The beach

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Hey the new chapter is out hope you enjoy as always if you see any typos or things you would like to see or things I can improve on please tell me about it anyway please enjoy

Senpai was wondering if he had heard her wrong but with further thought he realised that he had heard her crystal clear but that didn't mean he believed what had just came out her he was basically frozen in place.

Nagatoro walked over to her draws and with every step she took senpai got more tempted to look over his shoulder but he managed to control his temptations.

Nagatoro opened her top draw pulling out a pink over sized button up T-shirt which she put on top of the draws so she could look for some pants she then opened the draw right below and pulled out some matching pants.

She then pulled the T-shirt over her back then pulling her right arm into the long sleeves then doing the same with her left.

She then started buttoning up her T-shirt from the bottom to the top and then dragged her Pants from the top of the draws and placed her right leg into her pants doing the same with her left.

"Senpai you can look now not that you bothered to care before" nagatoro said with a bashful tone now with her hand on her hip with a massive grin on her face since she knew she had got him right where she wanted him

Nagatoro walked closer to her senpai he quivered at her every step once she made it to him they were inches away from each other she had a massive blush on her face but at this point she didn't care what she appeared like.

Senpais legs became weak and his head become light but he managed to stay up this wasn't like all the other times they wasn't going to be interrupted for once in his life he wanted to be the one to engage.

"Senpai you spaced out again" the words kind of jumped out her mouth she was afraid she was moving a bit fast for him not that she showed any of that emotion it was covered with a grin.

Senpai jumped back in to reality and then realised this was it this was his chance to finally engage into something so whilst hold holding his breath he moved his face closer at this point they could both feel each other's breath.

Which only made the feeling the both had in there stomachs become stronger but as soon as they locked lips the feeling in there stomach disappeared and they were left with a pleasant pleasureful feeling which neither of them had expected.

It was a awkward kiss and wasn't really the best however neither of them had anything to compare it too other than that one time she kissed him because of the drawing but this with different somehow.

Senpai had broken the kiss before it could turn into anything more they were both left with warm stomachs and red faces senpai thought it was weird seeing nagatoro blush but he thought to savour the moment.

"I'm going to get changed" senpai said with his face redder then he thought was humanly possible up to this point.

Senpai had just noticed that he was a bit more excited then he thought promptly leaving to get changed into his night time attire before nagatoro could notice which was smart of him because nagatoro was still busy trying to process what happened.

Nagatoro sat of her bed trying to just adjust to what had happened.

"He did it he really kissed me" nagatoro tried to calm her self down but she couldn't help it senpai out of all people actually made the first move admittedly with a bit of a push from her but still.

Senpai slowly opened the door and entered into the room still with a blush on his face which he guessed wouldn't go anytime soon since he was going to be in the same bed as her.

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