Chapter 28

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Chris opened the door to the bedroom to find Ashley asleep on the bed. He laughed, closing the door before kneeling in front of her on the side of the bed. He began to shake her softly, "Ash. Love."

She groaned, opening her eyes in to his, smiling, "hi."

He chuckled, standing up and holding his arms out to help her up, "people are starting to arrive for the shower love."

She nodded as he leaned down to kiss her softly. She moaned, grabbing the nape of his neck to keep his lips firmly to hers.

He pulled away smirking, "why do you always wake up horny from your naps?"

She laughed, shrugging. She grabbed belt, undoing it as she pushed him back towards the door.

"We don't really have time." He moaned watching her kneel in front of him, pulling out his cock.

She shook her head, "I don't need long." She giggled as she took him in her mouth, and he rested his head back against the door. She didn't waste any time in her goal as she stroked while she sucked. She grabbed his balls, taking him fully in her mouth as he moaned quietly above her.

They heard Scott knock on the door, "guys?"

Chris groaned, banging on the door once, "be out in a minute!"

She looked up at him as she laughed, "should I stop?"

He shook his head, guiding her back to what she was doing, "god no. Don't stop." After another few minutes he felt it building inside as he pressed his hands against the door, "I'm going to cum. Please don't stop."

She moaned as she felt him tense, thrusting as he released. She took her time, making sure he was done before she looked up, smirking at him.

He grabbed her hands, helping her up as his lips crashed into hers, making her giggle, "I love you so much."

She laughed, "I love you." She winked, grabbing a mint from the dresser as she watched him make himself presentable again, tucking in his shirt before he opened the door for her. He leaned down, kissing her on the cheek before disappearing. She saw Scott smirking at her, making her only shrug. She saw Annie and Sebastian talking, "guys!" She hugged them both before grabbing each of their hands, "come with me." She dragged them to her bedroom, shutting the door.

She rested her hands on her stomach, "so. As you guys know, we decided to get married before the baby comes. We decided on July 4th. It's going to be small, just doing it here at the house. And are going to have a small dress rehearsal the night before. Only Chris's family and you guys really." She grabbed Annie's hand, "I want you to stand up with me."

Annie nodded, wiping away a tear, "of course I will." She pulled Ashley into a hug.

Ashley looked at Annie, "can you give us a minute?" She nodded, leaving her alone with Sebastian in the room. Ashley turned to Sebastian, "we want you to be there. If it isn't too weird."

He smiled, resting his hand on her cheek, "of course I'll be there doll."

She nodded, "good. Because there's something else. And feel free to say no if you want to."

He grabbed her hand, "what is it?"

She hesitated, watching him for a minute, "well Chris is going to have Scott stand up with him because he's his brother."

Sebastian nodded, "I assumed."

She shrugged, "well, I thought maybe you could give me away? I don't really have anyone else."

He smiled, "really? Oh my god, I'd love to."

She nodded, feeling tears coming, "really? Thank you!"

He chuckled, pulling her in for a hug as they heard the door open and Chris enter.

"I guess you asked him?"

Sebastian pulled away, "yeah. Of course I will. I'm honored."

Chris hugged his friend before grabbing Ashley's hand, "well we never would have met if it was t for you. Thank you."

Sebastian nodded, wiping away a tear, "I just couldn't be happier for you guys." He rested a hand on her stomach, smiling, "just name your son Sebastian and we're even."

They all laughed as Chris opened the door before looking back at Ashley, "everyone is waiting for you love."

She nodded as she let go of his hand as she wiped the tears away. She grabbed Sebastian's hand, kissing him on the cheek, "thanks Seb." She looked back at Chris, grabbing his hand again as she intertwined her fingers in his. She nodded, "okay. Let's go."


After everyone left at the end of the shower Chris went looking for Ashley. He finally found her in the nursery, asleep in the rocking chair with Dodger asleep at her side on the floor. He laughed, leaning down to Dodger, "such a good protector you are." Dodger lifted his head, licking Chris a few times before laying his head back down.

"He hasn't really left my side since I got pregnant."

Chris stood up, looking at her, "I know. He loves you. So do I." He knelt in front of her, resting his head on her stomach, "a few more months. I can't wait." He jumped when the baby kicked him, making them both laugh. He kissed her stomach before looking back up at her, "let's get you into some more comfortable clothes and into a proper bed."

She nodded, holding out her hands as he stood up, "two more months babe. I can't wait either. I couldn't be happier about having a little Chris."

He laughed, holding her hand as he guided her to the bedroom, "me too. And I can't wait to make more."

She groaned as he helped her out of her dress and into one of his shirts, "let's get through this one first babe."

He nodded, "I know." He got her comfortable in bed as he slipped in behind her. He rested a hand on her stomach as he felt his son kick him. "I don't know how you sleep with him doing that."

She laughed, "I don't really. Why do you think I nap all the time."

He moaned softly, "I like it when you nap. You always want sex when you wake up."

She laughed again, hitting his hand gently, "I just always want it with you in general."

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