1 (Spoon Fed)

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The first time the team's world was dramatically tilted, it had been a week since they learned their dating status – a whopping six months after they actually began dating.

Really, with how the couple was able to hide for so long under the guise they hated each other, could you blame the team for their confusion?

Practice had been tiring as usual, but not enough to dissuade the team from getting dinner together. After everyone was showered and ready to go, they headed to a nearby restaurant.

At first, everything was normal. Atsumu and Sakusa sat across from each other, arguing back-and-forth about who knows what, while Hinata and Bokuto had to be constantly shushed by Meian as their voices steadily climbed in their excitement to tell their stories.

It was after their food arrived and everyone had begun to dig in when things started getting weird.

"Eyes on yer own plate, Omi-kun."

Without the table chatter to distract the others, their attention was immediately drawn to Atsumu when he spoke.

"You have no say over what my eyes can and can't do, Miya."

"Ah, someone must be in a bad mood if yer callin' me Miya~"

"That's none of your business."

"It is considerin' yer comin' to my place after. I don't wanna have'ta deal with a cranky Omi all night."

Inunaki barely stopped himself from inhaling the chunk of meat he was chewing while everyone else's eyes widened.



Sakusa, still unaware of the attention their conversation held, rolled his eyes. "Oh, right. Your dumb movie."

"It isn't dumb! Yer dumb!"

"Such an intelligent comeback. You wound me."

Atsumu huffed, then picked up the next bite of his food with his chopsticks. Rather than eating it, however, he stuck his arm towards Sakusa.

Sakusa raised a brow.

As did everyone else at the table.


"Ya clearly wanted some. Maybe s'why yer cranky, 'cause yer hungry and my food looks better than yers."

"Not everything is a competition, you know."

But instead of pushing Atsumu's arm away in typical Sakusa fashion, the team watched in slight terror as he leaned forward and took the offered food.

Atsumu grinned as he brought his arm back to his side of the table, waiting for Sakusa to finish chewing.

Once he swallowed, Sakusa nodded. "It's good."

"Ya can have more then, if ya want!"

Atsumu held another bite out for Sakusa, who took it without hesitation.

"I can feed myself, Atsumu."

"This is more fun, though!" Atsumu said, already in the process of grabbing more.

"Am I the only one who finds this... Unsettling?" Barnes whispered, all their eyes still glued to the couple.

A chorus of various no's and nope's responded.

"I don't know, I think it's kind of cute." Hinata said a bit hesitantly, as if unsure of his own opinion.

Bokuto nodded in agreement, though for once he was speechless.

The two ended up feeding each other all through dinner, and although Atsumu was clearly having a better time with it than Sakusa, the latter didn't seem to mind in the least.

No one said a word about it.

5+1 Displays of Affection ◇ SakuAtsuWhere stories live. Discover now