2 (Stolen Jacket)

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It was a week after that when the team found themselves shocked by the couple once again. Sakusa and Atsumu had been normal since the day in the restaurant, which the team silently agreed was a fluke of sorts, so they were wholly unprepared for what occurred after practice.

Everyone stared at Atsumu after he yanked a jacket out of his locker – not because it was an unusual thing to do, but because of how disgustingly bright the thing was.

It was yellow and green, with strips of black along the sleeves, and on the back–

"Hey, isn't that an Itachiyama jack–?" Bokuto began to ask when he was abruptly cut off.

"Atsumu, why do you have my high school team jacket?"

The rest of their teammates felt their brains rebooting as the questions sunk in. They glanced from the jacket in Atsumu's hands to the shit-eating grin on his face.

"It was lookin' a lil' lonely in yer closet, Omi-kun. I'm surprised ya recognized it. S'been gone for weeks now."

"But... Why?"

At any other moment the baffled expression Sakusa wore would have been hilarious, but the Jackals were too caught up in what was happening to appreciate it.

"I used'ta hate this thing, yanno? It was too ugly for someone of yer beauty to be wearin'."

Sakusa tsked and looked away embarrassedly.

"But when I saw it again, I remembered ya lookin' all cute bundled up in it. Got me feelin' nostalgic, and it smelled like ya, so obviously ya've worn it recently–"

"Okay, okay! I got it."

Atsumu's smile got impossibly wider at the blush that settled itself over Sakusa's face – something their teammates were ogling with little shame – while Sakusa narrowed his eyes.

"Can I have it back?"


Atsumu, in response, slipped his arms through the sleeves and zipped it up, shoving his hands into the pockets. He spun in a tight circle, showing it off.

"How do I look, Omi? Still want it back~?"

Sakusa blinked before his nose scrunched in a show of distaste.

"Yes. Your hair clashes horribly with it."

Atsumu's laugh rang louder than usual, cutting through the thick silence of the room. He turned to shut his locker before picking up his gym bag.

"Then ya better hurry up. The faster we get home, the less time people have'ta see me wearin' it for."

Sakusa grumbled under his breath as he finished cleaning up his space and ensuring he had everything.

"Or you could just take it off."

"Nah, I like wearin' yer clothes."

"In that case, as soon as we get to my place I'm finding you a different one to replace it with."

At this point the team wouldn't have been surprised if the couple had forgotten they were there, able to hear and see everything they were doing.

"N'aw, just admit it Omi, ya think I look cute right now!"

Sakusa shook his head, swinging his bag over his shoulder.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

However, as the two took their leave, the remaining members watched him plant a kiss on Atsumu's cheek before taking his hand and walking out together.

The deafening silence of the room stretched on for another minute or two before it was finally broken by a harsh whisper.

"What the fuck?"

The next day Atsumu wasn't wearing the Itachiyama jacket, but its replacement hung a little looser than his own clothes usually did.

The Jackals tried not to think too much about it.

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