Chapter 19

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A few days later they have their first ultrasound to check on the baby. It's Chris' turn to start pacing as they wait for the doctor to come in, making her laugh. "Chris honey. You're going to walk a hole in the floor."

"Yeah. Yeah." He stops and grabs her hand as the doctor comes in.

"So do you know when your last period was?" The doctor sets her chart on the table.

"I don't actually. I was on birth control, but I stopped taking it when I found out I was pregnant."

She lifts a paper on the chart, "which was.. Christmas Eve, yeah? What a great present." She looks up at Chris, completely ignoring Ashley.

"Yeah. Christmas Eve." She wasn't sure if it was just the hormones, or the girl really was flirting with Chris, but she was getting annoyed.

The doctor moves the blanket and squeezes the gel on her stomach, "Have you been having morning sickness?" Again, looking at Chris and not her.

"Um, yes. I have." Ashley looks at Chris and then back at the doctor.

"You look to be about... 8 weeks pregnant, putting conception around Halloween? Does that sound about right?"

Ashley looks to Chris and sees him smirking, thinking back to that night. Chris showed up to her apartment in New York in his full Captain America get up. She clears her throat, "Definitely." She hears Chris laugh.

The doctor continues, "That puts your due date around the first week of August. The baby looks great. I'll see you here again in 4 weeks."

She hands an ultrasound pic to Chris and starts to walk away, but Ashley stops her. "Sure, but next time, you should try paying more attention to the me and not my fiancé." She hears Chris laugh as the doctor blushes and nods before leaving the room.

"You're very territorial." He kisses her on the cheek as she stands up to get dressed.

"Yeah well, you're mine. The hormones probably make it worse." He wraps her in a hug as she continues. "I'm tired of girls thinking they have some sort of right to you and your attention."

He leans down and kisses her. "Don't be jealous. I love you. You have the ring. Now come on, we have a New Years Eve party to plan."

She tilts her head to the side, "I won't know anybody. They're all your friends. Can I invite Annie?"

"Of course you can."

"Aaaand Sebastian?"

He laughs, "Sure. Anything you want love."

She pushes him away and opens the door to the examining room. "Yeah yeah." He laughs and follows her out.


Chris apparently had a New Years Eve party every year that he liked to throw at his house. He invited his siblings and their spouses and his friends he grew up with. But Ashley felt out of place because all she knew was Chris and his siblings. She comes out of the bathroom for about the twentieth time in just the last few hours from having to pee and runs into Annie. "You're here!" She wraps her friend in a hug, and guides her away from the crowd to the guest bedroom. "You can put your stuff in here. I'm so glad you decided to come. I've missed you."

"I've missed you too! Make sure to thank Chris for letting me stay here."

Ashley winks at her friend, "Hey, it's my place too now." She leads her back to the party and introduces her to Chris' brother and sisters before going to the kitchen to get herself some water.

She is startled when she hears someone walk up behind her, "Hey doll."

She turns around to come face to face with Sebastian. "Seb!"

He lifts her off the ground in a hug and sets her back down. He touches her stomach, "how are you feeling?"

She holds her finger to her lips, "Shh. Come on." She leads him to her bedroom and closes the door. "We aren't really telling anyone yet. His family knows, obviously, and Annie. But no one else." 

"Is Annie here?"

"She is, yeah. Somewhere. She'll be staying here tonight."

He picks up her left hand to look at the ring, she had told him about it, but he hadn't seen it yet. "It's beautiful." He lets go and looks back up at her, placing his hand on her cheek, "you look beautiful. Glowing. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks Seb." She grabs his hand, "Come on, what will people think, us locked in a room together."

He laughs and follows her out of the room to find Chris. "Hey babe."

He smiles and wraps Sebastian in a hug. "Hey, how are you Sebastian? I'm glad you could come." He looks back at her, "What are you guys doing?"

She leans in to him, "Talking about the baby. Asking how I am. Etcetera." She turns back to Sebastian, "Hey! Since I can't drink, I get to plow you guys with liquor, and you have to take it."
She turns to walk away and hears them both laughing behind her. 

Chris looks to his friend, "Hey. I really am glad you're here. I think she's feeling a bit overwhelmed at not really knowing anyone. She doesn't really have any friends here in Boston yet. So I appreciate it."

Sebastian puts a hand on Chris' shoulder, "Yeah of course. I'm glad you guys called me. I'm so happy for you, engagement, pregnancy. How are you feeling?"

"Good. Great actually. I couldn't ask for anything better." He turns to his friend, them both stopping. "Thank you. I really wouldn't be here without you. With her."

Sebastian chuckles, "Of course. I can't say I wasn't upset at first. At the thought of you guys together. But I honestly believe she was meant for you, not me. I can't imagine anyone else making her as happy as you could. And vice versa. I love you guys."

Chris brings him in for another hug. "We love you too Seb." He lets Sebastian go as Ashley comes up to them with drinks.

She hands one to each of them with a wink. "Boys." She laughs and walks away and sits with Annie.

"So how is that going?"

Ashley looks at her friend, "How's what going?"

She points to Sebastian and Chris. "Being friends with Sebastian."

"Oh. Well, it's been fine. It was kind of weird in the beginning I think, for both of us. But we seem to be getting on. Chris has been great about it too." She looks at her friend, "and since I'm pregnant, I get to plow them both with alcohol since I can't have any. In fact, I'm feeling a little thirsty again."

Annie laughs. 

She walks up to Sebastian and Chris, making them laugh. "Boys."

She hands them more drinks as Chris bends down to kiss her. "Again?"

She starts to pout and Sebastian laughs, "Dude, don't make her do that, drink up." He winks at her and finishes his own drink and takes her new one. 

Chris looks at Sebastian as he finishes his drink, "Why did I invite you again." Ashley reaches up and kisses him sensuously. He clears his throat as she pulls away, "Right, I remember now," making Sebastian laugh.


After the party, people start clearing out until it's just down to Chris, Ashley, Annie and Sebastian. Ashley sees Sebastian trying to clean up but stops him, "Hey it's late, we can clean it up in the morning."

"Okay. I should go."

"Don't go. We have plenty of rooms. Stay. Please. Where's Chris?"

"I'm not sure. Are you sure it's okay if I stay?"

"Of course. It's my house too now. Hold on."

She walks into her bedroom and sees Chris already passed out on the bed. She laughs as she closes the door quietly. She checks on Annie and finds her asleep too. She comes back out to the living room. "Well, it looks like Romanians can hold their liquor better than others." 

Sebastian laughs and pats the couch next to him. "Well. I am definitely drunk. But I've been drinking a lot of water as well."

She walks to him and grabs his hand, "Come on. I'll show you to your room." She leads him to another bedroom and opens the door, motioning for him to enter. "You can sleep here if you like. And I think Annie is staying for a few days if you want to as well." 

He walks past her into the room and turns back to face her. "Thanks Ash."

"Of course. I'm glad you're here." She hesitates for a moment and then turns to leave, but he grabs her hand and pulls her back to him. "You're drunk Sebastian." She feels his breath on her face as he places his hands on her waist.

"I know." He rests his head on hers. He tucks some hair behind her ear, his touch electrifying. She couldn't tell if it was the pregnancy hormones or if it was just being near him, but she felt her own self control slowly slipping away. 

"Let go Sebastian." She says the words, but he knows she doesn't mean them, not really. She puts her hand on his cheek, "I can't.

"I know." His breathing becomes quicker. "Happy New Year kiss?" 

She nods as his lips urgently finds hers. She breathes in his scent, he smelled of whisky and musk. She hadn't been this close to him in so long. She wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her making him let out a soft moan before pushing her away.

"Fuck. I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It wasn't just you. Goodnight Sebastian." She leaves and closes the bedroom door. She hits her head on the door, "Idiot."

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