Chapter 24

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"Is it going to be okay?" Ashley was suddenly nervous about walking the red carpet with Chris now that everyone left. She starts to pace in front of Chris and Sebastian sitting on the couch. They look at each other and laugh and then back at her. "What?" She groans, "you guys have both been looking like that at me all day."

Chris stands up, "Like what, love?"

"Nothing. Never mind." She interlocks the fingers of both hands in his. "I'm nervous."

"I know, love." He brings a hand up to her head, his fingers running through her hair. "It'll be fine. I promise." He leans in to her ear, his breath sending light tremors of pleasure through her body. "I love you."

She pulls away and looks at Sebastian, "Hey, can you um, give a minute?"

"Oh sure. Of course." He laughs as he gets up and goes to his room as Ashley grabs Chris hand, dragging him to theirs.

She slams the door behind them. "I love you too Chris." She pushes him against the door, "Now remind me again why I'm yours."

Chris moans, "Oh, I'd love to." He grabs her thighs, making her squeal as he lifts her up to him, his mouth planted firmly on hers. His tongue makes its way between her parted lips, finding hers quickly. She moans fervently as he carries her to the bed. She watches him remove his shirt, his eyes never leaving hers. She would never get enough of his blue green eyes that somehow resembled ocean water as he stared at her with such hunger, with such lust.

"What are you staring at?" He smirks at her as he removes his pants and underwear as his manhood stood in full display.

She bites her lip, keeping herself from wanting to leap at him, feeling the desire of having him on top of her. "Come here. And I'll show you."

He climbs on the bed, like a lion searching out his prey. He grabs her shorts and removes them slowly down her legs, his fingertips feeling like fire. She moans as he kisses softly up her thighs. His mouth and tongue makes a trail up her stomach, as he removes her shirt and bra. He takes extra care to her breasts and nipples, tracing his tongue around her slightly darkened areola before taking her nipple gently between his tongue and teeth causing a shockwave of electric pleasure through her body. She pulls his face to hers, "I want you Chris." She ached for him, to feel him inside her.

He laughs, "Oh yeah? How much?" He inserts just the tip, making her moan loudly. "More?"

"Please." She practically begs, which is what he wants.

"You want more?" He leans his mouth into her ear, "Are you a greedy girl?"

She laughs, "I am. I want more."

He growls in her ear, "Say it then. You remember."

She places her hands on either side of his face, making him look her in the eyes, "I'm yours. Always." She lets go and lets out a loud moan again as he completely enters her in one long stroke.

"As long as everybody remembers that." She knew what he meant. He was telling her he was okay with her being with Sebastian as long as she remembered she was his and only his.

"I love you Chris. I'm always yours."

He growls in her ear one more time, "good girl." The words sends pleasure like a lightning bolt through her body as their joint pleasure reaches a peak. 

"God Chris." They both lay on the bed panting.

"Was it okay?"

"Seriously? It's always hot. Promise me," she turns to face him on the bed, her fingers twirling his chest hair, "that it will always be this hot."

He plays with her hair, softly, "As long as you promise me you always remember you're mine."

"Always Chris." She hesitates for a minute, trying to find the right words. He had said he didn't want to talk about it and she wanted to respect that.

He always seems to know exactly what she's thinking, she loved that about him. "It doesn't bother me. I don't know why it doesn't, I'm not sure I can explain it. But it doesn't bother me."

"Really Chris? I mean, before, you merely thought I was sleeping with him and you went crazy."

He laughs. "Yeah I know, love. Like I said, I don't know. You know you're mine right?" She nods in agreement, "And he knows you're mine. So, it's fine."

"So... does that mean I can spend the night with him again tonight?" She bites her lip, she knew she was being bold. Was she being too bold?

"You really are a greedy girl." He bring her face to his. "Sure."

She sits up and looks at him, "I don't know what I did to deserve you. Sebastian is worried that what if instead of getting it out of our systems if it made it worse. Are you worried about that?"

He places his hand on her back, motioning for her to come back to his chest, "I'm not. And if that is what happens, we'll deal with it when it comes. I love you. That's my ring on your finger, my baby in your stomach. You're mine. Nothing is going to change that."

"You're right, nothing will." She wraps her lips around his making him moan before stopping abruptly. "Okay. I'm hungry. I never got to finish my breakfast."

She throws on one of his shirts and some panties and heads to the kitchen. She shuffles around some cabinets when she hears Chris enter behind her. He wraps his arms around her waist, kissing her neck. "I'm not sure I'm ready for round two quite yet."

He laughs and lets go of her. "I know, love."

She hops on the counter and pulls him to her, him standing in between her knees. "You know, you should learn how to cook. I can't do it all the time."

"I know. I know. I..." Chris gets interrupted by Sebastian coming into the kitchen.

"I can cook for you, if you like. For everyone I mean."

"Yeah? I love it when you cook. Why don't you guys go to the store together? And I'll stay here and find something dumb to watch on tv."

Chris laughs, "Sure. I'll go get dressed." He leaves Sebastian alone in the kitchen with Ashley.
"Why are you looking at me like that Seb?"

He walks up to her, in the same spot Chris had just inhabited. "Because I want you."

She smirks at him. "Tonight." She runs her hands up under his shirt, she can feel his heart beating fast.

He brings a finger to her cheek, stroking softly, "Really?" He backs away when they hear Chris come back out of the bedroom.

Chris kisses her on the forehead, "We'll be back, okay?"

"Sure. I'll be here." She sees Sebastian give her a look and she just winks at him as he walks away.

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