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            With her head lowered staring at the ground, She could not stop the pounding in her heart, this was really happening, she was getting married at seventeen, they said she was ripe for marriage, she looked at her father who was all laughter talking to some elders and her husband's father and family, they were sharing kolanuts, all of this was happening because of him, she eyed him in disdain, then her eyes moved to her mother, who was also looking happy serving the guests and laughing loudly, her sister was also serving but didn't have that laughter in her face also smiling occasionally, they look so happy after ruining her life, after getting her married to a man she did not know, no one cares about her feelings, she had protested a lot after they broke the news to her, her own sister got married at nineteen, her's was different at her age.
She spared a glance at her husband, he was not smiling but also not frowning, he seemed not to care, not to care that he and her parents and everyone here were destroying her life.

After the whole wedding celebration, amiss tears she had hugged her parent and sister and some relatives, she knew she would miss them dearly even though she was still angry with them, they were the only family she had ever have but now she was leaving them to join a new family, to get a new life but not as a daughter or sister but of a wife and maybe a mother, she was sad, she cried not only because she was leaving her family but because she was moving in with a stranger as a husband, someone she did not know, after her final goodbye to her sister's first child.

Her husband was standing by the car waiting patiently for her, he helped her get in even though she protested as they sat in the car and it moved away, she could not help but cry.


              They arrived at his house some hours later, she was very exhausted,

"You should go to your room, you must be tired, Ikem take her to your room" Jacinta instructed, she was his older sister,

"Hmm" was his response, he led her to the room she followed quietly and slowly,

"Who knows where the night will take you" Jacinta said quietly but loud enough for them to hear, she laughed loudly.

She stared wide eyed at the room in front of her, there were decorations of red flowers balloons and candles, the room looked perfect, perfect for romantic in love couples, did he plan all this, he groaned and slapped his head,

"Go in"  his big voice startled her, she obeyed and walked closer to the bed,

He left, she sat down exhausted, just then a thought hit her, today was her wedding so now was the wedding night, she didn't want what she was thinking to happen, what if he forced her, her mother's voice rang in her ears.

"Don't be stubborn, if he comes close to you and touches you, allow him, he is your husband, he will not hurt you, remember do not push him away" the words kept on ringing,

He came back, she looked down, she did not want to look at him,

"Go and take a bath you must be tired" he said, he left again, she found her luggage at a corner of the room,

When she came out about an hour later hoping for him to already be asleep, but he wasn't he was typing at his laptop, he looked up at her.

"You took to long in there" he said not looking at her, she did not know if it was a question or a statement, she didn't know what to say.

"The network here is so bad", he commented as he dropped his laptop aside and looked at her for a while, she felt strange under his gaze,

"Come to the bed, why are you standing there will you sleep there?" He asked,

She slowly walked to the other side of the bed, her mother's words still ringing in her ears,

He was trying to make simple conversations with her but it seemed futile, she sat awkwardly, he suddenly stood up and left the room, she thanked God, quickly she lay down and pretended to be asleep, if he came back he would find her sleeping and maybe he wouldn't touch her,

He came back, she knew because she was not sleeping, he sat on her side of the bed, she felt the bed sink in a bit, cold hands tapped her gently, she pretended to get up like a sleepy person, in the dim light of the room he seemed to smile but she was not sure.

She was certain now that he would want to have his way with her,

"Sit" he commanded, she complied,

"Eat" he said,she saw the plate of covered food

"I don't want to eat"she said

"Phew" he breathed, "I was starting to think that you were mute" he laughed, "but you have to eat, you must be hungry today has been a busy day" he said,

"I am not feeling hungry" she protested,

"If you are scared then I'll also eat, he picked up a spoon and started to eat, her stomach growled she was very hungry,hesitating for a bit she shyly took a spoon and ate to after eating in silence he went to drop the plates and silverware, he came back went to his side of the bed and slept, she waited a while thinking about all that happened today and maybe whatever would happen tomorrow.

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