" You hissed. A few cats looked at you with amusement, and some with sympathy, but you didn't need their sympathy.

Scourge just smiled down at you. "Well she is one of us." You looked up at him, "from now on, (Y/N) is apart of BloodClan, and will sleep with me in my den, come on (Y/N), You will get your own collar soon."

And that is how you joined BloodClan, and led it with Scourge.

[FINISHED] Warrior Cats X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now