Chapter 29

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"You look great babe. We're going to be late to our own rehearsal dinner." Chris stood watching her fuss over her dress. She sat on the edge of the bed as he helped her put on some flats.

She smirked down at him kneeling in front of her, "if you hadn't insisted on sex, we wouldn't be late."

He stood up, laughing as he pulled her up with him, "if I hand't insisted? I think we remember the events of this afternoon differently."

She laughed as she followed him out of the house, "it isn't my fault you're so hot."

He smirked, "whatever." He held open the back door of the car he ordered as he helped her in before getting in beside her. 

When they arrived at the restaurant, they noticed everyone was already there. He nudged her shoulder, "see. I told you we were going to be late."

She shook her head as she laughed, "it's our party, it doesn't start until we get here."

Scott smirked as he greeted them, hugging them both, "you just can't keep your hands off each other can you? Let's hope that doesn't change after you get married."

Chris shrugged, "it was her, not me." He smiled down at her, "and it won't."

She laughed as she was greeted by everyone. Everyone fawned over her ever growing stomach.

Lisa smiled, "one more month, are you excited?"

Ashley nodded, "excited to not be pregnant anymore."

Lisa and Chris laughed and Lisa placed her hand on Ashley's cheek, "you're almost there. This is the easy part."

She groaned, "I know." She looked down at her stomach, resting her hand on it, "I'm super excited to meet James."

Lisa nodded, "me too." 

"We all are." Ashley smiled to see Sebastian coming up to them. He kissed her on the cheek, "how are you feeling doll?"

She shrugged, "I'm always tired and in pain. And hungry."

He laughed, guiding her to the table, "well there's lots of food."

She sat at the table as Chris sat on one side, Annie on the other. She looked at the table at all the food. In the center was a giant tray of strawberry cannolis. She looked at Chris excitedly who nodded, "it's your day, eat what you want."

She reached for them, not being able to reach because of her stomach, making her pout. Chris laughed, reaching out to move the tray closer to her. He laughed as he watched her grab one, taking a big bite as everyone watched her.

She looked around, "I'm pregnant. Leave me alone." Everyone laughed as she looked across at Sebastian who winked at her. She looked around at everyone again as they began to eat, "I just wanted to thank everyone for being here and celebrating with us. And for Chris's family being so great and making me feel like part of the family."

Scott laughed, "well it's not too late yet. You aren't married."

She laughed, looking at Chris, "I'm afraid it was too late a long time ago. I can't imagine spending my life or raising this boy with anyone else." She grabbed his hand, resting it on her stomach, "you're such an amazing man. Compassionate and patient. I know you're going to be a great husband and an even better father to James." She watched a tear roll down his face, making her smile, "you're such a baby."

He laughed, standing up beside her, "she's right. I wanted to thank everyone for being so great too." He looked at Sebastian, "and without you, I never would have met her. So, thank you for fucking up and letting me swoop in."

"Christopher!" Ashley hit him in the arm as everyone laughed, including Sebastian.

Sebastian shook his head, "no. It's fine. Everything happens for a reason. I have no doubts that she was always meant for you, not me."

Chris nodded, continuing as he looked at Ashley, "we discussed it in those first few days. How easy everything was between us. How everything just felt right. I had no doubts right away that you were who I wanted to spend my life with. I'm so beyond happy to be here with you and to be having a son with you. Happy doesn't even begin to describe it. I love you so much." 

She nodded, a few tears falling down her face as she pulled him to sit down as she planted her lips on his, "I love you too."

He smirked, wiping away the tears, "you're such a baby!"

She laughed, hitting him on the arm, "shut up."

After everyone was done eating Chris looked at Sebastian, "can you help Ashley outside while we wrap up stuff here?"

Sebastian nodded and grabbed her hand, walking her out of the restaurant. "Are you nervous about tomorrow?"

She shrugged, "not really." She placed her hand on her stomach, "I'm more worried about this guy."

He stopped, turning to face her. "Hey." He placed his hand on her cheek, "you're going to be a great mother. I know it. I love you."

She nodded, "I love you too." They saw the car pull up on the other side of the street.

Sebastian guided her to the back seat of the car as he heard Chris coming out of the restaurant behind them. Sebastian opened the back door for her when he heard tires squealing to the side him. He looked to see a car coming around the corner far faster than it should have been. He looked back at Ashley, "get in the car!" 

She felt Sebastian shove her into the car as she heard breaks and a crash. She heard Chris's voice yelling as she looked out the window, seeing Sebastian on the ground. She got out of the car as Chris made it to them. She got one look at Sebastian and passed out.

Chris was barely able to catch her before she hit the ground next to Sebastian. 

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