truth or dare

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It had been a quiet day for senpai but he knew it wouldn't last and as he thought that seemingly out the blue a slim small figure he had been all too familiar with popped her head into the door.

"sup senpai" she said while climbing on the couch sloppily.

"sup" senpai said while drawing a sketch a of fruit bowl which he had brought from home.

"hey senpai wanna play a game" nagatoro said while a devilish grin appeared on her face

senpai had had a long day and wasn't really up for it he thought, But not wanting to upset her agreed to the game still not knowing what a big mistake he just made.

"the game is truth or dare" she said as the grin on her face had become larger which senpai had noticed but reluctant to say anything kept quiet.

he let out a sign and gulped as he was unprepared for this not that preparing would have helped him as much as he would like to believe.

"Truth or dare" she asked the boy he was quivering at his own thoughts about what she was gonna ask him to do or say.

He gave it a long hard thought but ended up saying truth not wanting her to dare him to do anything crazy he thought thinking he out smarted her but he had played right into her trap.

"Do you like my teasing senpai?" She said with a more serious tone on her face almost worried in nagatoros head she felt bad for all the horrible things she had done to him but she didn't know how else she could express her feelings inside she was a mess of emotions which she took out on senpai.

senpai thought about it for a solid minute and he had found his answer he didn't hate her teasing in fact he might enjoy certain parts of her teasing but he didn't like when she would always say she was joking when asking him stuff like kissing he said after finished this sentence he was left with a massive blush not really realising what he said to it's proper extent

she didn't know wether to blush or feel sad she though but then she remembered that he said he didn't dislike her teasing which meant that he didn't mind when she would tease him in a sexual way she felt a small smile form on her face which went unnoticed by senpai she regained her composure and told senpai it was his turn to ask her.

he shook his head to get rid of the thoughts that had appeared in his head after his speech and then proceeded to ask her truth or dare which she responded with truth he thought about what he would ask her then it clicked since she always teased him about being a virgin he would ask her if she was one which meant she couldn't make fun of him anyway since she was one herself.

he then with all his courage asked her "a-are y-you a virgin" he said smoothing out his voice in the last bit of his sentence.

This took her by surprise and within a second she was blushing with a bright pinky colour on her cheeks he quickly took by his question but was told that she would answer it since and since he didn't like her teasing him about dates and stuff she would stop.

her answer was y-yes.. which came to his surprise since he was always made fun of for himself being virgin he looked happy which she brought up by saying "senpai don't you look happy" with a smirky smile across her face followed by laughter

he bounced back nearly falling off his chair in the process but managed to regain his ground and then proceeded to adjusted his glasses farther up his nose he didn't know what to say some part of him knew she was a virgin because she could get embarrassed too like the time he held he asked her to describe lewd things but he never though she'd say it.

she had started to panic since he had not said a word in a while so she tried to get his attention by calling his name he looked up and awaited her response "senpai have you ever had a sleep over" he asked her if this was her dare which she replied no but he still answered since she probably knew the answer anyway which was no by the way.

she started to laugh a little bit but inside she was really happy now was her chance to invite him to stay since her parents and sister were on holiday which she was asked if she wanted to come but not being able to tease senpai for more than a month was more than what she could deal with so she told them no and her brother was staying at his friends for a week.

This was really weird for senpai he didn't know why she wanted to know if he ever had a sleep over but it was probably to tease him guessing off the laughing that was coming from her mouth.

"well senpai since you've never had a sleep over would you like to have one at my place" keeping her cool but just barely

senpai nearly spat out the water he was just drinking shocked at what she just asked him he didn't know if she was joking or not he asked her if she was joking.

"senpai I told you I would stop remember?"she said with a purposeful little smile on her face senpai now had to choose he thought I mean what's the worst that could happen WAS HE KIDDING?!?! He thought again but it wouldn't be so bad he thought so then he replied "s-sure" while pushing his glasses further up his nose

senpai was about to paint again when she said senpai the game isn't over until one of us won't do the dare she said senpai gulp as he thought he was finally free of her grasp he got off his chair to go sit on the couch so he could be more comfortable since he felt he was going to be here for a while once again she asked him "trust or dare oh and by the way senpai who ever wins gets a do anything you say ticket.

This gave senpai a little confidence and he said d-dare...

this story will be continued when I have time I will try making a new part every week or so thank you for reading I
have a new part on the way expect it to come out in maximum 3 days

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