Caught out...

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Sorry for the little delay to took to get this out but I hope you enjoy and as always if you see any mistakes comment them so I can fix it thank you.

After hearing this even the likes of Nagatoro felt a cold chill down her spin she asked senpai this but she wasn't expecting him to go along with it! She thought she would have to quickly adjust her plan.

Senpai was just sat there confused as to what he was meant to be doing next like he definitely wasn't an expert in this field but then again neither is Nagatoro.

After a bit of awkward silence nagatoro regained herself she started prising herself mentally and thanking herself for being quite good at that since it had definitely saved her quite a couple times.

Nagatoro turned around and basically jumped on the bed which senpai followed her while with a lot less energy put into it but Nagatoro wasn't quite ready to roll over and go sleep yet she wanted to play a bit more.

So she thought of a game they could play while senpai was still trying to come back down to earth since he was still a little in the clouds at the minute and as senpai was just about to calm down nagatoro thought of something.

"Sen~pai" even til this day senpai wasn't used to nagatoro and frankly he didn't know if he ever would it wasn't starting to seem like he wasn't though he quickly turned to her waiting for the next words to come flying out her mouth.

But as senpai was staring he started to realise just how out of his league she really was like why did she even choose fo hang out with him in the first place surely it wasn't good for her reputation for her to be seen with him.

Nagatoro noticed senpai staring and quickly got into a posing position in the bed and then followed up by asking senpai what he was so fixated on staring about which he didn't even bother trying to defend himself against since she was speaking the truth.

Nagatoro seeing senpai dash his head the other way left her with a amused smirk engraved on her face which senpai could see from the corner of his eye at first when he met her he tried shutting her out like he did with all his bullies.

Which for some reason never worked he didn't know what it was about her but he could never shut her out or get her out of his mind it's like as soon as he met her he has been out into a trap which he could never escape from.

But now he view it as more of a well he didn't really know what it was at this point but he didn't view it as something bad and would even go as far to say it had changed him but he still had a long way to go before he could be at the level of nagatoro.

So here they were sat on the young girls bed nagatoro was the first to do something about the silence by asking senpai if he would like to play a game senpai was first inclined to ask what game it was.

He was going to make the same mistake as he did when they play truth or dare which he still mentally kicks himself for to this day but that's in the past now.

He looked at nagatoro awaiting his response well mostly at the bed he still couldn't keep his eye contact on her in moments like these as he said he still has a long way to go after all.

"Senpai why don't you pick this time" senpai looked at her with a almost puzzled face and then the fact that nagatoro plans and pushes him to do these things it's a little strange for her to ask.

"W-why don't we watch a m-movie instead" senpai knew if he had picked a game she would have way to many openings too tease him so he tried to play the safe game.

It was getting late so nagatoro didn't want to have to argue with him so she let him win this one but she was sure she might have some chances to tease him even when watching a movie.

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