Chapter 1

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"Oh no. Please don't make me go to Toronto." Ashley sits in her bosses office waiting for her assignment. She knew he would be there.

"You have to face him sometime. It's been long enough. You'll be fine. Now go. Toronto awaits."
Her boss, Meredith, had been pretty easy going considering Ashley had been passing on face-to-face interviews over the last 3 months or so. She just couldn't bring herself to face him.

Ashley leaves the office and calls her best friend and roommate Annie, but she doesn't answer. She was most likely working. Annie also had been amazing these last months, helping her through not only the breakup, but everything that followed afterwards. She leaves her a message saying she was being sent to Toronto to cover the film festival.

She makes it to the red carpet interviews for the premiere of the movie. She knew she would have to talk to him quickly as the cast walked. She watched him in his brown suit. He looked so good; she hated it.

Sebastian stops for a minute when he sees who the next interviewer was. He hadn't seen her in so long. He felt his heart begin to race as he approached her. She looked so good, he had forgotten how much he missed her standing here in front of him. He quickly smiles and tries to focus on the interview.

"Sebastian Stan. Hi."

He nods and smiles. "You look good, how are you?"
She knew him better than most people. She could see the pain behind his eyes as he answered her questions about the relationship aspects of the film. "I wish every relationship was how they are portrayed in movies like Love Actually, or Notting Hill. But," He hesitates and motions to her, "and I'm sure you can agree, relationships aren't always easy. They can be messy and rip you apart. And sometimes you make the wrong choices, and you have to live with them."

She knew this was some small way of him apologizing to her, but she could see he was being pushed forward, "Well thank you for talking with us Sebastian."

"Nice talking to you." He smiles and leans in so only she can hear him. "You look good. I miss you. I hope we can talk later."


She sits off the side a few rows back to watch Endings, Beginnings before the cast interview. She couldn't help but feel a bit jealous watching Sebastian's sex scenes. She hoped he wouldn't see her sitting where she was so she could sneak out quickly afterwards. Her heart jumps when his named is called and he walks out on stage. She makes it about halfway through the interview before his eyes find hers. She could see he was upset, probably thinking the same thing she was. Today was the first time they had seen each other or spoken since that night. Suddenly her mind goes back to that night:

She had been so excited to tell Sebastian her news. She would never just show up randomly at his apartment and let herself in, but he had given her a key months before. As she entered his kitchen, she heard noises from the bedroom. "Sebastian?" She enters his bedroom and sees the long blonde hair first before she hears the moans. Ashley feels the tears start to well as Sebastian notices her in the doorway and throws the blonde girl off of him. "Ashley, wait!" But she was gone.

Sebastian stood there staring at her, thinking about that night. He could still remember the look on her face standing in the doorway of his bedroom; the bedroom they shared all the time. He would never forgive himself for what he did. For how he hurt her. He just hoped that maybe someday she would be able to forgive him. That's all he wanted.

She ignored all calls, messages, drop bys. Annie helped her with a lot of that. Now looking in his eyes once again all she can see is that blonde girl that ruined everything. She never even saw her face, but that moment changed her whole life, in ways even Sebastian didn't know about.

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