Chapter 30

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Ashley woke up groggy, confused to where she was at first. She had an empty, sinking feeling inside her as she looked around to see Chris sitting next to her. She grabbed her stomach, feeling a sharp pain as she realized the baby was gone. She began to panic, "Chris?"

Chris looked up when he heard her voice, "Ash! You're awake."

She looked up at him as he hovered over her. His eyes were bright red from crying as he began to cry again, "where's the baby?"

He shook his head, "he's fine love. They're doing tests on him to make sure he's okay since he's a bit early."

She nodded, trying to remember what happened. She brought her hand to his cheek, "then why are you crying? I'm fine."

He looked down, away from her, "you don't remember?"

She shook her head, looking at the ceiling, "I remember dinner. And then leaving the restaurant..." Her voice trailed off as she remembered the image of Sebastian laying on the ground, blood everywhere. She tried to sit up but Chris pushed her back down.

"You can't get up yet. They had to do an emergency c-section."

"Where is Sebastian, Chris? Is he okay?" She couldn't control the tears as she felt her chest tightening, "I remember the blood." She looked up at him to see him crying again, "where is he?"

Chris shook his head, running his fingers through her hair, "oh love. I'm so sorry."

She looked at him confused, "sorry? Sorry for what? Where is Sebastian? And where is my son?!" 

She kept trying to sit up, feeling the pain in her abdomen. Chris pressed the button on the bed, helping her sit up. Before he could say anything, a nurse came back in with the baby.

"Baby Evans looks great! You guys have a name?" She handed him to Ashley.

She smiled, "it's James."

Chris shook his head, looking at the nurse, "we need a minute. We aren't ready to name him yet."

Ashley looked at him confused as the nurse left the room, "what do you mean? We've been talking about James for months."

He nodded, trying to find the words, "I know. But I thought you might want to change James to his middle name."

She looked back down at the sleeping baby. She ran her fingers delicately through the soft tuft of brown hair he had already.

Chris reached over, placing his hand on her cheek, making her look up at him, "love. Sebastian didn't make it."

She felt her heart sink to her stomach, "what do you mean he didn't make it?" 

Before he could answer, Annie came peeking into the room. He nodded for her to come in. He picked up the baby, handing him to her as he sat on the bed next to Ashley, "I mean." He shook his head, looking away from her as his voice wavered, "he's gone love."

She shook her head, "no! This can't be happening." She looked up at Annie who only nodded and Ashley noticed she had also been crying. She felt Chris wrapping his arms around her, "he shoved me into the car."

Chris nodded, "he saw the car coming. I saw everything. I'm so sorry."

She pulled back to look at him as he rested his head on hers, "he's gone?"

He nodded again, trying to catch the tears that continued to fall down her cheeks, "I'm so sorry."

She clutched her chest, "he saved me."

"And the baby." 

"Oh my god, Chris!" She sat with him for a few minutes as he held her while she cried. She was brought back to the present by hearing the baby cry. Annie walked over, handing him back to Ashley before leaving them alone in the room.

She looked down at the baby, seeing his bright blue eyes for the time. She looked up at Chris, "Sebastian?"

He nodded, "that's what I was thinking, yeah."

She rested her head back on his as she looked down at the baby, "oh Chris." 

He placed his hand on the baby's head, "I know love."


****7 Years Later****

Ashley groaned, sitting on the couch, "Sebastian, leave your sister alone." She watched as her now 7 year old son was poking at his 4 year old sister, Lily as she sat on Chris's lap.

He huffed, sitting next to Chris as they watched the movie. She rested her head on Chris's shoulder and he rested his head on hers. He watched her rest her hand on her stomach, "are you feeling okay?"

She nodded, looking up at him, "I'm fine babe." She looked down at her stomach, "few more months and we're going to be outnumbered."

He laughed, leaning over to kiss her, "I know. I can't wait."

"You guys miss Uncle Sebastian?"

Ashley looked over at her son, "all the time. It's worse today. That's why we watch Captain America every year on July 4th."

Chris reached over, pulling his son in closer to him, "without Uncle Sebastian, you would might not be here."

Ashley sighed, resting her head back on his shoulder as she fought the urge to cry. Chris looked at her, kissing her on the forehead.

"It's okay love." 

She nodded, looking up at him, "I know. I just miss him."

He leaned over, kissing her softly on the lips, "me too." 

********End of the Line********

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